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        검색결과 3

        2016.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The rice growing area in Yunnan province of China can be divided into six regions based on climate weather conditions, altitude, ecotype of rice varieties, eco-system, and so on as follows: the alpine and high elevation area of Japonica rice, the cold and warm area of Japonica rice, the Indica and Japonica rice area, the single and double cropping area, the paddy and upland rice area, and the single cropping area of Indica rice. In Yunnan, the annual acreage of rice cultivation has been maintained about 1 million hectares, only 3.8 percent of China’s paddy fields. Amounts of unhulled rice production in 2013 was estimated to be around 6.7 million tons. And average unhulled rice yield per ha was 5.79 tons to 6.70 tons during 2011 to 2013. The three major breeding stages commonly have been for rice breeding program: selection of purelines from native varieties by the first 1960s.: dissemination of introduced varieties from foreign countries in the mid 1960s through 1970s; and creation of new developed varieties by hybridization followed by selection after 1980s. In terms of developing Joponica rice variety, its breeding objectives has been set differently depending on altitude: high yielding, grain quality, cold tolerance, and adaptable to low nitrogen fertilizer varieties for growing in areas of 2,100 m to 2,600 m above the sea level; high yielding, grain quality, resistance to disease, and cold tolerance varieties for cultivating in areas of 1,800 m to 2,100 m; and high yielding, grain quality, resistance to disease, and lodging tolerance varieties for planting in areas of 1,450 m to 1,800 m. In addition, researchers are breeding Japonica hybrid varieties for improving yield potentials in Yunnan Agricultural University.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        최근 캄브리아기 초기에 해당하는 동물군 화석이 중국 운남성 부근에서 다량 발견되었다. 이 동물군 화석은 5억 2천만 년 전에서 5억 2천 5백만 년 전의 연대를 가진 마오탕샨 셰일에서 산출되며, 캐나다 로키의 버제스셰일동물군과 그린란드의 시리우스파세트동물군보다 약 1천만년 내지 2천만년 더 오래된 동물군으로 판단된다. 청지앙동물군은 아주 다양한 동물 화석으로 구성되며, 몸체의 약한 부분이 잘 보존되어 있다. 이러한 조건은 유수, 생란 작용, 생화학 작용을 받지 않는 환경 즉 반복된 빠른 퇴적작용에 의해서 화석화된 것이다.