
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 5

        2021.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Background: Physical activity and quality of life (QOL) influence the health status of older adults. Recently, the use of wearable devices to monitor physical activity has increased. Objects: This study examined the relationship between the amount of physical activity, measured using a wearable device, and QOL among older adults. Methods: In total, 71 older adults (aged ≥ 65 years) were enrolled. The amount of physical activity was measured using a wearable device with a wrist strap, and daily physical activity was classified according to intensity (sedentary, light, moderate, or very active). Self-reported QOL was evaluated using the Short Form 36 (SF-36) questionnaire. Pearson and Spearman correlation analyses were conducted to analyze parametric and non-parametric variables, respectively. The relationship between amount of daily physical activity and SF-36 scores was assessed. Results: The correlation analyses revealed positive correlations between the amount of moderate- intensity and very active physical activity (minutes/day) and SF-36 scores (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Physical activity of at least moderate intensity is associated with better QOL in older adults. Further studies are required to verify the effects of increased physical activity on QOL in older adults.
        2019.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        우리나라는 초고령 사회(super-aged society)를 향해 가고 있으며, 이러한 압축적 고령화(compressed aging) 현상은 여러 가지 다양하고 복잡한 노인문제를 야기할 것이다. 본 논문에서는 고령화 시대 노인의 건강 증진과 삶의 질 향상을 목표로 노인 대상 댄스 게임 콘텐츠를 제안한다. 노인 대상 댄스게임을 디자인하기 위해 기존의 운동을 통한 노인 건강 유지 및 활동 개선에 대한 연구, 노인 대상 신체 운동 게임에 대한 연구 성과와 현재 서비스하고 있는 댄스게임을 살펴보았다. 운동은 정신적, 신체적, 사회적으로 건강하고 독립적인 삶의 질을 확보하기 위해 필요한 행동이다. 노화과정에서 나타나는 신체적, 인지적, 정신적 변화를 살펴보고, 이를 바탕으로 댄스의 강도, 빈도, 시간 등을 고려하여 운동 프로그램을 제안할 필요가 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 손목에 착용할 수 있는 Gear S3와 같은 웨어러블 디바이스를 활용하여 헬스앱과 연동하여 노인이 심박수를 체크하면서 안전하고 즐겁게 운동을 할 수 있는 노인대상 댄스게임을 디자인하고 이를 제안하였다. 제안하는 댄스게임은 운동, 음악, 게임성이 합쳐진 콘텐츠로써 안전하고 지속적으로 노인들이 운동할 수 있도록 유인할 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        목적: 웨어러블 디바이스(google glass)를 착용함으로써 생길 수 있는 문제점들을 알아보고, 단기적으로 컴퓨터, 태블릿PC, 구글글라스를 사용했을 때 발생되는 조절반응량을 비교하고자 한다. 방법: 양안시 기능(조절, 버전스)이 정상인 30명(남8, 여22)을 대상으로 조절반응량을 측정하였다. 조절 반응량 비교를 위해 원거리 굴절이상도를 측정한 후 10분동안 컴퓨터, 태블릿PC, 구글글라스 순서로 같은 화면을 바라보게 하여 각각의 조절반응량을 양안개방형 안굴절력계를 이용하여 측정하였다. 결과: 양안의 조절자극량이 차이가 있을 때, 조절반응량은 각각 오른쪽(1.13±0.33D), 왼쪽(1.15±0.35D) 으로 유의한 차이가 없었다. 컴퓨터, 태블릿PC, 구글글라스의 왼쪽눈의 각 평균은 컴퓨터(0.77±0.54D), 태 블릿PC(1.42±0.45D), 구글글라스(0.29±0.18D)이다. 컴퓨터와 태블릿PC는 유의한 상관관계가 없었으나, 컴퓨터와 구글글라스, 태블릿PC와 구글글라스에서는 유의한 차이가 있음을 알 수 있었다(p<0.00). 결론: 구글글라스를 사용했을 때 발생되는 조절반응량은 극히 적었으나 조절경련이나 복시를 일으킬 만큼 의 조절이 발생되지는 않았으므로 조절에 관한 많은 연구가 필요하다. 그러나 구글글라스의 상은 허상임에 도 불구하고, 일정 정도의 조절이 유도되었으므로 조절이 약한 노안(presbyopia) 또는 강도의 원시(high hypermetropic)를 갖는 착용자들에게는 선명한 상을 보는데 어려움을 겪게 되는 요인이 될 수 있다.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the 2000s, wearable devices had been produced for the purpose of medical service and entertainment. With the growth of mobile devices that improved interaction with human beings, wearable devices that cost high although showing their potential have been developed and made for special industries such as military and logistics control, and thus have faced a great deal of difficulty with market creation. In 2015, wearable devices have tended to expand into general markets, including health care, sports, and games. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to conduct empirical survey on the next-generation users' awareness of wearable devices that emerged at the time when smart devices have changed their direction from something to carry to something to wear, and thereby to perform empirical preliminary research on the leading development direction and system establishment of the futuristic wearable device market. The study scope and methods are presented as follows: First, to analyze and outlook the domestic and foreign research trends and expected effects of wearable devices, previous studies are investigated and theoretical study is conducted. Secondly, the survey on the awareness of the future main users of wearable devices, or the next-generation user group, is conducted to look into their attitudes. Thirdly, the results from the survey on previous studies, theoretical study, and attitude research are used as the empirical material necessary for the leading development direction and system establishment of the futuristic wearable device market. The study subjects of this study were 81 college and university students in their 20s living in the metropolitan areas, who are the next-generation main users of wearable devices. They had person-to-person in-depth interviews. The questionnaire items were brand, interest, understanding of information, the extent of interest desire, the extent of purchase desire, purchase purpose, purchase factor, purchase region, non-purchase factor, and complementary factor for purchase. This study drew the following results and conclusions: Regarding the questions about interest in wearable devices, the extent of interest desire, the extent of purchase desire, purchase purpose, purchase factor, purchase region, non-purchase factor, and complementary factor for purchase, the positive replies were statistically significant regardless of sex, and there was high reliability of each question. The correlation between questions was not independent and thus it was proved that they had correlation. Typical global brands were found to be Apple Watch, Samsung Gear, and Google Glass in order. The most important non-purchase factors that the next generation group as main users had were price, function, and design. Therefore, it is necessary to solve the problem.