
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 18

        2013.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper examines a number of Korean artists-Whanki Kim, Po Kim, Byungki Kim, Lim Choong-Sup, Min Byung-Ok and etc-working in New York in the 1960s and 1970s, focusing on their motivations to head for the U.S. and their life and activity in the newly-emerged city of international art. The thesis was conceived based upon the fact that New York has been one of the major venues for Korean artists in which to live, study, travel and stay after the Korean War. Moreover, the United States, since 1945, has had a tremendous influence upon Korea politically, socially, economically, and, above all, culturally. This study is divided into three major sections. The first one attends to the reasons that these artists moved out of Korea while including in this discussion, the long-standing yearning of the Korean intelligentsia to experience more modernized cultures, and American postwar cultural policies that stimulated them to envision life beyond their national parameters, in a country heavily entrenched in Cold War ideology. The second part examines these artists' pursuit of abstraction in New York where it was already losing its avant-garde status as opposed to the style's cutting edge cache in Korea. While their turn to abstraction was outdated from New York's critical perspective, it was seen to be de rigueur for Koreans that had developed through phases from Art Informel in the 1960s to Dansaekhwa (monochromatic paintings) in the 1970s. The third part focuses on the artists' struggle while caught between a dualistic framework such as Korea/U.S, East/West, center/margin, traditional/modern, and abstraction/figuration. Despite such dichotomic frames, they identified abstract art as the epitome of pure, absolute art, which revealed their beliefs inherited from western modernism during the colonial period before 1910-1945. In fact, their reality as immigrants in America put them in a diasporic space where they oscillated between the fixed, essentialist Korean identity and the floating, transforming identity as international artists in New York or Korean-American artists. Thus their abstract and semi-abstract art reflect the in-between identity from the diasporic space while demonstrating their yearning for a land of political freedom, intellectual fulfillment and the continuity of modern art's legacy imposed upon them over the course of Korea's tumultuous history in the twentieth century and making the artists as precursor of transnational, transcultural art of the global age in the twenty-first century.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Eccentric muscle contraction is more effective than concentric and iosmetric muscle contraction in increasing muscle strength. Also, eccentric or concentric-eccentric training has greater effective in neural activation and muscle hypertrophy than concentric training. In some study, eccentric exercises have been shown to reduce pain and improve function on Achilles tendinopathy. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of eccentric isokinetic exercise in a patient with dislocation of the tarsometatarsal joint by traffic accident. After eccentric isokinetic training, peak torque, average work, and average power were increased. Also, the patient was fully weightbearing with a pain free normal gait thus making good recovery.
        2001.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사파이어(α-Al2O3) 단결정에 있어 basal slip (0001)1/3<1120>의 부분전위의 재결합거동을 알아보기 위해 prism plane (1120)의 사파이어 재료를 사용하여 4점 곡강도 시험을 행하였다. 이 굽힘시험은 온도 1200˚C~1400˚C에서 그리고 응력은 90MPa, 120MPa, 150MPa에서 행하여졌다 굽힘시험 동안 basal전위가 이동하기 위해 잠복기가 필요하였다. 실험온도 범위내에서 잠복기의 활성화에너지는 5.6-6.0eV이었으며, 이 잠복기는 자체-상승운동으로 분해된 부분전위들이 재결합하는데 필요한 시간인 것으로 추정되었다. 한편, 이 활성화에너지는 Al2O3에 있어 산소의 자체 확산을 위한 에너지 (대fir 6.3eV)와 거의 일치하였다. 이 결과를 통하여, 두 부분전위들의 재결합은 부분전위사이 적층결함으로 산소 자체확산에 의해 제어되는 것으로 여겨진다.
        2001.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사파이어 (α-Al2O3) 단결정에 있어 basal slip (0001)1/3<1120>의 전위속도를 4점 곡강도를 이용하여, 측정하였다. 이 곡강도는 온도 1200˚C 에서 1400˚C 그리고 응력은 90MPa, 120MPa, 160MPa에서 행하여졌다. 전위속도는 4 점굽힘 시편의 굽힘변위속도에 의해 구하여졌다. 얻어진 전위속도를 이용하여 전위속도의 온도 및 응력 의존성에 대해 검토하였다. 전위속도의 온도의존성을 이용하여 basal slip 전위속도를 위한 활성화에너지를 구하였으며, 그 값은 대략 2.2±0.4eV이었다. 한편, 전위속도의 응력의존성을 나타내는 응력지수 m은 2.0±0.2이었다.
        1999.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Developmental dysplasia or dislocation of the hip is the most pronounced form of a condition in which the femoral heads tends progressively to leave the acetabulum. In the young child the variability of findings and course suggest a spectrum of conditions in which there are a number of common features: restriction of movement, particularly of abduction in flexion; shortening; and abnormal radiology, including a sloping or dysplastic acetabulum and delay in the appearance of the upper femoral epiphysis. It is vital to make the diagnosis of a congenital dislocation as soon after birth as possible. Conservative treatment with an abduction brace before the child run begins to walk is completely adequate, but after the age of 4 even surgical repositioning is difficult and after the age of 7 it is almost impossible. The aim of the study was to gain insight into the value of physical therapy of developmental dysplasia or dislocation after operation.
        1995.05 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        IN 617의 시편으로 1073K의 온도와 107과 180 MPA의 응력에서 ε=0.18까지 정압크?을 한 직후 107 MPa로 응력을 낮추고 (응력강하시험), 또 다른 시편에는 180 ↔ 0.2 MPa의 응력으로 각각 17초씩 반복주기변형을 수행하여 정압크? 변형시의 크?곡선과 비교를 하엿다. 그 결과 IN 617 의 반복주기변형에서는 변형속도둔화(CCD)가 발생함을 알 수 있었고, 응력강하와 반복변형시험은 모두 거의 같은 모양의 회복 크?곡선을 나타내었다. 이러한 회복 크?은 아결정립크기와 자유전위밀도로서 그 회복기구를 설명할수 있었다.
        1995.04 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        IN 617의 시편으로 1073K의 온도에서 주로 107과 180MPA의 응력에서 ε=0.03-0.30까지 정압크립변형을 하여, 투과전자현미경(TEM)에서 약 십만배의 배율로 아결정립의 전위간 거리 s를 측정하고, TEM에서 측정이 불가능한 경우, 아결정립계가 이루는 각도 (θs=sin-1(b/s))를 Kikuchi line을 이용하여 측정하였다. TEM에서 직접 구한 s 값들을 θs</TEX>값으로 환산하여, Kikuchi line으로 측정한 θk값을 비교한 결과 거의 같았다.즉, TEM에서 s의 측정이 불가능할 때, θk</TEX>를 측정하여 s값으로 사용하여도 됨을 알 수 있었다.
        1994.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        취성재료의 균열첨단에서 전위의 이동에 대한 거동을 이해하기 위하여 단결정의 알루미나에 대한 취성-연성 전이(BDT)에 대한 한 연구가 진행되었다. 여러 온도에서, 예비균열된 시편으로 4점 굽힘시험을 이용하여 임계응력확대계수와 항복강도가 측정되었다. 그 결과로, BDT온도는 변형속도와 시편 방향에 따라 달랐다.:(1120)파단면에 대하여 4.2 × 10-6와 4.2 × 10-7s-1에서 BDT온도는 각각1034˚C, 1150˚C이었다. 또한 4점굽힘 시험을 이용하여 연성영역에서 균열첨단으로 부터 방출된 전위의 이동거리과 방향은 에칭 피트법에 의해서 측정되었다. 이중 에칭법을 이용하여 즉정된 사파이어에서 전위의 이동속도는 모델링 연구에 응용되었다.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The question I raise in this paper is why the Japanese counterpart of the sprouting type of sluicing does not appear to show island sensitivity. I argue that this apparent difference is attributed to another well-established one between these two languages: pro- drop vs. non-pro-drop languages. Thus, sluices are not real instances of the sprouting-type but rather of the merger type, which has an overt correlate in the antecedent clause, i.e., indefinite pro in relevant cases. As substantial evidence for this proposal, I demonstrate that indefinite pro actually functions as a correlate to a sluice in Japanese by examining how it behaves with respect to scopal parallelism. Given this, it is predicted that in Japanese sluicing examples, the implicit correlates that are identified as indefinite pro can take wide scope, unlike truly implicit correlates.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We investigate the nature of the idiomatic gapped right dislocation constructions (RDCs), by examining the distinction between the idiomatic and non-idiomatic appendices. The overt idiomatic correlate in the antecedent clause plays a crucial role in identifying the idiomatic appendix of the gapped RDC. That is, the idiomatic appendix in the gapped RDC must hold the idiomatic correlate in the antecedent context. When the idiomatic appendix in the gapped RDC crosses islands such as a relative clause or an adjunct clause, the gapped RDC cannot preserve its idiomatic interpretation even when the verbal idiomatic expression is given in the antecedent clause or question. This is different from the fact that there is a parallelism between the plain gapped RDCs and the fragment answers, which shows a natural consequence under the standard assumption that the appendices and fragments are derived by ellipsis and are island-insensitive due to the repair effect. Hence, we follow the right dislocation approach for the idiomatic appendices in the gapped RDCs, which resolves the issue of the island sensitivity.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper is to argue that the apparently fragmentary answer phrase XP right after the polarity answer particle (PAP) such as ung ‘yes’ or ani ‘no’ is not a run-of-the-mill fragment but a right-dislocated (RD-ed) element. Using negative polarity items and indefinites as a RD-ed element, we show that the PAP itself is also a remnant derived from elision of the answering full clause, which in turn provides a right structural context for right dislocation of another XP remnant. We go on further to show that RD-ed elements in the construction at issue display the same pattern of syntactic behaviors as those in the cannonical RD construction, particularly in terms of island effects, the ‘full’ host clause requirement, Case/voice match, and specificational coordination.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper has two goals. First, it aims to carefully examine whether a bi-clausal (movement) approach to -yo attachment in Korean Right Dislocation (RD) constructions is tenable. Yim (2013) argues that -yo marking on an RD-ed element lends support to what is called the 'bi-clausal' approach to RD in Korean. We present an issue and data that solicit reconsideration of Yim's view on the syntax of -yo attachment. In particular, the bi-clausal approach endorsed by Yim is shown to have difficulty capturing two types of coordinate structure, namely interwoven dependency and additive coordination. Second, we demonstrate that the availability of these two types of otherwise puzzling coordination in the RD construction involving -yo marking can be captured under a 'mono-clausal' approach, in conjunction with M-K Park's (2009) midway conjunction analysis, where External Remerge, originally suggested by de Vries (2009), is assumed to play a crucial role in building coordinate structure at issue.
        2016.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper provides a unified analysis for the three types of right displacement in English as the clause-final right-displaced element has in common the function of specifying/elaborating on what has been left referentially indeterminate or blank in the preceding clause. We take the surface make-up of the three constructions at issue to indicate that the right-displaced element has coordinate structure relation with the preceding 'propositional' constituent such as vP or TP. Based on this initial conception of the three constructions at issue, we make three points. First, we argue that these constructions involve clausal coordination and their surface forms are derived by eliding the second conjunct except for the base-generated/ leftward-moved element outside it. Second, we show that the economy of structure-building is at work in the formation of the two coordinate conjuncts in the constructions, accounting for the well-known Right Roof constraint or clause-boundedness condition. Third, we also demonstrate that the ban on P-stranding heavy NP shift of a certain argument element follows from the unavailability of an implicit argument to the relevant position of the first conjunct.