본 연구에서는 monoammonium phosphate가 WPU의 물성에 끼치는 영향을 필름 상태와 피혁(Full-Grain) 표면에 코팅을 하여 기계적 물성을 분석 하였다. DSC 결과 monoammonium phosphate가 많이 함유된 WPU-AM3 샘플이 382℃로 높은 물성이 측정되었으며, 내용제성은 모든 샘플이 우수함을 알 수 있었다. 인장강도의 경우 monoammonium phosphate가 가장 많이 함유된 WPU-AM3(2.130kgf/mm2)가 가장 낮은 물성을 보였으며, 연실율과 내마모성 역시 monoammonium phosphate가 많이 함유된 WPU-AM3가 615 % 및 52.07 mg.loss로 낮은 물성을 나타내었다.
본 연구에서는 밀크 카제인과 WPU를 이용한 하이브리드 수지를 합성하였다. 합성한 하이브리드 수지를 피혁(Full-Grain) 표면에 코팅을 하여 카제인이 하이브리드수지에 어떤 영향을 주는지에 대해 분석 하였다. 내용제성 테스트 데이터에 의하면 WPU 와 하이브리드 수지 양쪽 모두 높은 물성치를 나타내었다. 인장 강도 측정치에서는 WPU 단독 결과(2.130 kgf/mm2)가 가장 낮은 수치를 나타내었으며, WPC-3(WPU 91: casein resin 9)의 경우가 가장 높은 인장력(2.191 kgf/mm2)을 나타내었다. 또한 내마모도 측정에서는 WPC-3(50.090 mg.loss)가 좋은 물성값을 나타내었다. 연실률의 경우 WPU(637 %) 단독 코팅물의 분석값이 가장 높은 637%로 알 수 있었다.
In this study we experimented that how chain extension influences to waterborne urethane-acrylic hybrid resin for leather garment coatings. We knew that polyurethane-acrylic hybrid resins had 5 grades of solvent resistance. Tensile strength measured in the polyurethane-acrylic resin(EDA 5.37 g, 1.928 kgf/mm2) had the most strong strength. Also polyurethane-acylic hybrid resin(EDA 5.37 g. 30.2 mg. loss) had better result than other hybrid resins. EDA contents higher, we obtained low elongation and low flexibility. In this result, chain extension of waterborne polyurethane-acrylic hybrid resin showed the effect in leather coating with ratio of EDA.
In this study, we experimented that how influence chain extension to waterborne urethane-epoxy hybrid resin for leather garment coatings. First of all, We had analyzed datas by FT-IR, SEM and machanical properties. By instruments analysis measurement we confirmed that synthesis of epoxy and hybrid resin. In this experiment we knew that polyurethane-epoxy hybrid resin have 5 grades of solvent resistance. Tensile strength measured in the polyurethane-epoxy resin(EDA 5.37g, 2.386 kgf/mm2) had the most strong strength.. Also polyurethane-epoxy hybrid resin had better result(EDA 5.37g. 37.4 mg. loss) than other hybrid resins. As hight proportion of EDA in hybid resin, we obtained low elongation and low flexibility. In this result, chain extension of waterborne polyurethane-epoxy hybrid resin showed that how effect in leather coating by ratio of EDA.
In this study, we experimented that how to synthesis waterborne urethane-epoxy hybrid resin for leather garment coatings. First of all, We had analyzed datas by FT-IR, SEM and TGA for the machanical properties. By instruments analysis measurement we confirmed that synthesis of urethane and epoxy. In this experiment we knew that polyurethane and urethane-epoxy hybrid resin have 4~5 grades of solvent resistance. Tensile strength measured in the urethane-epoxy resin(epoxy 12%, 2.033kgf/mm2) had the most strong strength than polyurethane(1.833 kgf/mm2) emulsion samples. Also urethane-epoxy hybrid resin had better result than polyurethane in acid resistance and abrasion test. As hight proportion of epoxy in hybid resin, we obtained low elongation and low flexibility. In this result, the mechanical properties of waterborne polyurethane-epoxy hybrid resin showed that how effect in leather coating by ratio of epoxy emulsion.
In this study, we experimented that how to synthesis waterborne urethane-acrylic hybrid resin for leather coatings. First of all, We had analyzed data by FT-IR, SEM and TGA for the machanical properties. By TGA analysis polymers showed heat distortion temperature. and by FT-IR measurement we confirmed that synthesis of urethane and acrylic. In the experiment, solvent resistance, polyurethane and acrylic grades 4-5 showed both a high. Tensile strength measured in the waterborne polyurethane 〉 Acrylic emulsion showed strength in the order. Films were obtained by coating the water born resin on leveled surfaces and allowing them to dry at room temperature for 72hrs. After demolding, the films were kept in a desiccator to avoid moisture contant at 25℃ for 45hrs before the measurements. In this result, the mechanical propersies of waterborne polyurethane-acrylic hybrid resin showed that how effect to resin in leather coating between polyurethane content and acrylic content. Therefore, acrylic emulsion had most high solvent resistance glade and waterborne polyurethane had good result in abrasion test and tensile strength.
To improve the mechanical properties of hydroxyapatite (HA)/waterborne polyurethane (WBPU) composites, the hydroxyl group of HA was modified by urethane reactions: the hydroxyl groups of HA were reacted with aliphatic or cyclic diisocyanate, and then the modified HAs were extended by adding polyol and/or ε-caprolactone. Composites were prepared by the prepolymer process method: the modified HA was directly pured into the urethane reaction of isocyanate and polyol. The properties of modified HA/WBPU composites were investigated by thermogravimetric analysis, tensile strength, and water resistance. The results showed that the reactivity of aliphatic diisocyanate to the hydroxy group of HA was faster than that of cyclic one. Comparing to those of pure HA/WBPU composite films, the thermal stability, water resistance, and mechanical properties of the modified composite films increased with a degree of modification of HA.
The waterborne perfluoroacylic polyurethane composite (WFPUC) series were prepared by the emulsion polymerization (WFPUC-E) and the physical blending (WFPUC-B). WFPUC-E was prepared by polymerizing perfluoroalkyl ethyl acrylate (FA) and waterborne polyurethane (WPU), and WFPUC-B was prepared by blending FA copolymer and WPU. The structures of the synthesized WFPUC were identified by using FT-IR-ATR. The surface and thermal properties of the synthesized WFPUC were investigated by measuring contact angle, surface energy, and TGA. The surface energy of WFPUC-E was lower than that of WFPUC-B. The thermal stability of the WFPUC-B showed better than that of the WFPUC-E.
Waterborne polyurethane dispersions (WPUD) were prepared by poly(ethylene glycol) adipate as the polyester type, α,ω-hydroxyalkyl terminated polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS-diol) as the polysiloxane type, hexamethylene diisocyanate, and isophorone diisocyanate, dimethylol propionic acid. The effects of PDMS-diol contents on the particle size, thermal and surface properties of WPUD were investigated. The structures of the synthesized WPUD were confirmed using by FT-IR. The surface, thermal and mechanical properties were investigated by measuring the contact angles, DSC, TGA and UTM. As PDMS-diol contents increased, the particle size, the contact angle, and the elongation was increased, while the tensile strength was decreased. Also the thermal stabilities of the synthesised WPUD were increased as PDMS-diol contents increased.