
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The first commercial operation of Kori-1, which commenced in April 1978, was permanently shut down in June 2017, with plans for immediate dismantling. The decommissioning process of nuclear power plants generates a substantial amount of radioactive waste and poses significant radiation exposure risks to workers. Radioactivity is widely distributed throughout the primary coolant system of the reactor, including the reactor pressure vessel (RPV), steam generator (SG), and pressurizer. In particular, the SG has a considerable size and complex geometry, weighing approximately 326 tons and having a volume of 400 m3. The SG tubes are known to contain high levels of radioactivity, leading to significant radiation exposure to workers during the dismantling process. Therefore, this study aims to evaluate the workers’ radiation exposure during the cutting of SG tubes, which account for approximately 95% of the total radiation dose in the SG. Firstly, the CRUDTRAN code, developed to predict the behavior of soluble and particulate corrosion products in a PWR primary coolant system, is used to estimate the radioactive inventory in the SG tubes. Based on decontamination factors (DF) obtained in the SG tubes through overseas experience, the expected reduction in radioactivity during the Kori-1 reactor’s full-system decontamination (FSD) process is considered in the CRUDTRAN results. These results are then processed to estimate the radioactivity in both the straight and bent sections of the tubes. Subsequently, these radioactivity values are used as inputs for the MicroShield code to calculate the worker radiation exposure during the cutting of both straight and bent sections of the tubes. The cutting process assumes that each SG tube section is cut in a separate, shielded area, and the radiation exposure is assessed, taking into account factors such as cutting equipment, cutting length, working hours, and working distance. This study evaluates the worker radiation exposure during the cutting of SG tubes, which are expected to have a significantly high radioactivity due to chalk river unidentified deposit (CRUD). This assessment also considers the reduction in radioactivity within the steam generator tubes resulting from the FSD process. Consequently, it enables an examination of how worker radiation exposure varies based on the extent of FSD. This study may provide valuable insights for determining the scope and extent of the FSD process and the development of shielding methods during the dismantling of SG tubes in the future.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study is for evaluation and optimization of workers’ radiation exposure for dismantling Reactor Vessel (RV) at Kori unit 1 in connection with its decommissioning process for the purpose of establishing Radiation Safety Management Plan. This is because the safety of workers in a radiation environment is an important issue. The basis of radiological conditions of this evaluation is supposed to be those of 10 years after the permanent shutdown of Kori unit 1 when dismantling work of Reactor Vessel would suppose to be started. Dose rates of work areas were evaluated on the basis of spatial dose rate derived from activation level calculated by MCNP (Monte Carlo N-Particle Transport) and ORIGEN-S code. RV are radiated by neutrons during operation, creating an environment in which it is difficult for operators to access and work. Therefore, the RV must be dismantled remotely. However, due to work such as installing devices or dismantling surrounding structures, it is not possible to completely block the access of workers. Accordingly, the exposure of workers to the RV dismantling process should be assessed and safety management carried out. The dismantling process of Kori unit 1 RV was developed based on in-situ execution in atmospheric environment using the oxigen-propane cutting technology as the following steps of Preparation, Dismantling of Peripheral Structures, Dismantling of RV and Finishing Work. For evaluation of exposure of RV dismantling work, those processes of each steps are correlated with spatial dose rates of each work areas where the jobs being done. Results of the evaluation show that workers’ collective dose for RV dismantling work would be in the range of 536–778 man- mSv. The most critical process would be dismantling of upper connecting parts of RV with 170–256 manmSv while among the working groups, the expert group performing dismantling of ICI (In-core instrumentation) nozzles and handling & packaging of cut-off pieces is evaluated as the most significantly affected group with 37.5–39.4 man- mSv. Based on the evaluation, improvement plan for better working conditions of the most critical process and the most affected workers in terms of radiation safety were suggested.
        2016.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 부산지역의 컴퓨터단층촬영검사실의 근무자를 대상으로 소아 두부 CT 검사를 시행함에 있어 방 사선방어에 대한 지식정도와 행위에 대한 인식도 및 의식도를 설문조사하여 기관별로 분류하여 상급종합병원, 종 합병원, 병원간의 인식도와 의식도 점수를 비교하여 영향을 미치는 요인이 무엇인지 알아보고자 하였다. 연구결과 기관별 인식도 평균점수는 상급종합병원이 42.29, 종합병원 38.43, 병원 34.06으로 상급종합병원이 가장 높게 나타 났으며 종합병원, 병원 순으로 나타났다. 기관별 의식도 평균점수는 상급종합병원이 21.37, 종합병원 24.68, 병원 29. 19로 병원이 가장 높은 것으로 나타났으며 종합병원, 상급종합병원 순으로 나타났다. 따라서 종합병원이나 병원의 CT 근무자들의 인식도를 높이기 위해서는 보수교육 및 학회 등을 통해 방사선에 대한 인식을 함양시키려는 노력이 필요할 것으로 사료되며 또한 상급종합병원의 CT 근무자들의 의식도를 높이기 위해서 방사선 방어의 최적화를 모색하고 환자에 대한 방사선 피폭선량 감소에 대해 노력을 기울여야 할 것으로 판단된다.