
외국어교육 KCI 등재 Foreign Languages Education

이 간행물 논문 검색


제30권 제1호 (2023년 2월) 6

2023.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In order to humanize and contextualize ESL/EFL learning, poetry writing has been suggested and considered as an effective strategy for meaningful literacy. However, there is a lack of empirical evidence for the pedagogical significance of poetry writing on language learning. To make up for the dearth of research about poetry writing, the present study explored to what extent a primary English language learner can express herself through poetry writing in an American classroom and the significance of poetry writing as meaningful literacy in ESL/EFL learning. Adopting a qualitative research approach, this small-scale case study conducted textual analyses of a young English language learner’s poetry works and in-depth interviews with her. Findings suggest that poetry writing encouraged the participant learner to express herself with her own voice, enhanced her L2 linguistic awareness, provided meaningful learning opportunities―authorship and readership―, and motivated the learner to overcome challenges as an English language learner. The present study contributes to the understanding of young English language learners’ poetry writing in the field.
2023.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study investigates the effect of the DDL (Data-Driven Learning) approach on the English sentence writing ability of 6th graders in elementary school. To this end, a total of seven English textbooks were used to build a corpus. Five teachers were then asked to conduct five lessons using a weak version of DDL in their 6-grade EFL classrooms. Students were asked to complete a pre- and post-test and a pre- and post-survey, and a selected number of students and four of the five teachers had in-depth interviews with the researcher. The results are as follows: First, DDL using the textbook corpus was found to be adequate for helping elementary students improve their sentence-writing ability. Second, DDL had a significant effect on upper, middle, and lower level groups of students. Third, the students felt that DDL was neither unfamiliar nor difficult. Fourth, teachers with little teaching experience found it easy to conduct their classes using the DDL approach. This study implies that DDL is an effective approach to teaching communicative functions and language forms in the elementary English classroom and can be useful for all levels of elementary students.
2023.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Cette étude s’intéresse à l’utilisation du manuel de FLE(français langue étrangère) comme moyen de promouvoir et revitaliser le cours de FLEdans des universités coréennes. L’expérience a été réalisée deux fois, en 2021 et en 2022 avec 64 étudiants. Ils sont invités à répondre au questionnaire. Publié par Didier, une maison d’édition en France, en 2018, le manuel “Bonjour et bienvenue A1.1 Coréanophones” a été choisi. D’un point de vue didactique, nous avons analysé comment l’enseignant a utilisé ce manuel au cours et comment les aprenants ont ressenti le manuel. Puis, nous avons observé les effets à l’apprentissage. Par conséquent, l’enseignant poursuit le parcours proposé par le manuel mais parfois l’employe de manière éclectique en fonction de la situation en classe. Les apprenants apprécient le manuel car ils trouvent bien pouvoir terminer le manuel à la fin du cours. Ils aiment son contenu d’apprentissage et ils pensent qu’il est très utile quand ils voyagent en France ou parlent de la vie quoitidienne avec des Francophones. Certains étudiants répondent que ce manuel leur aide à pouvoir se présenter en français.
2023.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The human information processing center “memory” is defined as the process of encoding – storage – retrieval of external stimuli (information). Considering that all learning begins with memories, the teaching-learning design should present an efficient methodology without biasing the learner’s cognitive process step by step. Based on this information processing theory, this study systematically considered the following three aspects: First, an efficient teaching-learning model is designed by focusing on the input (listening) and output (writing) of the second foreign language on the premise of facilitating communication, which is the goal of language learning. Second, we will try to implement the structuring and systematization of knowledge, which is the ultimate goal of learning, through language learning. Lastly, in applying this to actual classes, based on the constructivism epistemology, the REACT model (Crawford, 2001) - Relating, Experiencing, Applying, Cooperating, Transferring - is borrowed, through which the lecture is conducted. The survey was also conducted for analyzing students’ perceptions of the learning methodology and got meaningful results from students’ lecture evaluations.
2023.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The study aims to understand personal changes experienced through Korean language learning and the significance of these changes to members of the new Korean Language and Culture Community by examining the life histories of foreign graduate students majoring in Korean language education and Korean literature. To this end, six Vietnamese students who are studying at a graduate school specializing in Korean language participated in this study and their life histories were examined, focusing on the development of their identities. The analysis focused on the (re)construction of identity in the learning processes of participants and showed that participants achieved complex identity development by learning and using Korean in various formal and informal contexts. In this study, changes were described in terms of improving Korean language skills, changing the self-image during early adulthood, and personal growth.
2023.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The forms and demands of language learning are changing in the pandemic era. Learners no longer rely solely on a formal language curriculum. Instead, they are using various informal language learning (ILL) channels. Although informal language learning has been in the spotlight and is growing, more research on ILL is needed. In this study, ILL taking place through an online community was analyzed. Articles from the Korean learning community (r/Korean in Reddit) were collected, and the topic modeling technique, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, was conducted on the collected data. As a result, seven major topics were selected. The most common topics in all posts were issues faced by beginner learners, followed by vocabulary and sentence meanings, interest in Chinese characters and applications of Korean language skills, culture and daily life, translation, online learning materials, and Korean phonics. Through this, the interests of ILL learners and the characteristics of learners could be identified. Due to the nature of ILL, in which a formal curriculum does not exist, it was found that questions about general strategies for learning and questions that could not be solved in formal language education were most prominent. In addition, the characteristics of ILL learners who actively sought learning content and materials were also found.