
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 19

        2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many countries have implemented genetic evaluation for fertility traits in recent years. In particular, reproductive trait is a complex trait and need to require a system-level approach for identifying candidate genes related to the trait. To find the candidate gene associated with reproductive trait, we applied a weighted gene co-expression network ana-lysis from expression value of bovine genes. We identified three co-expressed modules associated with reproductive trait from bovine microarray data. Hub genes (ZP4, FHL2 and EGR4) were determined in each module; they were topologically centered with statistically significant value in the gene co-expression network. We were able to find the highly co-expressed gene pairs with a correlation coefficient. Finally, the crucial functions of co-expressed modules were reported from functional enrichment analysis. We suggest that the network-based approach in livestock may an important method for analyzing the complex effects of candidate genes associated with economic traits like repro-duction.
        2013.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Colorectal cancer is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer in the world, nearly all patients diagnosed with this cancer die from it. Antibodies are glycoprotein molecules, which can efficiently recognize and eliminate specific pathogenic and disease antigens. Antibody researches for the last several decades have demonstrated the potential of therapeutic antibodies to fight cancer. Monoclonal antibody (mAb) CO17-1A recognizes the tumor-associated antigen GA733-2, a cell surface glycoprotein highly expressed in colorectal carcinoma cell, which is applicable for preventing and curing colorectal cancer. We have currently established baculovirus insect cell expression system to produce anti-colorectal cancer mAb CO17-1A. In this study, mAb CO17-1A was expressed in the transgenic insect cell line SWT4, which has humanized glycosylation processing pathway. Immunoblot confirmed that mAb CO17-1A properly expressed in SWT4. mAb CO17-1A was purified using protein G affinity column. In addition, Maldi-TOF verified that the mAb fused to KDEL, ER retention signal had high mannose type of glycan structure whereas the mAb without KDEL had partially humanized glycan structure. These results suggest that the insect cell expression system with the SWT4 possibly can be used as a useful alternative way to produce full-size mAb with humanized glycan structures for cancer immunotherapy.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper constitutes a second report regarding an experiment examining the relationship between color recognition and concomitant color expressions as experienced by middle school students and high school students. The experiment’s protocol required three steps: first, sixty subjects viewed 308 color chips; next, they recorded by themselves the proper color terms for those color chips; last, they selected the proper color terms matching both color chips and color terms. This experiment yielded several notable discoveries related to color recognition and concomitant color expressions. First, in the task examining systemic color terms, only 22.72% answers corresponded with the systemic color terms of KS A 0011. Especially notable was that the ‘Yellow’ color terms (31.35%) were at the top of the correspondence degree and the ‘Red’ color terms (16.58%) were at the bottom degree. Second, the task relating to idiomatic color terms revealed that ‘Namsack (dark blue), Bora (deep purple), Jaju (deep purplish red)’ color terms (23.33%) were at the top level and ‘Red’ color terms were at the bottom. Next, we elucidated three controversial points regarding KS A 0011: Lee, Hyun-hee․Shin, Ho-cheol. 2012. The Color Recognition and Color Expression of Co-relationship (2): A Critical Viewpoint of the National Standard Color Name ‘KS A 0011’. The Sociolinguistic Journal of Korea 20(1). pp. 235-265. This paper constitutes a second report regarding an experiment examining the relationship between color recognition and concomitant color expressions as experienced by middle school students and high school students. The experiment’s protocol required three steps: first, sixty subjects viewed 308 color chips; next, they recorded by themselves the proper color terms for those color chips; last, they selected the proper color terms matching both color chips and color terms. This experiment yielded several notable discoveries related to color recognition and concomitant color expressions. First, in the task examining systemic color terms, only 22.72% answers corresponded with the systemic color terms of KS A 0011. Especially notable was that the ‘Yellow’ color terms (31.35%) were at the top of the correspondence degree and the ‘Red’ color terms (16.58%) were at the bottom degree. Second, the task relating to idiomatic color terms revealed that ‘Namsack (dark blue), Bora (deep purple), Jaju (deep purplish red)’ color terms (23.33%) were at the top level and ‘Red’ color terms were at the bottom. Next, we elucidated three controversial points regarding KS A 0011: modifying adjectives, division of complex colors and combination of systemic color terms.
        2008.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We have previously produced transgenic (TG) mice expressing the human lactoferrin (hLF), interleukin-10 (hIL-10), and thrombopoietin (hTPO) proteins in the milk. In this study, we examined whether simple crossbreeding between two kids of a single transgenic mouse can produce double transgenics co-expressing two human proteins.. The hLF male, and the hIL-10 male were crossbred with the hIL-10 and hTPO females, and the hTPO female, respectively. PCR analysis for genotyping showed 32%, 23% and 24% double transgenic rates for hLF/hIL-10, hLF/hTPO, and hIL-10/hTPO transgenes, respectively. We analyzed the expression levels of the human proteins from double transgenic mice and compared those with their single transgenic siblings. All double transgenic co-expressed two human proteins at comparable levels to singles', unless hTPO was not co-expressed: for hLF, 1.1 mg/ml in hLF/hIL-10, whereas 0.5 mg/ml in hLF/hTPO; for hIL-10, 4.1 mg/ml in hIL-10/hLF, whereas 1.4 mg/ml in hIL-10/hTPO. Ihe downregulation of hTPO to half level of singles' was observed in double transgenic mice. The possible reason why hTPO co-expressed might lead to down-regulation of another human protein was discussed. These results suggested that double transgenic generated by crossbreeding between two singles' could be useful system for bioreactor.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to better understand the biological systems that are affected in response to cosmic ray, we conducted the weighted gene co-expression network analysis with module detection method. By using the Pearson’s correlation coefficient value, we were evaluated the complex gene-gene functional interactions between 680 CR-response probes from integrated microarray datasets, which included large-scale transcriptional profiling of 918 microarray samples. These probes were divided into 6 distinct modules that contained 20 enriched function such as oxidoreductase activity, response to stimulus and stress, and hydrolase activity. Especially, module 1 and 2 commonly showed the enriched annotation categories such as oxidoreductase activity, including the enriched cis-regulatory elements known as ROS specific regulator. These results suggest in module1 and 2 that ROS-mediated irradiation response pathway are affected by CR. We found the 243 irradiation-dependent probes, which were exhibited the similarities of differentially expressed patterns in various irradiation microarray datasets, and RT-PCR for confirmations of several irradiation-dependent genes were exhibited the similar expressed patterns in rice by CR, gamma ray and Ion beam treatments. Interestingly, these genes were differentially expressed by non-gravity. Moreover, we were identified the co-regulations between several irradiation-dependent genes and functional interacted genes in the CR-responsive network by various GA treatments such as different conditions of dose and treatment time. These results of network-based analysis might provide a clue to understanding the complex biological system of CR.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Ionizing radiation is known to cause chromosomal alterations such as inversions and deletions and affects gene expression within the plant genome. To monitor the genome-wide transcriptome changes by ionizing radiation, we used rice Affimetrix GeneChip microarray to identify genes that are up- or down regulated by gamma-ray (200 Gy, 60Co source), cosmic-ray and ion beam (40 Gy, 220 MeV carbon ion). The overall expression patterns between gamma-ray and ion beam were similar but cosmic-ray was regulated differently. Combined results from all 3 radiations identified 27 up-regulated genes and 188 down regulated genes. These results mean the induction of similar mechanism changes in treatments of gamma ray and ion beam. However the different expression in treatment of cosmic-ray might be due to the other environmental conditions. Among the commonly up- or down- regulated genes, we chose highly up- or down- regulated several genes and confirmed its regulation in response to ionizing radiation exposure by RT-PCR analysis. Moreover, we showed that specific co-expression networks of candidate radio marker genes by ARACNE algorithm. Our results present profiles of gene expression related to different ionizing radiation and marker gene to predict sensitivity to ionizing radiation, such as GS (glutelin subunit) and FBX322.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        MYB proteins are a superfamily of transcription factors (TF) that play regulatory roles in developmental processes and resistance mechanism in plants. We identified 130 and 109 genes in the MYB superfamily from an analysis of the complete Arabidopsis and rice genome sequence. Although microarray based transcriptome analysis approach allows the investigation of the biological networks of MYB TF in DNA level, the underling mechanisms related to their functional role is not fully understood. In this work, we performed meta-analysis of public microarray data that analyzed with Arabidopsis and rice using co-expression analysis. A phylogenetic comparison of the members of this superfamily were performed with Sorghum bicolour to suggested that MYB super family underwent a rapid expansion their evolutionary times. We identified conserved expression pairs which play important role in transcription. Our comprehensive analysis of this huge transcription factor of Arabidopsis and rice may shed further light on the possible biological roles of the MYB TF in various plants.
        2010.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We developed a novel dicistronic system for the expression of target cDNA sequences in the milk of transgenic animals using goat beta-casein/hGH fusion construct, pGbc5.5hGH (Lee, 2006) and internal ribosome entry site (IRES) sequences of encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV). Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (hG-CSF) cDNA was linked to 3' untranslated region of hGH gene in the pGbc5.5hGH via EMCV IRES sequences. Transgenic mice were generated by microinjection and transgene expression was examined in the milk and mammary gland of transgenic mice at 10 days of lactation. Northern blot analysis showed that hGH gene and hG-CSF cDNA were transcribed as a single dicistronic mRNA. The hG-CSF and hGH proteins were independently translated from the dicistronic mRNA and secreted into the milk of transgenic mice. The highest concentration of hG-CSF and hGH in the milk of transgenic mice were and , respectively. In contrast, another hG-CSF expression cassette, in which hG-CSF genomic sequences were inserted into a commercial milk-specific expression vector (pBC1), generated a lower level () of hG-CSF expression in the milk of transgenic mice. These results demonstrated that the novel pGbc5.5hGH-based dicistronic construct could be useful for an efficient cDNA expression in the milk of transgenic animals.