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        검색결과 4

        2022.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study is to analyze information about dietary information presented in the television broadcast media in order to determine the optimal communication method that will provide desirable information to the general public. To that end, stakeholders were recruited and trained before and during the study. Three airwaves broadcasters and four comprehensive programming channels were monitored for Three months. The results are as follows. In total 172 food and nutrition programs are reported on. As information from the monitored programs was investigated, results showed a frequency of 136 separate informative programs (79.1%) and 36 entertainment programs (20.9%). Second, the broadcasters included are KBS, MBC, SBS, while the channels are TV Chosun, JTBC, Channel A, and MBN. Third, 109 reports (63.3%) were about ingredients & cuisine, followed by 63 reports (36.7%) on health and diet. This research provides transitional knowledge regarding the correlation between dietary information and the media. Moreover, this research contributes to advocating public health by enhancing the quality from broadcast media about dietary information.
        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We analyzed information provided by diet-related programs of comprehensive programming channels and the relationship between composition of professional panelists and quality of provided information. We selected 82 items among eight programs by MBN, JTBC, and TV chosun. All 82 items provided information about food & nutrition and health & disease, but only 32 items (39.0%) and 35 items (42.7%) provided information on food culture and food safety, respectively. Among the food ingredients, phytochemicals (81.7%) were the most frequently mentioned, and the contents of functional ingredients occupied a large part. The inappropriate information on programs were broadcast on an average of 1.2 episodes per program, and the most pointed out item was information that could confuse viewers with drugs (29.3%). Among the professional panelists, medical doctors (38.9%) and Oriental medicine doctors (16.6%) had the highest number of appearances, and professors of food & nutrition constituted only 7.1%. However, the increase in the number of appearances of professors showed a positive effect on the quality of program information. Contents focused on balanced nutrient intake and dietary culture of Korea should be increased rather than focusing on the function of each nutrient in comprehensive programming channels.
        2010.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Coordination has been identified as a concern in the cross-cutting issues of food security and nutrition (FSN) in Cambodia. Food Security and Nutrition Information System (FSNIS) in Cambodia is the only “entry portalˮ to support policy formulation and decision-making with regard to FSN. While this knowledge and information management system has earned a respectful reputation, Council for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) faces many challenges in the implementation of the system. This paper will present how FSNIS has been developed and impacts on policy or strategy related to FSN. In addition, sustainability of the system is a key challenge for FSNIS; yet it is interesting to see how it works. Along with a success story, FSNIS is recognized by its stakeholders as the most successful knowledge and information management system in the field of FSN in Cambodia.
        1995.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of the present study is to assess nutrient content for providing nutrition information such as nutrition labeling on Korean dishes in restaurant and food service institutions. The content of nutrients was calculated in recipies used to prepare dishes which has been frequently consumed in such four groups as the literature, foodservice institutions of industries, restaurants, and households. The numbers of dishes surveyed were 15. Total numbers of literture used for recipies analysis are 20. Recipies used in foodservice institutions of industries were abstracted from the journal 'Guk-Min Young-Yang' published in Korea dietetic association and obtained with the help of dietitians working in those institutions. Also, recipies has been using in restaurants were given from the Korea restaurant association. Recipies in households was calculated from the secondary analysis of the Korean National Nutrition Survey. Nutrient content from foods except steamed rice and side dishes in each dish was calculated using data of Korean food composition table published. The content of energy and protein in 'Gal-bi tang' (beef-rib soup) were highest in recipes used at restaurants, vitamin C in recipes of food service institutions of industries due to the generous use of meats and vegetables than other recipies. 'Doen-jang chigae' (soybean paste stew) showed the lowest content of energy in results analyzing recipes presented on the literature and varied protein level by four groups for difference of protein source used. The content of energy in 'Gop-chang jeongol' (small intestines stew) is 150 kcal more than 'Soegogi jeongol' (beef stew) in general. The energy level of 'Daeji-galbi' jim (braised pork ribs) and 'Dak jim' (braised chicken) turned out to be the highest in recipies presented on literature. Variation of each nutrient content including energy and protein was relatively high, since some of foods used in 'Pibimbab' (mixed rice) varied with four groups. Amounts of energy and protein in 'Naeng-myeun' (cold noodles) is the highest in recipies of foodservice institution of industries because much amounts of noodle and meats were used comparing to other groups. The average content of energy in 'Pulgogi' (grilled meat with sauce) was 50% to Korea recommended amounts of one meal, 833.3 kcal. Content of vitamin B1 in 'Jeuk pyeunuk' (boiled pork), which is made of pork meat, was higher than other dishes. The ingredients of frequently consumed Korean dishes were highly variable among the four groups which inevitably results in variation of nutrient content in each dishes. The high variation of nutrient content in each dish according to study requires careful collecting of the large number of recipies in presenting representative nutrient content for nutrition labeling on dishes in restaurant and food service institutions effectively.