
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구의 목적은 정보통신윤리의 영어 몰입수업에 대한 효과, 학습자의 반응 분석, 영어 몰입수엽의 문제점을 찾아 그 대응책을 모색하는 것이다. 연구는질적인 연구의 한 방법인 사례연구법에 의해 실시되었다. 데이터 수집은 연구자의 자기 평가와 학생들의 수엽 만족도 조사표의 응답 결과 그리고 태국 AIV 활동에서 함께 활동하였던 2 명의 교사들 평가를 반영하였다. 수업만족도 조사표로IACE 에서 개발하였으며, 선다형 10문항, 개방형 1 문항으로 작성되었다초등학교 5-6 학년 학생 20 명을 대상으로 시범수업으로 정보통신윤리의 영어몰입수엽 후 학생들의 수엽만족도 조사표에서 영어 몰입수엽은 효과가 있으며 학생들의 반응도 매우 긍정적이었다. 드러난 문제점으로 교사의 학생들 수준에 맞는 의사소통 능력의 부족, 고차원적인 사고 유도의 부족, 수업 중 학생들이 협력할 기회의 제공이 부족, 학생들의 의견 청취와 학생 중심의 수업 부족 등이었다.연구의 결론은 첫째, 정보통신윤리의 영어 몰입수업은 효과가 있었다. 둘째, 학생들의 반응은 매우 긍정적으로 나타났다. 셋째 정보통신윤리의 영어몰입수업에서교사의 철저한 수업계획과 자기 점검이 필요하다는 것이다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study explores an exemplary case of an English immersion program originally initiated by some primary school teachers. It investigates how an immersion education was initiated by the members of an English teachers" study group and later supported by a provincial office of education. The contents of the program and the three examples of immersion classes are briefly illustrated and commented. The innovative endeavors for the successful execution of the immersion classes include the use of the daily morning English practice and various ways of exposing students to English. It was found from the interview conducted with 5 immersion teachers that the strong motivation of the immersion teachers was the first empowering factor for this program and the appropriate financial and administrative help from the provincial office of education was another crucial one. Several practical problems from implementing the immersion program are also reported. From these results and findings some suggestions are made for better ways for implementing immersion programs in elementary schools.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Recently the Korean government has promoted, as part of a national plan for facilitating English education, the introduction of English immersion programs into public secondary schools in Korea. English immersion programs have been installed in many elementary schools in Canada and the U.S. as a practice of bilingual education, especially to help students in the linguistic minority. The government has also emphasized that the program will be further utilized for teaching general subjects in addition to English, and that it will be installed in the elementary schools as soon as possible. This paper critically reviews the suitability and validity of the English immersion program for Korean public schools from the socio-cultural, politico-economical, and language educational perspectives. Before doing that, this paper discusses: i) the origin and the objects of the immersion program, ii) the English immersion program implemented in the U.S., and iii) the difference between the features of English Immersion programs in the U.S. and those that have been introduced to Korea. Based on these discussions, this paper argues that the English immersion program is not an optimal, nor a suitable program for English education in Korean public schools. This paper suggests some ideasfor planning foreign language education policy in the future.