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        검색결과 9

        2019.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The KVN(Korean VLBI Network)-style simultaneous multi-frequency receiving mode is demonstrated to be promising for mm-VLBI observations. Recently, other Very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) facilities all over the globe start to implement compatible optics systems. Simultaneous dual/multi-frequency VLBI observations at mm wavelengths with international baselines are thus possible. In this paper, we present the results from the first successful simultaneous 22/43 GHz dualfrequency observation with KaVA(KVN and VERA array), including images and astrometric results. Our analysis shows that the newly implemented simultaneous receiving system has brought a significant extension of the coherence time of the 43 GHz visibility phases along the international baselines. The astrometric results obtained with KaVA are consistent with those obtained with the independent analysis of the KVN data. Our results thus confirm the good performance of the simultaneous receiving systems for the non-KVN stations. Future simultaneous observations with more global stations bring even higher sensitivity and micro-arcsecond level astrometric measurements of the targets.
        2005.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dual frequency acoustic pinger(AP) was manufactured to reduce study effect by long-term use of developed single frequency AP to prevent cetacean bycatch. Directivity characteristic of transducer was the omnidirectional pattern which showed less than ±3dB the change range of sensitivity on the beam pattern of right and left. Source power level(SPL) was 1384311pa with epoxy window before casing however after casing 1170B11Pa at sea. Dual frequency Af was tested to identify the avoidance behavior of bottlenose dolphin by its working. However the efficiency of dual frequency AP about the study effect was verified experiment repeatedly using single and dual frequency AP.
        2007.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The objectives of this study have been carried out to investigate the solubilization of municipal sewage sludge by single and dual frequency ultrasonic pretreatment, and the methane production characteristics of pretreated sewage sludge by specific methanogenic activity test for sewage sludge reduction. The waste activated sludge was collected from thickened tank of Suyoung sewage treatment plant in Busan city, and its concentration was adjusted to 1.0% total solids. Ultrasonic frequency was varied 15, 20, 15+20 kHz, and acoustic density was used a maximum 176W/L. The dual frequency ultrasonic pretreatment was found to be more effective than single frequency ultrasonic in the solubilization rate and methane production. The SCODCr/TCODCr rate were 15.2%, 13.9%, 17.0% with single frequency of 15 kHz, 20 kHz, dual frequency of 15+20 kHz, respectively. The application of dual frequency ultrasound for sewage sludge pretreatment can be interest for sewage treatment plants having problems in sludge treatment and disposal.