
외국어교육 KCI 등재 Foreign Languages Education

이 간행물 논문 검색


제25권 제1호 (2018년 2월) 10

2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study investigated how pre-service English teachers develop and use MICT (mobile information and communication technology)-TPACK (technological pedagogy and content knowledge) to select and use mobile applications for their micro teaching in a pre-service teacher training program. Although mobile technology has rapidly developed with the adoption of mobile multimedia devices and applications, the use of pre-service teachers’ TPACK is still limited to lower-level searches and to a mere tool for content presentations. The participants were nine students in a pre-service teacher training course in a four-year women’s university. Several research methods such as surveys, participant observations, micro teaching and interviews were utilized. The results of the study show the concept of TPACK needs to be extended to MICT-TPACK in this mobile age. The use of pre-service English teachers’ MICT-TPACK impacted and changed their concept of pedagogy to heutagogy. The teachers used mobile applications to facilitate their students’ inquiry-based learning of English as a subject as well as a medium of digital literacy. In order to select mobile applications for their lesson, the teachers developed a modified version of quality criteria for mobile applications. This study suggests there should be well-developed quality criteria for evaluating affordances of mobile applications.
2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study reports the effects of text chat on EFL students’ writing fluency, accuracy, and complexity, investigating whether its effects differ according to the interlocutor. The experimental design employed three text chat groups: one between two nonnative speakers (NNS-NNS); another between a nonnative speaker and a native speaker (NNS-NS); and the other between a nonnative speaker and a nativelike chatbot (NNS-NC). 78 college students of English as a foreign language between 19 to 22 years old were sampled and assigned into the three groups, each consisting of 30, 20, and 28, respectively. Over a 16-week period, they engaged in ten 10-minute-long chat sessions. All groups were tested before and after the treatment. A paired-samples t-test was conducted to compare preand post-test scores as far as fluency, accuracy, and complexity concerned. To find out the differences between mean scores of the groups, a one-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) was run. Results indicated that all three groups showed significant improvement in accuracy while only NNS-NS and NNS-NC groups did in fluency. No effects for complexity were evident. In terms of group differences, no statistical significance was detected. Participants’ perceptions of English learning and text chat positively changed overall. This study has pedagogical implications for EFL teachers, students, and researchers.
2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study investigates the use of the English definite article by Korean middle school students and examines the effects of explicit instruction on the article. Two hundred and seventy-two Korean middle school students were instructed on the core meaning of the definite article, identifiability, through a processing instruction method and were tested on their uses of the target form before and after instruction. The pretest results show that the various non-generic uses of the English definite article pose different levels of difficulty for Korean middle school learners of English. The comparison between the pretest and posttest results confirm the positive effect of teaching the core meaning of the definite article. All in all, the study shows that the non-generic use of the English definite article is teachable through the introduction of its core meaning in the EFL classroom. It provides substantial empirical evidence for the facilitative role of focus on form instruction in the acquisition of definite article in an EFL context.
2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of the study is to provide an analysis of lexical, syntactic, and cohesive features, which were utilized to distinguish written products of L2 writers in the individual writing task from those in the group writing one using Coh-Metrix. In addition, the study attempts to explore linguistic differences in their written outputs with regard to their L2 proficiency and the correlationships between receptive lexical knowledge and productive lexical knowledge. A total of 105 Korean university students participated in this study. Results show that L2 learners’ written outputs varied in several variables used in this analysis such as lexical diversity and word frequency. L2 learners in the individual task yielded more cohesive texts, and they were able to incorporate more difficult words into their written products. Meanwhile, learners in the group task produced longer texts with using more logical and temporal connectives. When proficiency level was considered, L2 learners at the advanced level did not produce more cohesive texts, but instead produced more syntactically complex texts. The scores of productive lexical knowledge in the individual task positively correlated with those of receptive lexical knowledge from two different vocabulary tests. Meanwhile, the scores of productive lexical knowledge in the group task did not yield the similar results. The results implied that Korean university learners in the individual task were more task-oriented and produced a better written output.
2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
With the advent of mobile technology, teaching and learning have been more effective with the help of smartphone education applications. This study investigates the effects of vocabulary learning using the smartphone education applications on Korean elementary school learners’ English vocabulary learning and attitudes. A total of fifty-seven elementary school students in the 5th grade participated in the study and were randomly divided into an experimental and a control group. The results of the study manifested that both the experimental and control group showed an increase in the comprehension and production score from pre- to post-tests. The effects of the long-term vocabulary learning, however, were not found to be statistically significant. The average score in the delayed test for both groups slightly increased, which indicated that the treatment was beneficial for learners’ long-term memory enhancement. In the affective domain, interests and confidence ratings were significant for the upper-level experimental and lower-level control group. The results of the survey questionnaire showed that the vocabulary learning using direct examples and pictures for both groups was helpful to improve learners’ lexical competence.
2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of the present study is to analyze needs of graduate students for English education for their academic study. Online survey was administered to all the graduate students in a university located in Seoul, Korea, and a total of 1,241 students participated in this study. The participants varied in majors including humanities and social sciences, natural sciences, engineering, medicine, and so forth. Crosstab analyses were performed in order to analyze the survey data, followed by subordinate analyses by the participants’ majors. Results indicated that most students perceived the great importance of English for their study, and ‘listening’ and ‘speaking’ were found to be the most difficult areas when students take English-medium graduate courses. In addition, although the frequency of scholarly activities varied by majors, most of the students expressed difficulties in writing research papers and making presentations. Based on the results, the present study suggests that English education programs be expanded and opened in order to meet the different needs by the students’ academic majors.
2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Recently, there has been a growing interest in ‘Flipped learning,’ a learner-centered approach that introduces the paradigm of future education. The aim of this study is to introduce a new method of Flipped learning and to identify its applicability to French grammar class in universities by adequately responding to learners’ needs and expectations. In chapter 2, we examine the necessity of introducing Flipped learning in the teaching of French grammar in universities. In chapter 3, we present the teaching and learning process divided into three steps: pre-class, in-class and after-class. In the pre-class step, learners understand the basic concepts by watching a pre-class video, solve basic questions and prepare authentic materials for discussion. In the face-to-face class, learners ask more questions, engage in a variety of activities with the instructor or their peers, and discuss or lead grammatical conceptualization about contents. In the after-class step, learners complement their weaknesses and deepen their knowledge. The teaching of French grammar based on Flipped learning, compared to the traditional teaching method based on lectures, allows learners to actively engage in their own learning process, to have more opportunities to interact, to gain a deeper understanding of grammar and to improve self-directed learning skills.
2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Unlike common nouns, proper nouns do not depend on the situation. So a proper noun is defined as either pointing to a particular object or pointing to a single object. In philosophy, these proper nouns have been known to play an important role in linking objects only to language and language extrinsic targets. For these reasons, however, proper nouns were not considered as important in foreign language education. However, after ‘the pragmatic turn of linguistics’ in the early 1960s, communication-oriented foreign language education became important. Because communication is closely related to the concept of culture, and culture and proper nouns are closely related. The purpose of this paper is to examine the status of proper nouns in the basic vocabulary of the second foreign language curriculum and how these proper nouns are presented in the College Entrance Trial Test/College Scholastic Ability Test. This paper seeks to analyze how often the same proper nouns are repeated in the test, how the proper nouns are translated, and whether such translations are consistent. Im Gegensatz zu gewöhnlichen Substantiven sind Eigennamen nicht von der Situation abhängig. Ein Eigenname ist also definiert als entweder auf ein bestimmtes Objekt zeigend oder auf ein einzelnes Objekt zeigend. In der Philosophie ist bekannt, dass diese Eigennamen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Verknüpfung von Objekten nur mit extrinsischen Zielsetzungen von Sprache und Sprache spielen. Aus diesen Gründen wurden Eigennamen im Fremdsprachenunterricht jedoch nicht als wichtig erachtet. Nach der “pragmatischen Wende der Linguistik” in den frühen 1960er Jahren wurde jedoch der kommunikationsorientierte Fremdsprachenunterricht wichtig. Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass es eine enge Beziehung zwischen Kommunikation und Kultur gibt. Kultur und Eigennamen haben miteinander zu tun. Der Zweck dieses Artikels ist es, den Status von Eigennamen im Vokabular des zweiten Fremdsprachenlehrplans zu untersuchen und wie diese Eigennamen im College Entrance Trial Test / College Scholastic Ability Test dargestellt werden. Diese Arbeit versucht zu analysieren, wie oft dieselben Eigennamen im Test wiederholt werden, wie die Eigennamen übersetzt werden und ob solche Übersetzungen konsistent sind.
2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study is aimed at looking into the effects of debate classes using flipped learning and suggesting a teaching method that uses flipped learning to improve Korean debating skills. With the aim in mind, this study was conducted on a total of 20 foreign adult students (10 in the experimental group, and 10 in the control group) in the spring semester of 2017. Those in the experimental group attended a debate class using both a conventional way of learning and flipped learning, and those in the control group attended a debate class on the same topic using a conventional way of learning only. Everything observed during the debate classes was transcribed and compared between the two groups. The findings revealed that those in the experimental group expressed their views and opinions on the topic more persuasively than those in the control group, and showed a significant improvement in debating skills. In addition, it was found that expressions and strategies used in the debating process were also significantly improved in the experimental group. In a survey and an interview conducted after the debate class, those in the experimental group answered that they were able to understand the topic better and thoroughly prepare for debating using the various materials provided prior to the debate class, and that the flipped learning class had a positive impact on their practical debating skills.
2018.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper investigates Korean-Chinese bilingual speakers’ processing of Korean plural marker -tul. It employed masked priming experiments with a word judgment task for Korean-Chinese speakers from Yanbian, China. The masked priming experiments compared the subjects’ response time in three different prime-target pairs: identical condition, unrelated condition, and test condition. The data of the experiments was analyzed in two different ways: subject analyses and item analyses. The subject analyses of the study showed partial priming effects and the item analyses full priming effects. These findings indicate that Chinese-Korean bilinguals seem to be sensitive to morphological structure of a morphologically complex words in Korean and less dependent on the lexical storage of the full form, as is usually found in L2 learners’ morphological processing.