This article defines the characteristics of Korean vegetarianism by tracing the changes in the core motives revealed in the historical development of the vegetarian movement that started in the West. We further explore and compare the limitations of the vegetarian movement conceived in the West with the essential values, ‘How can Korean vegetarian culture gain the upper hand?’. Our results indicate that the sequential changes of the motives inherent to the flow of the modern vegetarian movement were <religious-philosophy>, <political-society>, and <healthy-nutrition>. This settled the transition from ‘vegetarianism as an ideological form’ to ‘vegetarianism as a lifestyle’, making it a more becoming way of life. However, along with the spread of ‘vegetarian lifestyle as a form of life’, commercial vegetarianism, which overshadows the essential value of vegetarianism, continued to flourish due to the modern capitalist industrial system. To curb commercialization, the necessity arose to establish a new vegetarian diet with a propensity towards an ‘ecological-environmental point of view’. Thus, in order to establish the term and concept of a vegetarian diet for Korean vegetarian characteristics, we propose the formation of a vegetarian term and concept suitable for the Korean vegetarian culture.
Increasing numbers of Korean adults, especially women, are adopting vegetarian diets for various reasons. In this study, the characteristics of vegetarianism among females residing in Seoul were examined. In addition, the dietary habits and eating behaviors between vegetarians and non-vegetarians were investigated. A total of 148 females (73 vegetarians, 75 non-vegetarians) were recruited and questionnaires regarding their demographic characteristics and eating habits were completed. The eating behavior and daily intake of food groups was assessed using the three factor eating questionnaire-R18 (TFEQ-R18) and food frequency questionnaire, respectively. The ages, BMI, education, and religious affiliation were not significantly different between the two groups. More than 30% of vegetarians had followed a vegetarian diet for longer than 24 months. The most common motivations for vegetarianism in study participants were ‘health or weight control’ (46.6%) followed by ‘environmental concerns or animal welfare’ (24.7%). Vegetarians had a lower intake of cereals, Kimchi, and soda, but a higher intake of potatoes and sweet potatoes, vegetables, mushrooms, seaweed, and fruits compared to non-vegetarians. Significant differences in eating behavior scores were also found between the two groups; in particular, vegetarians reported higher levels of restrained eating and emotional eating than non-vegetarians. Scores of uncontrolled eating, however, were not significantly different between the two groups. In conclusion, these results suggest that while vegetarianism is associated with healthy dietary habits, it is associated with restrained eating behaviors which may increase the risk of eating disorders in women.
이 연구의 목적은 기독교 채식주의 전통에 대한 역사적 연구에 기초하여 기독교 채식주의의 본질을 이해하고, 그 전통에 내포된 사회윤리적 담론을 고찰하는 것이다. 기독교의 식생활 관행에서 육식 금지의 전통은 수도사들의 금욕주의적인 삶에서 구체화되기 시작했다. 이런 관행은 수도원의 주요 규례가 되었고, 사순절, 사계제일 등과 같은 전례에 의해 강조되면서 기독교 신앙 전통으로 유지되었다. 그러나 분파주의자들의 엄격한 육식 금지의 관행, 수도원 금욕주의의 완화, 종교개혁자들의 수도원 관행 비판 등의 요소들로 인해 기독교 신앙 전통에서 육식 금지의 식사 관행은 계승되지 못했다. 그럼에도 불구하고 육식 금지를 근간으로 하는 기독교의 채식주의 전통은 동물 복지와 사회 질서유지의 차원에서 사회윤리적 담론을 포함하고 있으며, 현대 사회에 서 이러한 기독교 식생활 관행을 성찰하는 것은 의미가 있다. 특별히 채식이 기후변화의 위기를 해결할 수 있는 대안적인 식단으로 강조되고 있는 21세기에, 기독교는 채식주의 전통에 내포된 생태윤리적인 담론을 성찰하여, 그 실천 적 지혜를 계승할 필요가 있음을 제안한다.