
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2013.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study compared the antioxidant activity and functional constituents of the peel, flesh,and placenta of oriental melons according to the harvest time. The sample oriental melons were harvested during the major harvest time (from June to August) and divided into peel, flesh, and placenta. To examine the antioxidant activity and functional constituents, the sample melons were extracted using EtOH. As a result, the functional constituents and antioxidant activity of the oriental melons were found to change according to the harvest time. The total phenol and total flavonoid contents were highest in the samples harvested in June, and lowest in the samples harvested in July. Meanwhile, the antioxidant activities were estimated using an ABTS and FRAP assay, where the samples harvested in June also showed the strongest the antioxidant potential, while the samples harvested in July showed significantly lower antioxidant activities. This means that the climate influences the synthesis of secondary metabolites. The above data also suggests that oriental melons harvested in June contain more functional phytochemicals, making them more beneficial for human health.
        2007.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        New food material "Rosa rugosa petal" with strong anti-oxidant activity We have recognized that administration of the flower of R. rugosa reduced the odor of mouse's feces. Thus, we supposed that it must be effective for human, and the effect was proved by the experiments of volunteer. Moreover, it was proved to be effective for aging odor of human. The effects must be due to anti-oxidative activities of R. rugosa. Ear wax was collected from volunteer, 50 year old or more, and the ether extract of the wax was analyzed by GC-MS for detection of 2-nonenal. 2-Nonenal was detected in the ear wax of few volunteers, but the administration of 2 capsules containing 100mg of R. rugosa per day reduced the 2-nonenal under detection limit. These results were patented in Japan(JP No.4008369), and a new company, Harunire bio laboratory Co., was established in Kitami Institute of Technology in 2003 for development of new products. The active constituents in R. rugosa supposed to be polyphenols, hydrolysable tannnins, such as rugosin A, tellimagrandin, and the contents of these polyphenols exceed more than 20% in dry flower of R. rugosa. The flower of R. rugosa was also shown to inhibit many enzymes, such as α-amylase and α-glucosidase, and prevent intestinal disorder. Various physiological activities are evaluated using isolated polyphenols now. Product development of new functional foods from onion (Sun Onion) The amount of onion production in the Abashiri-Kitami area is about 30% of Japan. Thus, the research for development of functional foods using onion was started for the increment of onion consumption. The following new results were obtained (JP No.3697524). The flavonoids in the juice and the squeezing residue resulted in process of onion juice manufacture were analyzed, and large amount of quercetin and its glycosides were shown to remained in the squeezing residue. The amounts of flavonoids in the residue are 5-10 times of those in the juice. Moreover, the squeezing residue contains insoluble dietary fibers, and it must be expected to improve of intestinal disorders. The irradiation of light (2500lux) on onion in artificial weather machine increased the amount of quercetin eight times. Thus, the new food material using the squeezing residue after the irradiation of sunlight, stronger than artificial light was developed. The amount of flavonoid (total quercetin) was shown to exceed 800mg/100g, and the amount of the pectin was about 10g/100g, these contents were extremely higher than those without irradiation. Moreover, α-glucosidase inhibitor was isolated from onion irradiated by sunlight, and the activity of irradiated onion was shown to be twice of that of without irradiation. Breeding of new onion rich in functional constituents We analyzed flavonoids by HPLC in 15 kinds of onions cultivated in Hokkaido Kitami Agricultural Experiment Station, and 15 kinds onions cultivated in Sapporo Agricultural Experiment Station. Total flavonoids contents of edible part of these onions were 24~293mg/100g, and those in outer peel were 265~5,613mg/100g. The onion breed with high flavonoids contents was discovered. The cultivation characteristic and the processing characteristic are now under investigation. In a human clinical trial, the R. rugosa petal was proven to decreased neutral fat (triglycerides). The R. rugosa petal must to be commercialized as the functional food and cosmetic product. In the case of sunlight onion, applications for vegetable juice and function food are under investigation.
        2006.08 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        제주산 건조녹차를 에서 15분간 추출하여 여과한 다음 PET병에 밀봉하여 저온과 실내 및 실외에 각각 보관하면서 보존안정성을 측정하였다 저장기간에 따라 L값은 거의 변화가 없었지만 a값이 감소하고 b값이 증가하면서 전체적인 색깔이 짙어졌으며, 실내에서 저장한 경우가 실외저장이나 저온저장보다 저장기간이 길어질수록 더 짙어졌다. 녹차추출물 중의 주요 카테킨류로는(-)-epigallocatechin, (-)-epigallocatechin gallat