
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        자연수계 수산생물의 전염병 모니터링은 자연수계 및 양식 수산생물의 질병 관련성 및 상관관계 구명은 질병 발생 예방 및 확산 방지에 매우 중요한 역할을 한다. 2018년 해구 64개소에서 어류 39종 977마리 및 갑각류 14종 287마리를 선정하여 총 1,264마리에 대하여 병원체 감염 여부를 조사하였다. 어류는 법정전염병 2종 (VHS, RSIVD) 및 비 법정전염병 3종 (MABVD, HRVD, LCD)을 분석하고 갑각류는 법정전염병 6종 (WSD, IHHN, TS, IMN, YHD, WTD) 을 분석하였다. 조사한 모든 시료에서 전염병이 검출되지 않았지만, 우리나라에서 조사한 자연수계 수산생물이 무병하여 청정국 또는 청정지위 선언에 중요한 정보를 제공 할 것이다.
        2018.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Species composition and seasonal variation of aquatic organism at Baekryeong-do, Korea were investigated using pots in 2016. A total of 42 species, 90,050 individuals and 2,351,666 g of aquatic organism were collected. Among them, there were 12 species and 3,826 individuals of fish, 15 species and 51,237 individuals of crustaceans, 2 species and 54 individuals of cephalopods, 7 species and 33,981 individuals of gastropods, 2 species and 757 individuals of echinodea, 2 species and 187 individuals of shellfish, and 1 species and 8 individuals of holothuroidea. The dominant species in number of individuals were Pagurus ochotensis, Neptunea cuming, Cancer gibbosulus, and Buccinum yokomaruae, which accounted for 70.0% of the total number individuals collected. The dominant species in biomass were Neptunea cuming, Portunus trituberculatus, Cancer gibbosulus, and Pagurus ochotensis, which accounted for 65.3% of the total biomass collected.
        2013.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Length-weight relationships were estimated for 11 fish species caught in Baekya Island, Korea. Samples were caught in depths of<15 m by fish pots between November 2008 and July 2009. The sampling gear, fish pots, is a widely used as commercial fishing gear in shallow waters of the region. The most abundant families were Hexagrammidae (20.7%), Cottidae (18.5%), Tetraodontidae (14.8%) and Scorpaenidae (13.3%). Estimates for parameter b of the length-weight relationship (W=aLb) ranged between 2.454 and 3.361.
        2010.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Species of fish such as striped beakperch, bluefin searobin and konoshiro gizzard shad are commercially very important due to their high demand in the Korean market. When estimating acoustically the abundance of stocks for these species, it is of crucial importance to know the target strength (TS) to the length dependence. In relation to these needs, the TS experiments were conducted on three different species in an acrylic salt water tank using two split-beam echo sounders of 70 and 120 kHz. The TS for these three species under the controlled condition was simultaneously measured with the swimming movement by a DVR system and analyzed as a function of fish length (L) and frequency (or wavelength λ). The equation of the form TS=a log (L)+b log (λ)+c was derived for their TS-length dependence. The best fit regression of TS on fork length for striped beakperch was estimated as TS=35.67 log (L, m) -15.67 log (λ, m) -46.69 (r2=0.78). Furthermore, the best fit regression of TS on fork length for konoshiro gizzard shad was shown to be TS=25.85 log (L, m) -5.85 log (λ, m) -32.22 (r2=0.51). The averaged TS for 12 bluefin searobins with a mean length of 24.36cm at 70 kHz was analyzed to be -41.55dB. In addition, the averaged tilt angle obtained simultaneously by a DVR system with TS measurements for 27 konoshiro gizzard shads swimming within an acrylic salt water tank was estimated at -2.7˚.
        2005.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Acoustic target strength (TS) of 12 commercially important fish species caught in the Korean waters had been investigated and their results were presented. Laboratory measurements of target strength on 12 dominant fish species were carried out at a frequencies of 75 kHz by single beam method under the controlled condition of the water tank with the 241 samples of dead and live fishes. The target strength pattern on individual fish of each species was measured as a function of tilt angle, ranging from -45˚ (head down aspect) to 45˚ (head up aspect) in 0.2˚ intervals, and the averaged target strength was estimated by assuming the tilt angle distribution as N (-5.0˚, 15.0˚). The 75 to fish length relationship for each species was independently derived by a least - squares fitting procedure. Also, a linear regression analysis for all species was performed to reduce the data to a set of empirical equations showing the variation of target strength to fish length and fish species. An empirical model for fish target strength(TS, dB) averaged over the dorsal aspect of 158 fishes of 7 species and which spans the fish length(L, m) to wavelength(λ, m) ratio between 6.2 and 21.3 was derived: TS: 27.03 Log(L)-7.7Log(λ)-17.21, (r2=0.59).
        1986.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The author tried to clarify the distribution of the total length and body weight of the file h, Navodos modcstus, caught by trawl net during July, 1984 in the southern sea korea. Among the catches of five times fishing operation, 1540 individuals were randomly sampled for the measurement. The results are summarized as follows; " The distribution of total length showed bimodal type, wbich was able to analyzed into two normal distributions N(17.46, 1. 022) and N(22.09, 1. 772). And smaller group was much than older one. The age of the sample estimated from the total length distribution of. smaller group was 1. 5 to 2, and the larger group 2. 5 to 4. The relationship between the total length and the body weight can be presented as following equation: W=0.01726 L2.8507 ' or W= 0.01109 L3.0 or W= 0.01109 L3.0