PURPOSES: Most of the traffic surveys are carried out by an inspection method by the manpower. In some cases, the video equipment is used only in some regions when the traffic volume is surveyed. In this case, there is environmental restriction that the road equipment to fix the video equipment should exist. Also, in areas where information such as digital maps and satellite photographs is old or not provided, they are forced to rely on manpower research, but it is difficult to put huge amounts of time and money into the research in places where labor supply and demand is difficult. This difficulty is particularly pronounced in overseas business.
METHODS : The purpose of this study is to improve the efficiency of business by using the drones in the traffic investigation through analysis of the cost reduction effect between the existing method and the proposed method in the overseas business traffic survey. The scope of the research is limited to the scope of research, and based on the case of overseas projects, the method of using drone for each research sector is suggested.
RESULTS: In the traffic condition survey section, we propose the use of drone for traffic survey and queue length survey, and it is confirmed that there is a cost saving effect of 16% ~ 27% compared with the existing method. In the road condition survey, we propose the use of drones for road surface linear survey, geometry survey, and obstacle survey, and it was confirmed that the cost reduction effect is 39% ~ 93% compared to the existing method.
CONCLUSIONS: In addition to overseas business, it is expected that it will have a positive effect on research time and cost reduction by using drone in traffic survey in domestic area where labor supply is not easy or basic data is insufficient.
PURPOSES: This study was initiated to estimate expressway traffic congestion costs by using Vehicle Detection System (VDS) data. METHODS : The overall methodology for estimating expressway traffic congestion costs is based on the methodology used in a study conducted by a study team from the Korea Transport Institute (KOTI). However, this study uses VDS data, including conzone speeds and volumes, instead of the volume delay function for estimating travel times. RESULTS : The expressway traffic congestion costs estimated in this study are generally lower than those observed in KOTI's method. The expressway lines that ranked highest for traffic congestion costs are the Seoul Ring Expressway, Gyeongbu Expressway, and the Youngdong Expressway. Those lines account for 64.54% of the entire expressway traffic congestion costs. In addition, this study estimates the daily traffic congestion costs. The traffic congestion cost on Saturdays is the highest. CONCLUSIONS : This study can be thought of as a new trial to estimate expressway traffic congestion costs by using actual traffic data collected from an entire expressway system in order to overcome the limitations of associated studies. In the future, the methodology for estimating traffic congestion cost is expected to be improved by utilizing associated big-data gathered from other ITS facilities and car navigation systems.
The introduction of coastal vessel traffic services enables vessels in coastal waters to navigate in safety or to get her position with ease and prevents the vessel from becoming cause of casualties. But it needs relatively huge amount of cost to construct and operate and maintain. Thus we must be checked with economical adequacy of the the proposed coastal vessel traffic services by comparing the cost of the construction, operation and maintenance with the expected benefit made by the expected decrease in marine casualties. In previous paper, a proper cost-benefit analysis model for the Korean practice will be suggested. In this Paper, the proposed the cost-benefit analysis model of coastal vessel traffic services was applied to the Koje coastal waters 20mi1es from the top of Maemul-Do and Yokchi-Do. As the result, we confirmed the propriety of the cost-benefit analysis with the application of the proposed model to Koje waters. Also, it is verified that the introduction of coastal vessel traffic services, as proposed, is adequate and economical. The cost-benefit analysis model proposed in this study could be used to investigate the economic Propriety of new aids to navigation and traffic safety facilities in the future.
부산항 북항은 일제 강점기에 축조된 일반부두(1,2,중앙,3,4)에서 시작하여 자성대, 신선대, 감만 부두 등으로 확장되었다. 그러나 도심과 접한 항만의 입지적 특성으로 인하여 물류 활동 및 도시 활동 양 측면에서 문제가 대두되어 왔다. 장치장 부족으로 인한 부두밖 장치장(ODCY) 확대가 대표적이다. 이것은 물류비용 증가뿐만 아니라 우암로, 충장로 등 주요 간선도로상의 화물 차량 비중을 높이는 결과를 가져와서 심각한 사회 문제가 되고 있다. 본 연구는 일반부두와 자성대부두 재개발로 인한 충장로, 우암로 등 인접 주요 간선도로의 통행량 감소 효과를 분석하고 그동안 차량 통행으로 발생된 교통혼잡으로 인한 사회적 비용의 절감효과를 분석하여 두 부두의 재개발로 인한 효과를 제시하는 데 목적이 있다.
이 연구는 연안 VTS의 타당성을 검토하기 위한 비용편익분석모델을 제안한다. 특히 모델의 가장 중요한 요소인 비용과 편익의 항목 및 정량화 방법을 세분한다. 제안한 모델은 연안 VTS를 포함한 대형 해상교통안전시설의 타당성을 분석하고, 그 우선순위를 결정에 활용될 수 있을 것이다.