The purpose of this study was to obtain data on the contribution of job characteristics (work, autonomy, reward, community, fairness, value) towards job burnout (emotional exhaustion, cynicism), job engagement (vigor, dedication, absorption) and turnover intention in school foodservice employees. Typically, 594 school foodservice employees in the Busan area participated in our survey. Workload (β=-0.512, p<0.001) had the highest negative influence on emotional exhaustion, whereas reward (β=-0.216, p<0.001) and community (β=-0.214, p<0.001) had the highest negative influence on cynicism. Community (β=0.305, p<0.001) and workload p<0.001) had the highest positive influence on vigor. Community (β=0.261, p<0.001) and (β=0.238, p<0.001) had the highest positive influence on dedication. (β=0.287, p<0.001) and community (β=0.224, p<0.001) had the highest positive influence on absorption. Workload (β=-0.195, p<0.001) and community (β=-0.182, p<0.001) had the highest negative influence on turnover intention. Overall, the results show that job characteristics are very important factors affecting foodservice employee’s burnout, engagement, and turnover intention. So should try to reduce the employees’ workload and increase the rewards for them along with activating communication among each other. Key words: school foodservice employee, job characteristic, burnout, engagement, turnover intention
An investigation was conducted to evaluate the hygienic status of 53 high school foodservice systems in Gyeonggi province by using hygiene management guide checklist, ATP bioluminescence assay of food utensils were conducted during process. The 5 hygiene management guide checklist groups about personal hygiene, cooking facilities control, cross contamination control, cook and storage control, management control were checked by experts and had good grades but there were some inadequate behaviors on observation. Total cleaning levels were inadequate, including hand, rubber gloves, aprons, knives, food tray, machine and instruments. The possibility of cross contamination is also noted in handles for refrigerators, ovens, food dryers, hand washing. It was also noted that there were too much work on the nutritionist and cook, additional personnel need to be added. lack of space, deterioration of facilities were identified in some high school foodservice systems. ATP bioluminescence assay was conducted on surface of food facilities, ATP ranged 1,393±5,041.2 RLU on yellow gloves, 244±258.7 RLU on pink gloves, 3,780±11,418.6 RLU on apron, 49,056±62,831.4 RLU on refrigerator grip, 41,422±61,259.8 RLU in oven, 31,407±41,344.9 RLU on hand cleaning board.
본 연구는 지역별, 학교별, 계절별 고등학교 급식 식단의 미생물학적 안전성 관련 주요 영향 인자를 도출하고자 식단 데이터를 수집하고 요인을 분석하여 향후 안전관리 방향을 설정하기 위해 실시하였다. 급식식단 중 PHF(Potentially Hazardous Food) 해당여부, 사용빈도가 높은 엽경채류, 식단 조리방법에 관하여 빈도 분석과 다중대응분석(Multiple correspondence analysis, MCA)을 실시하였다. 중부지역과 남부지역의 각각 3개 고 교, 총 6개 고등학교의 3, 6, 9, 12월 제공된 총 1,945개 식단의 빈도분석 결과, PHF에 해당하는 식단은 데친 나 물류, 샐러드, 해조류, 닭튀김 등이 사용빈도가 높았다. 조리방법은 가열 여부에 따라 단순 가열, 단순 비가열, 혼합 여부에 따라 가열한 식재료와 가열한 식재료의 혼합, 비가열한 식재료와 비가열한 식재료의 혼합, 가열한 식재료와 비가열한 식재료의 혼합으로 구분하였는데, PHF 제품 내 단순 비가열과 가열한 식재료와 비가열한 식재료의 혼합과 같은 메뉴 유형도 33.1% 수준으로 나타났다. 사용빈도가 높은 엽경채류는 시금치, 부추, 상추, 양배추, 깻잎, 양상추, 치커리, 파, 브로콜리 순서로 나타났다. 전체 식단 중 사용빈도가 높은 엽경채류 14종 370개의 데 이터에 대한 MCA 결과 PHF에 해당하는 엽경채류에는 양상추, 청경채가, Non-PHF에 해당하는 엽경채류에는 브로콜리, 양배추, 치커리, 깻잎이 주로 사용되었다. 지역별로는 중부지역에서는 마늘쫑과 시금치가, 남부지역에는 미나리 사용빈도가 상대적으로 높았다. 향후 단체급식에서 농산물의 미생물학적 안전성을 높일수 있도록 생산단계에서 오염원 차단(GAP 인증), 저감 및 세척 공정 개발, 식재료별 조리방법에 따른 메뉴 데이터 베이스화, 미생물학적 안전성이 확보되는 조리방법을 활용한 식단 개발 및 검증이 필요하다.
An investigation was conducted to evaluate the hygienic status of 33 high school foodservice systems in Yongin city by using hygiene management guide checklist, ATP bioluminescence assay and microbe inspection petrifilm (APC, coliform group, Staphylococcus aureus) of food utensils during use. The 22 hygiene management guide checklist items about facilities, personal hygiene, food control, distribution, washing and disinfection had good grade but there were some inadequate behaviors on observation. The inspection results showed their sanitary condition met the level B of the recommendation of Korea method, it means sanitary management system get settled but more practical CCP system was needed. ATP bioluminescence assay was conducted on surface of food facilities, ATP ranged 425~2,552 RLU on gloves, 541~70,251 RLU on apron, 1,596~88,490 RLU on working desk, 1,177~263,813 RLU on sterilizer grip, 715~32,814 RLU on sterilizer shelf, 114~619,725 RLU on refrigerator grip, 677~319,007 RLU on refrigerator shelf, 71~196,725 RLU on freezer grip, 1,535~233,375 RLU on freezer shelf. APC ranged 66.7±29.0 CFU on freezer grip, 102.1±35.9 CFU on refrigerator grip, 45.4±28.2 CFU on heating cabinet grip, 58.8±40.4 CFU on sterilizer grip, the number of coliform group ranged 5.6±4.9 CFU on freezer grip, 9.1±8.7 CFU on refrigerator grip, 1.2±1.1 CFU on heating cabinet grip, 4.5±4.4 CFU on sterilizer grip. S. aureus ranged 8.0±5.6, CFU on freezer grip, 12.2±9.6 CFU on refrigerator grip, 2.1±1.6 CFU on heating cabinet grip, 11.6±6.4 CFU on sterilizer grip.
This study examines the service satisfaction rate on high school students(637) in order to provide the basic data for marketing direction by analyzing the importance and satisfaction rate of the service quality. In IPA for the service quality, as the following properties are high in expectation as well as satisfaction they needed to maintain. They are the taste, scent, saltiness, proper temperature of the food, the quantity main food, nutritional value, the degree of freshness, and the smell of dining room. The following properties need the excessive efforts. They are the number of side dishes, eating place, the shape and material quality of dish, the costume of dining workers. As the following showed low importance degrees as well as satisfaction degrees, they don't need concentrated efforts. They are the harmony of color and shape, the interior design of the dining room, the arrangement of tables and chairs, the atmosphere of dining room, and the effect of nutrition instruction. As the education of nutrition is compulsory among the school group meal, the analysis based on the response of questioned students is supposed to be more careful. The items showing low satisfaction degrees while high importance degrees are considered to make an operational plans for the improvement through a variety of menu, the quality of food, the quantity for side-dishes, health control, the cleanness of dishes, the kindness of cooks, the performance of nutritionists, the charge of school meal, and meal time.
Following the recent policy, enlargement of foodservice and contracted management systems of high school foodservices have been accelerated, and the scales of foodservices have been gradually increased. A sudden growth of domestic foodservice companies have remarkably disparated. Yet compared to that of the foodservice control in advanced countries, domestic foodservice control has a lot more to learn. Due to the characteristics of foodservice establishment serving many people at a time, there is always a high potential of food borne outbreak. The purpose of this study was to evaluate hazard factors in the steps of production, holding and assembly and service of fried curry hair-tail, cold seaweed and cucumber, fried pork cutlet, that were served by contracted management in high school foodservice centre, then to suggest method of control with the Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point(HACCP) program. Also we suggested the possibility that the contracted management of foodservice system can be established and utilized to identify the variation of holding temperature among foods up to 6 hours after cooking. The results are as follows; The hazard factors in food product had come from the temperature, time, pH, Aw, equipment and utensils. The critical control point(CCP) of each food product; curry hair-tail, cold seaweed and cucumber and pork cutlet was cooked and held before serving, prepared and held before serving, cooked and held before serving, and prepared, cooked and held before serving, respectively.