The objectives of this study were to find out the plant to enhance immune activity among 42 kinds of foods frequently consumed by the Korean elderly consisting of 5 food groups and 5 wild plants. Each sample was assessed the immunoactive effect by measuring NFkB/ AP1 gene expression, nitric oxide and cytokine production in RAW-Blue™ cell. Soybean sprouts of 47 plants showed the highest NF-κB/AP1 gene expression at the level of 1.13 ± 0.03 (O.D. 650 nm) and Soritae, sweet potato, banana, apple, garlic, crown daisy, cabbage and Ailanthus altissima also had high activity of NF-kB/AP1 gene in RAW-Blue™ cell stimulated by LPS. NO production of Ailanthus altissima was significantly higher than that of other plants and 16 plants of glutinous sorghum, black rice, Seoritae, Heuktae, sweet potato, banana, apple, garlic, mungbean sprouts, spinach, crown daisy, young pumpkin, cabbage, soybean sprouts, Actinidia arguta and Aster scaber were the next best activity. The above results selected 17 out of 47 plant samples. Moreover, soybean sprouts was significantly shown to increase TNF-α (1,509.55 ± 1.38 pg/mL) and IL-1β (54.56 ± 1.08 pg/mL) cytokines in comparison with RAW-Blue cell stimulated by LPS. According to the results of in vitro evaluation, the ethanol extract of soybean sprout increased the production of immune-enhancing cytokines by proliferation of macrophages. In addition, NF-kB transcription factor activity and NO production ability were excellent, and it was selected as a material having excellent immunological activity.
2007년 3월부터 11월까지 광주지역에 소재하는 재래시장과 할인마트에서 구입한 건과류 채소류와 건포류 등 94건, 전통 막걸리 판매점 등에서 구입한 탁류 23건, 모두 117건을 구입하여 식품첨가물인 이산화황, 타르색소와 인공감미료를 조사하였다. 건과류 채소류와 건포류 등 94건에서 이산화황을 조사한 결과 17건에서 11.5~4,452.3;mg/kg이 검출되었으며, 식품공전의 기준을 적용한 결과 건조과실류인 대추채 2건이 각각 2,476.6 mg/kg, 4,452.3 mg/kg이 검출되어 부적합하였고, 중국산 건방울 토마토에서 88.9 mg/kg, 국내산 건호박에서 1,653.7 mg/kg이 검출되어 부적합 판정되었다. 또한, 주류 23건을 구입하여 인공감미료와 타르색소를 검사한 결과, 탁주에서 사용할 수 없는 인공감미료인 삭카진나트륨이 2건에서 0.4 mg/kg, 11.1 mg/kg이 검출되었으며, 합성 착색료로 주류에서 많이 사용할 가능성이 있는 황색5호 등 타르색소는 검출되지 않았다.
The purpose of the present study is to collect information in terms of the frequency and amounts in frequently consumed dishes. We conducted the secondary analysis from '93 Korean National Survey. Mainly informations about 2-day food records were used to investigate dish intakes and to compare different food patterns by area. Amounts of total daily intakes of dishes per capita are 1,741.46g in nationwide, 1,722.03g in large city, 1,712.46g in small city, 1,808.73g in rural. The dish consumed in largest quantities per capita per day is the rice which amounts is 481.67g, 27.66% of total intake. Fruits and cabbage were consumed in large quantities too. Kimchi made of cabbage have the highest number of frequencies. Number of frequencies in rice, fruits, and milk showed high, too. Dish groups are classified by the cooking method. Some dishes in several dish groups have small number of frequencies and small amount of quantities. Some dishes in the top list are not included in the 30 dishes list. There should be some studies about validity and reliability of the dish list, using individual dietary assessment methods.
The purpose of the present study is to collect information in terms of the frequency and amounts in frequently consumed foods. We conducted the secondary analysis from '93 Korean National Nutrition Survey. Mainly informations about 2-day food records were used to investigate food intakes and to compare different food patterns by area. Amounts and frequencies of food intakes are on the list by the order of contributing amounts and frequencies. Amounts of total daily intake of food per capita are 1,054g in nationwide, 1,076g in large city, 1,049g in small city, 1,017g in rural. The major foods consumed in large quantities were rice, kimchi, milk, in nationwide, large city, and small city and rice, kimchi, Korean radish in rural. The intake frequency of kimchi, rice, and basic seasonings as garlic, green onion, salts, soy sauce et al, were higher than other foods in all area. However, there are need for further researches to investigate individual dietary intake and seasonal variation of intakes. Also, food consumption patterns for different groups considering age, sex, area should be studied.