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        검색결과 6

        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Vietnam is a developing country with impressive economic achievements in recent years. Efficient logistics system is considered the key to success of Vietnam’s development, especially when its economy relies on import, export and foreign investment. Since 2007, Logistics Performance Index (LPI) issued by the World Bank has been used as a trustworthy signal for the condition of a country’s logistics system. In 2018, Vietnam’s LPI shows a spectacular improvement by increasing 25 ranks and stands at the 39th position in the global ranking. It is also the best position for a lower-middle income economy in the ranking. The paper aims to reveal the current situation of Vietnam’s Logistics system behind this remarkable increase of the LPI ranking. Both the statistical and empirical analyses will be applied to answer the proposed Hypothesis and Sub-Questions for better understanding on Vietnam’s LPI. It is concluded that despite of a sudden rise in the LPI results, Vietnam’s logistics system has not shown a significant improvement. In order to maintain the LPI rank in the top 50 in the world, Vietnam needs to continue making efforts to develop synchronous logistics system to gradually solve current problems.
        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For the whole process of circulation, distribution, application of the logistics system is a higher development step of transportation technology. Multimodal transport has linked all modes of transport together to serve the supply and consumption needs of the manufacturer. Currently, when e-commerce (EC) is on the rise, quality logistics and delivery services are the essential stages to achieve success in transactions. e-commerce today is no longer a fashion trend; it is an essential part of the retail industry. EC is changing the game of Logistics. The e-commerce world has been introducing many risks and complex issues that logistics and supply chain experts have never faced. E-commerce is the main impact on terminal logistics (last mile) and warehousing. However, it is also quite interesting to see how e-commerce is impacting airports and seaports. E-commerce is growing actively in Vietnam at a rate of about 25% per year, which is an excellent opportunity for business logistics services to get more orders. Moreover, the Vietnamese logistics market is small but has a high growth rate (20% - 25% / year). In recent times, this market is expected to change the face and grow faster due to the development of electronic retail in Vietnam and e-Logistics logistics trends in the world. However, to meet the requirements, to grasp the opportunities, logistics enterprises need to link to get a closed and synchronized service chain. So logistics companies need to increase information, respond faster, enhance technology to meet flexible processes, establish networks, and business links to meet changing needs. The article shows that the inadequacies and lack of cohesion between logistics service providers and e-commerce are limiting competitiveness, losing opportunities of enterprises, and the economy in the context of healthy industrial revolution 4.0. The assessment of the correlation and connectivity of logistics and e-commerce enterprises in Vietnam in the paper will contribute significantly to the development of Vietnam's economy in the period 2020-2025.
        2019.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Vietnam is located in the centre of Asia - Pacific, on international maritime routes. With a long coastline of about 3260 km stretching from North to South, Vietnam has many favourable conditions to bring import and export goods to the world. Not only its production, but Vietnam is also an ideal place to conduct transhipment activities such as transit, border-gate transfer, and temporary import for re-export. Vietnam is a country with favourable natural conditions and geographical location to develop logistics services. Along with the process of opening and integration, the volume of goods produced, domestically circulated and exported and imported in recent years has grown strongly, which is the premise and driving force for the development of logistics services. Logistics is becoming an essential service industry of international trade activities and attracts extraordinary attention to the economic community. The role of science and technology in development has been widely accepted. In today's increasingly competitive international environment, technology is a vital strategic element for rapid socio-economic development. Thanks to technological innovation, businesses have many opportunities to improve productivity, product quality, as well as to improve the ability in designing new production lines, new products and improving the efficiency in business management and operation. In order to survive and develop sustainably, all countries have preferential policies to encourage businesses to innovate technology. Moreover, businesses also recognize the need for technological innovation to keep pace with the world's development trend; this is the experience gained from countries with developed economies. This paper presents some issues on trends and applications of information technology, blockchain technology in the field of supply chain management and logistics to improve the competitiveness and develop logistics services of Vietnam. On that basis, the article also proposes several recommendations to support businesses in innovation and technology application in managing and operating this critical economic sector.
        2019.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Currently, the 4.0 industrial revolution has influenced almost sectors entire the world. Chances, and challenges always are created in the fourth industrial revolution that has never faced in the past. Changing and renewing are necessary unless enterprises will come out of “playground” of the fourth industrial revolution. The navigational field which has not been outside the “playground” has suffered from numerous challenges currently. Although the possible advantages of marine industry only include the seaport system and government support, the challenges and barriers are the majority. Labor, database management, digital technologies, infrastructures, investment, and customer’s attractions are the existent trials of the maritime field. It is evaluated as the key major; logistics has followed the trend of expanding. In order to give general views for readers about the prevailing tendency, the author contributes by writing a small article. Although the fourth industrial revolution has originated many barriers, the development stages of the logistics industry in the revolution also are mentioned in the article. In order to write the article, consulting several sources such as books, newspapers, magazines, reports as well as other articles was necessary. Analysis, statistic, prediction, the application is the essential methods which were used to express the topic. The authors used the SWOT analysis method to assess opportunities and challenges for Vietnam's logistics industry in the early stage of the 4.0 revolution. Some recommendations for the sustainable and adaptive development of Vietnam's logistics industry have been proposed from the above analysis. The article consists of four root parts which are: firstly, the development stages of the logistics industry; secondly, the reality of logistics and supply chain management in 4.0 industrial revolution; thirdly, the expanding tendency of the Vietnam logistics industry; eventually, recommendations for Vietnam logistics industry to meet the world trend. Relating to the logistics sector and the fourth industrial revolution, the article will reflect the considerable development and opportunities of the logistics field during the 4.0 industrial revolution approaching period.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        베트남은 풍부한 노동력을 바탕으로 빠르게 경제가 성장하고 있다. 국내 물류기업은 해외시장 진출을 위해 노력하고 있다. 해외 물류기업도 베트남 시장에 진출하면서 물류 네트워크를 확대해 나가고 있다. 이러한 상황에서 국내 물류기업들도 기회를 포착하여 베트남 시 장에 진출할 필요성을 실감하고 있다. 본 논문에서는 모방전략을 이용하여 국내 중견중소 물류기업의 베트남 물류시장 진출 전략 수립에 목 적을 두고 있다.
        2016.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The sea-port in Northern Vietnam accounts for around one third of the total country’s cargo throughput and for many decades has been playing an important role in the logistics system of the country. 11 container terminals currently operate in Northern Vietnam, concentrating in Haiphong city and Quang Ninh province. Despite the increasing demand, the competition among these container terminals has become increasingly more critical. In recent years, massive investments from both government and operators have been made to improve the capability of the local sea-port’s logistics infrastructure. This critically needed comprehensive research evaluates the impact of the current logistics infrastructure condition on the competitiveness of terminals and quantitatively compares the competencies of these terminals. In order to meet such requirements, the paper first summarizes the indicators of the logistics infrastructures of the sea ports before developing and testing hypotheses to reveal the correlation between the given factors and the annual throughput of container terminals in the region. Factor analysis will then be applied to score the logistics infrastructure competency of each container terminal. A significant gap between logistics infrastructures among all container terminals was not observed and the competitiveness between container terminals is mostly driven by traditional activities including cargo handling and storage. According to the results, strategic thinking will be needed to contribute to related organizations for better decisions in investment, management, and operation.