Parallel importation of patented products, “first sale doctrine,” is an effective and efficient way of handling the importation of patent-protected goods. The national exhaustion idea is being used in Pakistan regarding patent exhaustion. Market competition and lower pricing phenomena are affected by this strategy. Case studies from the European Union (EU), the United States (US) and China are used to show how businesses can protect consumers’ rights by parallel imports. The US and China follow international exhaustion whereas the EU follows the regional exhaustion principle, which is comparable with Pakistan concerning the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). By finding lower-priced products, promoting international economic integration and regional collaboration with SCO, Pakistan can avail better investment opportunities. Case studies show result-oriented efforts regarding the implementation of the international parallel exhaustion strategy. Study recommends raising awareness and enhancing legal clarity, IP protection, and stakeholder input to ensure compliance with an international exhaustion system.
The international trade of live amphibian can cause spread of the amphibian fungal disease chytridiomycosis, which has resulted in amphibian population decline worldwide. Introduction of the causal pathogen, Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), to South Korea via the importation of live amphibians will have a negative effect on the survival of native amphibian communities. We investigated the likelihood that Bd would be introduced to the captive and wild amphibian population in South Korea by applying standardized risk analysis. We found that the likelihood of entry of Bd into South Korea was high, but that Bd exposure to the captive amphibians had a low impact, while it had a high impact on wild amphibians. Overall, the risk of live amphibian importation for pet trade or zoos was high in wild amphibians, while it was moderate for laboratory or human consumption in wild amphibians. Accordingly, risk management measures to reduce the risks related to live amphibian importation are required.
권리소진의 원칙은“최초판매로 인해 자신의 권리가 소진되었다면 이후의 판매행위에는 권리를 행사할 수 없다.”는 것을 의미한다. 이러한 소진의 범위가 국내를 넘어서 국제적으로도 인정될 것인가 하는 문제는 국제소진의 인정여부에 관한 문제라고 할 것인데, 이러한 국제소진의 인정여부는 진정 상품병행수입의 인정여부와 그 맥을 같이 한다. 우리나라의 경우에는 병행수입의 허용여부를 명시적으로 규정하는 법은 찾아보기 힘들고 행정고시 등이 이를 규율하고 있는 실정이다. 병행수입에 대한 우리 법원의 태도를 살펴보면,“ 외국의 상표권자 내지 정당한 사용권자가 그 수입된 상품에 상표를 부착하고, 그 외국 상표권자와 우리나라의 등록상표권자가 법적 또는 경제적으로 밀접한 관계에 있거나 그 밖의 사정에 의하여 위와 같은 수입 상품에 부착된 상표가 우리나라의 등록상표와 동일한 출처를 표시하는 것으로 볼 수 있는 경우”진정상품 병행수입이 상표권 침해를 구성하지 않는다는 입장이다. 그런데 법의 명시적 규정 없이 행정고시나 판례만으로 진정상품병행수입의 문제를 해결하는 것은 법적 안정성의 측면에서 문제가 있는바, 법에 병행 수입의 허용기준에 대한 명시적인 규정이 마련되어야 할 것이다. 아울러 병행수입에 대한 국제적 규범의 통일화도 필요할 것이다.
Purpose - The purpose of this study was to clarify the factors to make an exclusive importation contract between foreign fashion brands and local retailers for successful business in Korea. Even though imported fashion brand market shows stead increasing in terms of sales amount, the number of store related study was very rare in fact. Meanwhile, as long as this business is glowing a lot of brands are suffering from bad business performance or getting in ruins thus these problems result in foreign currency loss. The local marketers therefore, strongly expect to know the solution for this matter.
Research design, data, and methodology - For the qualitative research, 10 experts who are operating foreign brands with an exclusive contract at a department store or at duty free shop now and who had at least over 10 years of related working experience were included. The factors for the exclusive importation contract with foreign brands were drawn up through the one-to-one in-depth interview method from September 3, 2017 to January 15, 2018. The expert group for the validity analysis includes 2 professors and 5 postgraduate students.
Results - As a result of qualitative study on the factors for imported fashion brand's launching with the exclusive importation contract, it turned out that there were 5 factors - safety, profitability, reliability, speed and global retailing. Safety, profitability, and reliability have been mentioned in most related surveys but some details are added and speed and global retailing have been newly highlighted and many unknown legal issues that it was not easy to get form common academic research are included. Speed simply means quick lead time and global retailing means stores where located in other countries.
Conclusions – The reason that qualitative research should be done before the quantitative research is due to the scant theoretical background for this matter. Because the market of an imported fashion brand is steadily increasing, determining the factors to make exclusive importation contract is very meaningful from the point of academic and business. After this study, many marketers may get basic conditions to apply for real business and I hope the following quantitative research will give more effective results. The next study also will have extended range concerning industry area, product and distribution channel.
최근 활발한 발굴에 따른 곡물의 출토가 많아짐에 따라, 벼의 한반도(韓半島) 전래(傳來) 경로(經路)에 대한 재검토가 필요하다고 생각된다. 특히 한반도(韓半島) 최고(最古) 벼인 청원 소로리(小魯里) 벼의 전래경로에 대하여 제4기 자연환경(自然環境), 생태적(生態的), 작물학적(作物學的)면을 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 소로리(小魯里) 볍씨는, 최대빙하기(最大氷河期)이후 한반도가 중국대륙과 하나의 대륙으로 연결되었을 당시 한국조상(韓國祖上) 중 남방계(南方系)의 한 부류가 볍씨를 가지고 중국대륙 남부지역에서 해안을 따라 동북진(東北進)하다가 당시 옛 금강하류(錦江下流)를 거쳐 소로리(小魯里)로 이동하였다고 추정된다. 이를 "옛 금강-소로리 볏길(Old Geumgang-Sorori Rice Road)"이라 명명한다. 2. 유전적(遺傳的) 변이(變異)가 큰 소로리(小魯里)벼는 빙하기이후 지리적(地理的), 생식적(生殖的) 격리(隔離)가 발생함에 따라 한반도(韓半島)의 자연환경(自然環境)에 적응(適應)(자연선택(自然選擇))하게 되어 변이가 적은 고대(古代)벼(가와지(家瓦地)벼)로 종(種)의 분화(分化)(논벼, 수도(水稻))가 이루어졌다고 추정된다. 즉 한반도에서 순화단계(馴化段階)인 소로리(小魯里)벼가 재배(栽培)벼로 발전(發展)하였다고 판단된다.