Concrete is most widely used construction material in the world. Its superior properties make it a suitable material for utilization. Modern age concretes are more durable and have high strengths as compared to old age concretes. However, these high strength concretes presents high shrinkage at early-ages, which is due to low water/binder (w/b) ratios. Keeping in view this problem, this research study is conducted. Mortars were made with cement and silica fume as binders with incorporation of two different size ranges of tea waste particles. Setting time, flow and chemical shrinkage of fresh mortars were investigated. The results showed that the addition of saturated tea waste particles reduced the chemical shrinkage at early ages as compared to the mixes without tea waste particles.
This research provides an analysis of experiments on sulfuric acid resistance of alkali-activated slag mortar with dolomite powder. The results show that the longer the bedding time, the lower the mass change in all specimens. Among them, the mass change in a dolomite replaced specimens are shown to be less than that of a non-dolomite specimens. Since the composition of dolomite reacts with sulfuric acid solution to produce a product, it is thought to play a role in reducing mass reduction.
of ordinary Portland cement. Water-cement ratio was 0.40 and cement-sand ratio was 1:3. The content of nano-TiO2 was 3% but the content of nano-SiO2 changed in cement mortars. The content of nano-SiO2 was 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5% and 2% of the binder weight. Mortar prisms and beams were made in specified molds and cured in limewater. Compressive and flexural strengths, porosity and ultrasonic pulse velocity were measured. Then mortars were stored in 6 molar ammonium nitrate (NH4NO3) solution. Leaching depth, variation of mechanical and microstructural properties were measured. Presence of nano-particles decreased the leaching depth and the degradation of mechanical and microstructural properties in mortars.
In this study, the performance of the self-healing with the granulated alkali activator (Ca(OH)2) manufactured in seawater environment is investigated for crack healing under 300 μm of cracks. Specimens combined with GGBFS and OPC with and without the granulated alkali activator were manufactured and immersed in seawater. After that, crack recovery on the surface of the specimens with the granulated alkali activator (Ca(OH)2) was also evaluated by the ultrasonic pulse velocity test. From the results, it was verified that cementitious materials with the granulated alkali activator, exposed in marine environments, could be able to heal or seal inside cracks
In this study, poly-silicon sludge was used in replacement with Portland cement as SCMs. Poly-silicon sludge has an ability to improve the durability to the concrete system. Thus, the chloride penetration test of PS specimens was conducted for the confirmation of the durability. From the results, The penetration depth of the plain specimens is deepest, and gradually decreases as PS substitution rate increases.
In this study, Retarder, which shows characteristics of delay hydration reaction and reduce hydration heat in concrete, was processed through granulation and paraffin coat to induce reation by hydration heat. Concrete with Granulated and paraffin coated retarder were prepared and compressive strength was measured by curing at 20℃ and 40℃. As a result, it was confirmed that retarder exhibits performance depending on the curing temperature.
In this study, Retarder, which shows characteristics of delay hydration reaction and reduce hydration heat in concrete, was processed through granulation and paraffin coat to induce reaction by hydration heat. The prepared paraffin coated granular retarder was mixed with the mortar and the setting time was measured according to the desired temperature. As a result, it was confirmed that paraffin coated granular retarder which does not react during the concrete placing exhibits performance depending on the temperature.
In this study, Retarder, which shows characteristics of delay hydration reaction and reduce hydration heat in concrete, was processed through granulation and paraffin coat to induce reation by hydration heat. Concrete with Granulated and paraffin coated retarder were prepared and compressive strength was measured by curing at 20℃ and 40℃. As a result, it was confirmed that retarder exhibits performance depending on the curing temperature.
In this study, to evaluate the performance of fire resistance of the mortar with magnesium hydroxide(MH) and aluminium hydroxide(AH) which has a RCC (Radiant Control Capability) as repair material to the steel structure, temperature evaluation of mortar was conducted by increasing 500°C in the furnace. The performance of RCC can decrease a temperature to external and internal mortar. As a result, it is confirmed that temperatures of mortar with magnesium hydroxide(MH) and aluminium hydroxide(AH) were more decreased than general mortar due to the RCC effect of MH and AH. Therefore, it can be possible to apply to a repair material at the steel structure.
This experiment can maximize the decline of the heat on steel structure by using the magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide which generally used to resistant or retardant. These materials can delay a temperature rise due to the generation of vapors around the fire resistive covering, when reacting with heat by a creating moisture. Therefore, applicability of the fire resistance mortar used magnesium hydroxide and aluminum hydroxide was studied and experimented. As a result, in case of the workability is satisfied with the condition of site, but in case of the bonding strength is not satisfied with the standard with fire resistance mortar.
In this study, cement-based accelerators, which have an advantage of preventing early frost and in developing early strength in cold-weather. Then, whether it can be secured the operating time by controlling the response time in early-stage and can be developed due to the accelerator's function, as evaluated by testing.
Concrete indicates highly alkaline through hydration reaction of mortars that were attached to the RCA's surface. In this study, the carbonation of concrete incorporating coated RCA was investigated through accelerated carbonation test. As a results, coated RCA was indicated to be better than normal RCA.
Although accelerators can be utilized for the prevention of early frost by developing the strength of concrete in cold weather, no security of workability occurs because early hydration makes them react rapidly. In this study, granulation was used as a method as it can control the response time of the accelerator to secure the workability of fresh concrete.
Set-controlling admixtures via granulation method may be secured the operation time by adjusting the response time. therefore, mortar with Set-controlling admixtures via granulation is measured setting-time. As a result, the possibility of initial reaction control confirmed and also was developed the required properties of setting-time.
In this study, we looked at characteristics and properties of polyethylene glycol (PEG) mixed with cement paste. And as a result, brought improvement on strength and durability, discovering the possibility of development of more economical and easily workable injection material.
본 연구에서는 시멘트에 작용하는 아크릴 코폴리머의 화학반응을 통해 강한 점착성과 유연성을 가지는 친환경적인 폴리비닐아세테이트(PVAc)를 이용하여 수밀성을 향상시키는 복합공법의 가능성을 알아보고자 하였으며, 이를 위한 실험 방법으로 1차로 실리케아트계 침투성 방수제를 도포 한 후, 2차로 PVAc를 혼입한 모르타를 도포한 후에 부착강도 및 흡수량에 대한 특성을 검토하였다. 이 실험 결과를 토대로 하여 현장 적용을 위한 Mock-up 부재를 제작하였고, 이 시험 부재에 대하여 복합공법을 적용한 후 실내 시험과 동일한 성능을 검토하였다. 또한, 탄산화 및 염소 이온 침투저항성 평가를 실시하여 내구성이 취약한 환경에 적합한지 여부를 검토 하였다. 그 결과 PVAc를 이용한 복합공밥을 적용한 시험체가 수밀성능이 가장 우수하였으며, 부착강도 또한 우수한 성능을 나타내었다. 또한, 간이 Mock-up 부재에 대한 성능평가에서 실내 시험과 동일한 경향을 보였으며, 압축강도 시험결과 보강 효과를 발휘함을 알 수 있었다. 탄산화 및 염소 이온 침투저항성 내구 성능 평가에서 가장 우수한 결과를 나타내어 지하구조물 및 해양구조물 등과 같은 취약한 지역에 적용이 가능함을 확인 할 수 있었다.
Be constructed in the Middle East, recent overseas plant business mainly due to an increase in the amount of concrete in the construction sector is growing. When using plain concrete and concrete development of the initial expansion of the initial hydration, due to thermal stress that causes cracks in the concrete problems, and prevention of this by the use of the delay is expected to increase. In addition to the increase in domestic traffic produced in ready-mixed concrete plants and concrete due to high temperature during transportation upon arrival at the scene quickly if condensation begins to degrade due to the slump loss and workability after curing of cold joint and cause filling defects and the need for the measures . In the case of the powder that is currently on the market in order to obtain a uniform delay effects can be mixed, may be added, such as, wet, etc. Keep a less efficient storage, even if the delay has to be taken. This powder improves the delay and store it in a tablet, a delay effect to encourage the development of tablet, and the delay for compliance with basic properties was investigated.
본 연구에서는 폐콘크리트에서 발생하는 순환잔골재가 구조용 재료로서 많은 문제점이 있음을 인지하고 순환잔골재가 포함하고 있는 미분말이 강도증진 효과와 유동성을 증가 시킬 수 있다는 특성을 이용하여 자기충전 콘크리트(Self-Compacting Concrete, 이하 SCC로 표기)에 활용하게 되었다. 즉 순환잔골재가 갖는 미분말이 자기충전 콘크리트 특성인 고강도(40 MPa 이상)와 높은 유동성(JSCE 2등급)을 발현하기에 적당하여 폐콘크리트에서 발생하는 순환잔골재를 일반잔골재 대비 순환잔골재의 혼입률을 25%씩 증가시켜, 총 5수준으로 달리하여 자기충전 콘크리트에 적용하였으며, 이에 따라 굳지 않은 콘크리트의 물리적 특성, 경화한 콘크리트의 역학적 및 내구 특성을 검토하여 순환잔골재를 자기충전 콘크리트 재료로서 활용 가능성을 검토하고자 한다. 그 결과 물리적, 역학적 및 내구특성의 5수준 배합비율 중 일반잔골재 대비 순환잔골재는 50% 혼입률까지 적용 가능하다는 결론을 얻었으며, 그 이상의 혼입률에서는 오히려 성능저하가 발생한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 또한 실생활에서의 적용 가능성을 알아보기 위한 실구조물의 적용성이 차후 검토 되어야 할 것으로 판단된다.
본 연구에서는 분산제 코팅을 통해 성능 개선된(EP) 나일론 섬유를 혼입한 자기충전 콘크리트의 가능성을 알아보고자 하였으며, 이를 위한 실험 방법으로 나일론 섬유 길이와 다른 유기계 섬유(폴리프로필렌, 셀룰로오스)를 혼입한 경우 그리고 광물질혼화재(고로슬래그 미분말, 플라이애쉬)의 종류를 달리 혼합한 2성분계 및 3성분계의 경우를 가지고 자기충전 콘크리트의 특성을 검토하였다. 이 실험 결과를 토대로 하여 실구조물 적용을 위한 Mock-up Test를 성능 개선된 나일론 섬유를 혼입한 자기충전콘크리트 와 일반콘크리트를 비교하여 실구조물 활용 가능성을 검토 하였다. 그 결과 굳지 않은 자기충전 콘크리트의 특성, 경화된 자기충전 콘크리트의 특성 및 내구특성을 종합해 볼 때 성능 개선된(EP) 나일론 섬유가 우수함을 알 수 있었고,성능 개선된 나일론 섬유에 따른 광물질 혼화재 사용에서는 플라이애쉬 보다 고로슬래그 미분말이 우수함을 알 수 있었다.