
외국어교육 KCI 등재 Foreign Languages Education

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제15권 제1호 (2008년 6월) 23

2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
While the professional literature abounds with the values of feedback on L2 language writings, few researchers have investigated the differential effects of types of feedback on the writing improvements in terms of proficiency levels. The purpose of the study was three-fold: to examine (1) the effects of three types of feedback, teacher, peer, and self-review on sixteen Korean college students" writing improvements; (2) the relationships between feedback types and proficiency levels; and (3) students" opinions on the feedback types such as preferences and reasons. The results showed that all types of feedback helped students improve their writings through revisions, but the effects of feedback differ from feedback type to type. The effects of teacher and peer review were significantly beneficial for students" writing, while the self-review was the least effective. In addition, the more advanced writers benefit from the peer or self-review, while the less proficient writers improved their writing from the teacher feedback, even though most of the students prefer the teacher feedback to the other types of feedback, peer and self-review. The theoretical background and pedagogical implications are discussed.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
To date almost no research has been reported on language teachers" assessment practices in university, with the belief that those practices are up to teachers" individual decision-making as part of instruction. The present study investigated the long-ignored English teachers" assessment practices (testing and grading) through university student perception indices, found in the questionnaire and interviews, by looking at how students feel about their teacher"s current assessment practices. The research findings revealed that students were concerned about their teachers" low quality of tests, absence of communication channels for checking test results and grades with teachers, and undemocratic testing ambience. Implications for future research and assessment were suggested to look for possibilities of bringing in critical language testing (CLT) to the university classroom.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Because performance assessment such as a composition test introduces a range of factors that may influence the chances of success for a candidate on the test, those in charge of monitoring quality control for performance assessment programs need to gather information that will help them determine whether all aspects of the programs are working as intended. In the present study, generalizability theory (Brennan, 1992) was employed to examine the relative effects of various sources of variability on students" performance on an essay writing test and also to investigate the reliability of the assigned scores. The results showed that due to the largest effect associated with the students" writing ability and negligible effects associated with facets of measurement such as scoring criteria and ratings, the generalizability coefficient estimated for the writing test was high, suggesting that the test is a reliable measure of what it purports to measure, the students" writing ability.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The majority of studies on L2 writing strategies to date has relied heavily on case study as a research methodology employing think-aloud protocols and texts written by the participants. Since the studies dealt with a small number of participants, the findings are inconclusive and sometimes contradictory, and little research on the writing strategies has been conducted in EFL contexts. The present study investigated EFL learners" writing strategies and compared the more-proficient writers" strategies to those of the less-proficient peers. It furthermore examined an assumption of a connection between writing strategy use and writing proficiency. The study was conducted with two writing classes that consisted of 26 more-proficient and 23 less-proficient writers. Two different proficiency groups were divided in proportion to students" scores on the diagnostic composition test. Strategies were measured by means of the modified questionnaire originally developed by Petri? and Cz?rl (2003). The strategy items were stated in three different phases of the writing process (planning, while-writing, and revising). The results indicated that (1) the more-proficient writers used significantly more planning and while-writing strategies and (2) planning and revising strategies correlated significantly with students" composition scores.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study examined processing of L2 English relative clauses by testing the Filler-Gap Hypothesis (Hawkins, 1999; O"Grady 1997). For that goal, we partially replicated Diessel and Tomasello (2004), who examined L1 acquisition of relative clauses by English-and German-speaking children. The Filler-Gap Hypothesis states that the structural distance between head and gap determines the processing difficulty pertained within relative clauses. Taking this hypothesis as a theoretical starting-point, we used an elicited imitation task to tap 48 L2 learners" knowledge of English relative clauses. The results of the study demonstrated that subject relatives retained greater accuracy scores than object relatives, which in turn retained greater accuracy scores than indirect object and oblique relatives. These results were largely consistent with the predictions made by the FGH, but only partially consistent with Diessel and Tomasello"s L1 data.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this experimental study is threefold: first, to explore the relationship between metaphoric competence (MC) and language proficiency (LP) of nonnative speakers; second, to examine any significance in correlations in connection with what metaphor is and how it is comprehended and third, to put forward a few pedagogical considerations for development of MC in a L2 context. Ninety-five individuals subdivided into three groups of native and nonnative speakers form the subject of this study. Four test measures are constructed to assess the subjects" MC and LP. The findings of this correlational study are as follows: There is no correlation between MC and LP in the representative group of nonnative speakers (NNS). However, one group of NNS living and studying in the target culture displays a convincingly strong correlation, indicating that MC must be acquired through experiencing the culture firsthand. Neverthless, the other NNS group demonstrates an unexpectedly strong positive correlation in one test of metaphoric competence, implying that the linguistic cues of the verb- phrase (VP)-focused metaphors must have helped with their interpretation of the concept structures. This study provides empirical evidence that MC in L2 should be deliberately taught in class from the cognitive hypothesis especially where L2 is spoken.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study is to show that using practical vocabulary learning activities can stimulate EFL learners" vocabulary enhancement through making sentences. Language practice with productive lexical output can be a very helpful way for EFL students to integrate their prior linguistic knowledge with newly-gained words, which will enhance their communicative performance. One hundred twenty students (n=120) performed two different activities (sentence-building with instructional feedback and rote-memorization), and their performances were examined by the text length in terms of lexical proficiency. The results of this study reveal that the experimental group (n=60) with sentence-building with instructional feedback seemed to evoke their lexical input and output together and did better at both than the control group (n=60) with rote-memorization. In vocabulary knowledge enhancement, the experiment group showed that they were likely to transfer a large amount of vocabulary they practiced to their language output effectively. With respect to vocabulary performance, the experimental group formed more meaningful structures with a longer sentence than the control group. This study implies that sentence-building as a language practice can be an effective way to incorporate a learner"s lexical knowledge into meaningful language use, and can lead to better communicative performance in English.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study investigates a teacher"s practice regarding how Dynamic Assessment (Dixon-Krauss, 1996) is realized in his evaluative activities in a language classroom. First of all, the study pinpoints eight properties of dynamic assessment, and operationally defines and classifies the teacher"s evaluative activities into 6 categories: prior knowledge check, assignment review, task comprehension check, task customization, instance quiz, and achievement check. Furthermore, the study examines how the teacher"s evaluative activities are worked out for a small group of children who are learning their heritage language (Korean). The effectiveness and potentiality of dynamic assessment for a language classroom organized by special purposes are also discussed.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study describes the development principles of the Elementary English Digital Textbook (MEDT) and provides suggestions for the future development of English digital textbooks based on the evaluation of MEDT contents. With these purposes, the study firstly presents relevant theories about the instructional design, e-learning strategies, second language acquisition, and English teaching theories to investigate on what theoretical foundation the MEDT was developed. It then examines how the MEDT integrates and incorporates new technologies such as speech recognition, automatic writing scoring system, games, flash animation, and digital storytelling into a wide variety of English learning activities such as listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Thirdly, the study reports the learners" and experts" evaluations of MEDT with respect to contents, learning activities, interest, levels, and technological functions. Lastly, based on the evaluation of the MEDT, some suggestions are made on the effective use of MEDT for the implementation of enhanced, high-technological, and motivating English learning environments in Korean elementary schools.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study is to investigate the storytelling performance of Korean elementary school students by using the framework of narrative assessment profile (Bliss, McCabe, & Miranda, 1998). Story samples were collected from ten six-grade students during the English storytelling class. The English storytelling class consisted of mini lesson, storytelling activity, storytelling practice and self-assessment. Every class student was asked to practice storytelling in performing three tasks: picture book, family photo, and story stem. In this study, family photo storytelling samples were used to investigate. They were analyzed from six dimensions: topic maintenance, event sequencing, explicitness, referencing, conjunctive cohesion and fluency. From the diagnostic profile of strengths and weaknesses, five types of storytelling performance were presented. The implications for classroom practice and assessment were discussed.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study is to analyze writing activities in Korean high school English textbooks and suggest more effective writing activities in comparison to Chinese textbooks. For the analysis, two Korean and two Chinese high school English textbooks are selected. Writing activities are investigated in terms of three research procedures. The study begins by typifying writing activities as controlled, guided, and free writing, guided by Raimes’ controlled -to-free approach (1983) and Rivers’ five writing instruction stages (1981). Next, it examines writing activities according to the writing criterion prescribed by the Korean and Chinese national curricula, respectively. Finally, it investigates writing activities in relation to other language skills, such as listening, speaking, and reading. The results are as follows. First, while Korean textbooks include more writing activities than Chinese textbooks, there remain substantial imbalances in both. Both textbooks contain the most controlled writing activities and lack free writing. Second, Korean textbooks provide more writing questions than do Chinese textbooks in order to satisfy the national-level writing criteria. However, in comparison to Chinese textbooks, they lack writing activities designed to satisfy paragraph- level writing standards which enhance logical organization competence. Third, Korean textbooks offer more writing activities integrated with other language skills. Both textbooks most frequently contain writing activities integrated with reading skills.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study is to examine the roles which English dictionaries play in learners" production activity and to raise awareness about the necessity for more explicit guidance for English learners who wish to use English dictionaries to enhance their accuracy in production and vocabulary knowledge. For this purpose, first of all, the notion of knowing a word or a set of lexical items, along with the problems that learners possibly encounter when they attempt to encode their messages are reviewed with previous studies. Second, it illustrates the elements and characteristics of information which typical English learners" dictionaries provide for users in the light of difficulties involved in production activity. Third, this study analyzes the content and structure of current major encoding dictionaries of different types and purposes, assessing their distinguishing features and complementary advantages. It is hoped that the findings of this study develop the dictionary awareness among English learners and educators in Korea.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study explores an exemplary case of an English immersion program originally initiated by some primary school teachers. It investigates how an immersion education was initiated by the members of an English teachers" study group and later supported by a provincial office of education. The contents of the program and the three examples of immersion classes are briefly illustrated and commented. The innovative endeavors for the successful execution of the immersion classes include the use of the daily morning English practice and various ways of exposing students to English. It was found from the interview conducted with 5 immersion teachers that the strong motivation of the immersion teachers was the first empowering factor for this program and the appropriate financial and administrative help from the provincial office of education was another crucial one. Several practical problems from implementing the immersion program are also reported. From these results and findings some suggestions are made for better ways for implementing immersion programs in elementary schools.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study aims to investigate the current status regarding the utilization of native English teachers in elementary schools focusing on its benefits and problems and to explore better ways of utilizing them for elementary English education. The participants of this study were 1024 elementary school students, 80 Korean elementary English teachers, and 56 native teachers of English. The data were collected through questionnaires and interviews. Through the analysis of data the followings were revealed: 1) the native teachers of English considered that their working conditions including wages and the amount of teaching time were appropriate, but the pre-training program was not satisfactory; 2) the Korean English teachers felt that their workload related to native teachers of English was too heavy; 3) the students perceived that studying English with native teachers of English had positive effects on their English abilities in terms of cognitive and affective aspects; 4) in most schools team teaching between native teachers of English and Korean teachers were being performed and both teachers were satisfied with it; 5) however, several issues such as the role relationship between the Korean English teachers and the native teachers of English, the quality of pre-training, and reconstruction of teaching materials should be resolved in order to improve English program of utilizing native English-speaking teachers in elementary schools.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Textbook is very important in English learning and teaching. The goals of this paper are (i) to analyze the distributions of modal auxiliaries in middle school and high school English textbooks and (ii) to compare the analysis results with those of the general- purpose English corpora. Our study is based on Corpus Linguistics, and we are using corpus-analysis methods and tools in our research. In our study, we consider English textbooks as corpus texts and we will analyze them with NLPTools, which is a corpus- analyzing program. After we survey the distributions of modal auxiliaries, we will focus on a modal auxiliary can. We will examine not only syntactical distributions of a modal can but also semantic/functional distributions of this modal in English textbooks. In order to analyze the semantical distributions of can, we will use semantic tags and divide its semantic/functional category into three groups: ability, permission, and possibility. We will also divide the syntactic distributions into the nine verb phrase structures. After we closely examine the syntactic and semantic/functional distributions of a modal can, we will compare the analysis results with those of the LLC Corpus, the LOB Corpus, and the British National Corpus. Through the study, we want to show that the actual distributions and usages of a modal can in middle and high school English textbooks are a little different from those in other general-purpose English corpora.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study investigates how language teaching in middle school English classrooms takes place in terms of teaching methods and TETE classes. One-hundred and seven middle school English teachers in Seoul and Kyunggi Province participated in this study. Participants were asked to answer the questions on the web. Among the participants, 8 teachers were interviewed. Regarding teaching methods, some teachers used communicative teaching methods most frequently, while others still preferred grammar-translation and audiolingual approaches to communicative approaches. Pair work was actively used in classes rather than teacher-dominant explanations. Regarding group work, some teachers chose it as one of their preferred activities but others avoided group works for reasons of difficulties with control, time management, and lack of presentation in textbooks. Most teachers considered reading as the most important but dealt with a great amount of listening, reading, and speaking in textbooks. Multimedia were used to stimulate motivation from the students in classes: CD-ROM was used most frequently, followed by powerpoint. Most teachers, who used English about 30~50% of their class time, agreed on the effectiveness of TETE and came up with the effective ways in teaching. Teachers had different experiences with native English teachers. Some teachers had doubts about usefulness of native English teachers in classes. To bring about good teaching from native English teachers, they should be acquainted with characteristics of Korean students and culture and should discuss lesson plans with Korean teachers in advance.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper investigated interaction patterns of L2 learners and their native speaker counterparts in EFL classrooms and proximal social settings. To this end, data were collected from an English cafe at a university (i.e., pseudo-natural setting) and from an English conversation class at a university (i.e., classroom setting). Data analysis focused on teachers" question types, feedback patterns, and learners" responses towards feedback. The analysis based on utterance frequency revealed that students displayed higher participation rate in the pseudo-natural settings. With regards to teacher questions, teachers used more referential questions than display questions in both settings. However, there were twice as many teachers" feedback in the pseudo-natural setting compared to the classroom setting, but the frequent feedback did not slow down the conversation and did not always lead to self-repair. In addition, students in two settings differed in terms of their preferences to feedback in different linguistic categories.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of this study was to investigate whether or not ‘focus on form’ instructions can be applied to 7 year old children"s communication classes and how many uptakes are observed from each class. And if it works, what types of ‘focus on form’ will be observed and which types of ‘focus on form’ are most useful for learners" uptakes. This study observed 9 different kinds of ‘focus on form’ types and divided into two higher types: Reactive Focus on Form and Preemptive Focus on Form. From this study, there were 103 ‘focus on form’ episodes which were recorded in order to identify occasions where there was attention to linguistic form. After 98 times, learners’ uptakes were examined from 103 ‘focus on form’ episodes. Learner uptake was generally higher and successful, to a much greater extent than has been reported for ESL adult classrooms. Uptake was higher in ‘reactive focus on form’ than in ‘preemptive focus on form’, in teacher-initiated ‘focus on form’ than in student-initiated ‘focus on form’, and also higher when blended with reactive and preemptive focus on form. Having accomplished this research I conclude it is necessary when attempting to examine young learner uptakes during ‘focus on form’ instructions in a communication class, the teacher should plan to use the most effective types of focus on form ‘recast’ and teacher-initiated episodes as possible, rather than student-initiated episodes.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Education usually begins with setting a suitable goal. The education of interpreters/translators is no exception here. As the profession of interpreting/translation is based on practical business, the training of interpreters/translators is to be influenced by diverse business-related variables, including supply and demand of interpreters/translators. We should therefore take these variables into consideration when we set a goal for interpreter/translator education. Interpreting/translation education in Korea has been till now an elite training at the graduate level, With the diversification of interpreting/translation modes and languages, however, we need an increasing number of interpreters/translators with various focuses (court interpreting, document translators etc.). That is why interpreting/translation education at the undergraduate level is inevitable. We start this paper with analysis of the current situation of the Korean interpreting/translation market, utilizing statistical data. Then, general goal and principles of interpreter/translator education which are derived from the analysis are presented. Setting a goal, the bond with the social and educational demand should be taken into consideration. Again from these principles and previous researches, we suggest a curriculum and pedagogic methodology for future interpreter/ translator education, with an example of Korean-German department. We put a focus on Interpreting/translation practice as well as acquisition of language, linguistic, translational theories and general knowledge.
2008.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The present study aims to examine the types of professors" discourse strategies that are used by Spanish native professors in the classes given to Korean university students. For this purpose, we recorded 15 hours of professors" lectures in Spanish of 6 compulsory subjects on a video tape and transcribed them. After the collection of the data, we identified 17 strategies and their representative examples. On the basis of this, we recorded frequency of each discourse strategy. In this way, we were able to identify the most frequently used strategies, and tried to explain the cause of their use taking the educational situation into consideration. Because we were concerned about the use of strategies for each of the 6 subjects: grammar, conversation, culture, vocabulary, composition, and reading comprehension, we determined by analysing the frequency the particular discourse strategy that were used in each individual subject.
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