트로올선 No.85 Ptaro가 1975년 9월부터 1976년 8월까지 대서양 아프리카 연안 어장에서 조업한 어획상황을 분석한 결과 예망당 어획량의 일주기변동은 대략 다음과 같다. 1. 오징어는 일출후에 월등하게 많고 일몰후에 현저하게 적으며 주야간의 어획량비는 54:17로 획간에 많았다. 2. 갑오징어는 개체중량 300g이상의 대형어는 일출후에 다소 많고 일몰후에 적으며 주야간의 어획비는 45:28로서 획간에 많고, 개체중량 300g 미만의 소형어는 주야간의 어획량비가 40 : 32로서 큰 차이가 없다. 3. 문어는 개체중량 700g 이상의 대형어는 일출후에 적고 일몰후에 적으며, 오전보다 오후에 많은 경향이 있고, 주야간의 어획량비는 43 : 31로서 획간이 많으나, 개체중량 700g 미만의 소형어는 일출후에 적고 일몰후에 많은 경향이 있고, 주야간의 어획량비는 32 : 44로서 야간에 많았다. 4. 서대류는 일출후에 현저하게 적고 일몰후에 월등하게 많으며, 주야간의 어획량비는 16 : 41로서 획간에 많았다. 5. 돔류, 기타 A, B 잡어는 일출후에 월등하게 많고 일몰후에 현저하게 적으며, 주야간의 어획량비는 돔류 51 : 19, A 잡어류 50 : 19, B잡어류 42 : 25로서 획간에 많았다.
1. Around the Jeju Island, 214 fish species are described by some authors, of which 53 species are regarded as major fishes for the object of commercial fishing. 2. Major fishing method around the Jeju Island are scoop net for anchovy, gill net for mackerels, long line for sea breams. For large pelagic fishes such as yellow tail, tolling method are expected.
This survey was carried out to assess important species of phytoplankton in the ocean and bay in Korea from 32 references. The number of important species assessed from 50 genera 116 species. Of them, Bacillariophycea (diatoms) 34 genera 89 speceis(76.6%), Dinophyceae(dinoflagellates) 11 genera 22 species(18.9%), Chrysophyceae 2 genera 2 species(1.7%), Cyanophycea(blue-green algae), Raphidophyceae, Euglenophyceae(euglenoids) 1 genera 1 species(0.9%) respectively. By ecological characters, the number of dominant species were 79 species including Actinoptychus seranius, 50 species including Coscinodiscus centralis were recorded as frequently apperaing species and 36 species including Cochlodinium polykrikoides were recorded as red-tide causative organism. Also, 11 species including Prorocentrum micans were surveyed as the indicator including all ecological characters.
In this study, the distribution characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were investigated on the seasonal basis across spring, summer, and fall during the year of 1998. According to this analysis, most VOC species investigated exhibited strong temporal trends. Over diurnal scale, there distribution characteristics were affected by seasonal factors strongly. While they showed high day/night ratio pattern during spring, the pattern was reversed during fall. When the seasonal mean values were compared between the two seasons, the spring values were systematically higher than their counterparts in most cases. In addition when our VOC measurement data were compared with those reported from elsewhere, we were able to conclude that the VOC levels in the study area are comparable to the level weakly impacted by the regional emissions of VOCs. Although our data are not sufficient enough to systematically explain the atmospheric distribution and behavior of VOCs, the findings of strong correlations among some of VOC species suggests strong need for investigating their interactions in the earth's atmosphere.