
외국어교육 KCI 등재 Foreign Languages Education

이 간행물 논문 검색


제25권 제3호 (2018년 9월) 10

2018.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
English has become an important language of science and scholarship due to the globalization and internationalization of higher education. As a result, there has been a rapid increase in English-mediated instruction (EMI) courses across English as a foreign language (EFL) countries. In an expansion of EMI courses, different reactions have arisen among professors between Korean and Nordic higher education contexts. Utilizing both literature search on EMI as well as insights from the researcher’s involvement in EMI projects, this article presents a comparative analysis of EMI between Korean and Nordic universities with the hope that it will contribute to more effective implementation of EMI within EFL universities such as the ones in Korea. The analysis demonstrates that although there are similar concerns about the expansion and implementation of EMI, the two contexts have fundamental differences, including the motivation for the introduction of EMI, linguistic environments, and philosophy of teaching and learning. These factors are intertwined and influence the implementation of EMI in each context. Therefore, in order to implement EMI more successfully in Korean universities, understanding the differences underlying the two contexts is required.
2018.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This paper examines the use of the present perfect by Korean learners of English. Forty-four first grade high school students and eleven college students participated and wrote an essay on a given topic. The writing samples were analyzed in terms of the appropriate, inappropriate uses of the present perfect and the relations between the inherent lexical aspects and the form use. The results showed that the learners used the present perfect in a good sense with appropriate perfect types. Most of them were accompanied with temporal adverbials such as since or so far. In addition, they also showed many misuses with past, present, and pluperfect for the present perfect, revealing that they tended to encode only one temporal part of the present perfect. Regarding the use of the aspectual verb, activities and states occurred more in the use of the present perfect in the students’ writings. Based on these results, pedagogical implications were suggested.
2018.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The main objective of this research was to probe the DLM-based teaching method for Korean students’ English communication skills. For this study, the corpus was made of Korean reading materials with 307 frequently used sentence patterns extracted. The present research employing a quasi-experimental design and a comparative analysis of Korean and English corpora revealed the followings: first, the difference between the DLM (experimental group) and the CTR (control group) was examined in terms of the pretest score in order to identify the students’ level of English productive skills. After the pretest, meaningful translation focused DLM was employed in the instruction of the experimental group but not in the instruction of the control group. After one semester of teaching, on the posttest, the students in the DLM group outperformed the students in the CTR group. In conclusion, it can be inferred that the DLM teaching method is effective for English productive skills and can be a good solution to our English education environments in which both teachers and students use Korean as a medium of teaching English.
2018.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In recent decades, there has been a tendency to frame language abilities as a set of technical skills that can be defined, quantified, measured, predicted and ultimately controlled. Language Policy and Planning (LPP), which is commodified, over-rationalized, technologized, and monolingually driven, has led to the current conventions of developing curriculum, materials, and tests of language learning in multicultural education. The purpose of this study is to examine the neoliberal (dominant) and alternative discourses on the LPP in Korean linguistic societies. It was firstly discussed that the neoliberal discourses have been ideologically embedded with economism, rationalism, technocentrism, and neoliberalism. Then the alternative discourses were explored through relevant literature in lingua franca, ecological linguistic environment, metrolingualism, and translingual practice. It was argued that neoliberally driven LPP restricts the use of different languages other than Korean-only or English-only, and, therefore, discriminate lingua franca users, metrolingual, ecolinguals, and translinguals. Following the critical views on the current LPP, further research issues regarding postcolonial translingualism, critical discourse analysis, poststructuralism, language-as-resource ideologies were suggested. As the neoliberal approach to LPP has become a common phenomenon, the meaningfulness should be seriously questioned in fast-approaching multicultural contexts of communication in Korea.
2018.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study is to investigate the correlation between language aptitude and vocabulary levels of 5th graders of a Korean elementary school. The participants of the study were 39 elementary school students in Daejeon Metropolitan City. Language aptitude was elicited using LLAMA B, D, E and F classified respectively into memory retention, sound recognition, sound-symbol correspondence, and inference and application. A vocabulary size test modified from the vocabulary size test (Nation, 1990) was injected to the students to investigate their vocabulary levels. A correlation between each LLAMA score and vocabulary size of students was tabulated for their correlationship along with their statistical significance of 95% probability rate. The findings are: Positive correlations were found between each language aptitude ability and vocabulary ability. Among them, the correlation between memory retention and vocabulary ability is only statistically significant. This finding implicates that memory retention is an important factor to learn and retain new words, and learning vocabulary with pictures is recommended to reinforce the connection between meanings and forms of new words.
2018.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study is aimed at investigating the effects of flipped learning on self-directed learning attitude in the college setting. For the aim, this study tried to see if there are meaningful changes in learners’ self-directed learning attitude over time. With the research aim in mind, an elective university class of 47 students was observed for 15 weeks. A survey questionnaire was developed from Guglielmino(1977)’s characteristics of self-directed learning attitude, and four characteristics were finally used for this study: Openness, self-directedness, responsibility, and passion for learning. The questionnaire was administered twice in the 5th and 14th weeks, followed by in-depth interviews with 9 participants. A non-parametric test for repeated t-test, Wilcoxon matched pairs signed rank test was used for data analysis. The research findings are as follows. First, the results of the questionnaire indicated that there were statistically meaningful changes in all 4 characteristics of learners’ self-directed learning attitude before and after flipped learning. Second, the analysis of in-depth interviews revealed that students felt positive about their flipped learning since it provided them with great opportunities to develop and strengthen their self-directed learning attitude. Implications and suggestions for further research are provided.
2018.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Cette étude vise à étudier les caractéristiques et la différence entre la classe traditionnelle et la classe inversée grâce à une analyse comparative de ces méthodes d’apprentissage. L’expérience a été réalisée sur un groupe d’expérimentation et un groupe de contrôle afin d’étudier l’effet de l’apprentissage inversé sur la motivation et la réussite scolaire des étudiants. Des outils de recherche tels qu’un programme d’apprentissage inversé et un questionnaire de motivation ont été utilisés. Les procédures d’étude comprennent, dans cet ordre, un pré-test, un processus expérimental et un post-test. Par la suite, le traitement des données a été effectué par un ‘test t’ réalisé sur un échantillon indépendant et un ‘test t’ réalisé sur un échantillon apparié. Les résultats montrent que l’apprentissage inversé a un effet positif sur la motivation de l’apprentissage. Par exemple, celui-ci a influencé l’amélioration des éléments de motivation tels que l’attention et la confiance. Par ailleurs, il a plus d’effet sur les élèves au niveau faible que sur les élèves de haut niveau dans les études académiques du français.
2018.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
In den Zeiten der Globalisierung und Internationalisierung unserer Lebens- und Arbeitswelt ist interkulturelle Kommunikations- und Handlungskompetenz essentiell Der schulische Deutschunterricht steht im Zuge der Globalisierung vor neuen Herausforderungen. Er muss neben der Ausbildung rein sprachlicher Qualifikationen auch auf den ständig wachsenden Austausch mit anderen Kulturen vorbereiten. Interkulturelles Lernen, das der Entwicklung interkultureller Kompetenz dienen soll, ist daher auch Bestandteil von Lehrplänen. Ziel der vorliegender Arbeit ist es, einen Lehrplan zum Erwerb interkultrueller Kompetenz im schulischen Deutschunterricht zu entwickeln. Für die Entwicklung von dem Lehrplan zum um Erwerb interkultrureller Kompetenz werden zunächst einen Dialogtext im Restaurant aus dem Schulbuch ‘Deutsch 1’ ausgewählt, und im interkulturellen Kontext analysiert. Als Ergebnisse sind im schulischen Deutschunterricht zwei Lehr- und Lernmethoden denkbar, um eine interkulturelle Kommunikation anzuregen. Dazu gehören diskursanalystische Lernmethode und Kulturassimilator.
2018.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This article has attempted to provide some guidance and information for improving curricula at Korean universities by analyzing the curricula of American departments of German Studies. For this purpose, the contents and explanations of the website were mainly used. Prior to that, the current state of the Korean Germanistik was briefly descreibed. It was difficult to find cases in which the concept of the desirable learner, the purpose of the department, the goal of the curriculum, and learning outcomes were illustrated by the Korean Department of Germanistik. In contrast, these elements were usually described in the American departments. According to an example university, the department has developed the curriculum by which listening, speaking, reading, and writing can be integrated. In another example, the department offered the learners the opportunity to study in the various fields. The last case was an example of how learners can connect their majors to those of another faculty or department. The contents and materials presented here can be used for the improvement and new development of the curricula at the Korean universities. The departments of Germanistik in Korea have to redesign the curricula so that learners can acquire different skills needed for their future life. To do so, we should above all take into account the concept of the desirable learner, the pedagogical purpose, and the learning objectives of the departments and then provide the learners with a variety of chances to participate in developing a range of capacities. If it succeeds, one can assert the existence value of the department more convincingly.
2018.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purposes of this study are to analyze high-frequency hedges in dissertations and provide basic data for Korean education for academic purposes. For these purposes, the investigator analyzed ‘-(으)ㄹ 수 있 다, -(으)ㄹ 것이다, and -(으)로 보이다’ in terms of frequency, distribution by the structure, and forms of combination in 50 dissertations for a master’s degree. The findings were as follows: first, ‘-(으)ㄹ 수 있다, -(으)ㄹ 것이다, and -(으)로 보이다’ were used total 3,880 times across all the dissertations. Of them, ‘-(으)ㄹ 수 있다’ were used 2,496 times, recording an overwhelmingly higher frequency than the others. Secondly, the study analyzed the frequency of hedges by the part in dissertations and found that hedges were most used in “Findings”(56.6%). Finally, there were standardized forms frequently combined with each hedge. ‘-(으)ㄹ 수 있다,’ for instance, was frequently used in the forms of ‘-(이)라고 할 수 있다/다고 할 수 있다,’ ‘-(으)ㅁ을 알 수 있다,’ and ‘-다는 것을 알 수 있다.’