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        검색결과 5

        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nowadays in restaurant industry, the chef is the major worker in the kitchen; they are exposed to highly dangerous working environment for a long time, and their physiological safe and health should be stressed. Apron is one of the protecting cloths when chef is working, it is supposed to function as protect chef’s psychological and physiological safe. The aim of this study is to develop fire retardant apron to protect chef from thermal conductivity burns when exposed to hot objectives and avoid the heat damage from thermal radiation to chef. To improve the above situations, first of all, this study explores the situation and need expectation of chef’s use of fire retardant apron to confirm the necessity of developing apron. Then this study collects Taiwanese fire retardant function cloth, and we use the result of chef’s need expectation to develop fire retardant function apron for chefs. Finally, this study use sensibility evaluation model to explore chef’s evaluation after wearing apron developed by this study. Based on the research finding, the conclusions are as follows: 1. According to the result of questionnaire survey, at present the apron material that chef wear does not have fire retardant function, chef expect apron material can add this function, they think apron material adding this function can protect physiological health, proving the necessity for developing fire retardant apron. 2. This study use the result of chef’s need expectation, and combine ergonomics data to adjust existing apron structure design, then this study use fire retardant cloth to develop fire retardant apron to meet chef’s need expectation. 3. Through the sensibility evaluation test of fire retardant apron developed by this study, those who exposed to higher temperature fry stove fire, charcoal fire or caldron cook in specific kitchen infield for a long period of time have higher preference and feeling.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to determine the consequence of resistance strengthening exercise on the hip flexor and extensor performed to improve functional mobility in stroke patients more than six months post stroke. Seventeen patients were randomized into two groups. Both groups received conventional physical therapy for six weeks. In addition, the experimental group performed eccentric resistance strengthening exercise in the hip flexor and extensor using an isokinetic dynamometer. The hip flexor and extensor strength, stair up and down mobility, timed get up and go (TUG), 10 m gait velocity, and functional reach were repeatedly measured at baseline, three weeks, and six weeks after treatment. The results were as follows: 1. The experimental group improved more remarkably in the hip flexor and extensor strength, stair up and down mobility, and the 10 m gait velocity after three weeks and six weeks of treatment (p<.05), 2. The control group improved significantly in the hip flexor and extensor strength, and 10 m gait velocity after three weeks of treatment (p<.05), 3. At each three and six week point, the experimental group made greater gains in hip flexor and extensor strength, stair up and down mobility, and 10 m gait velocity than the control group (p<.05). In conclusion, it is desirable to perform resistance strengthening exercises combined with conventional physical therapy to improve functional mobility in chronic stroke patients.
        2015.10 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This experiment can maximize the decline of the heat on steel structure by using the magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide which generally used to resistant or retardant. These materials can delay a temperature rise due to the generation of vapors around the fire resistive covering, when reacting with heat by a creating moisture. Therefore, applicability of the fire resistance mortar used magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide was studied and experimented. As a result, in case of the workability is satisfied with the condition of site, but in case of the bonding strength is not satisfied with the standard with fire resistance mortar.