In shipping industry, the Letter of indemnity (LOI) is a common tool used by shipowners, ship operators, buyers, sellers and their bankers. Specifically, LOI is a document given by the party requesting some special requirement that deviates from a regulated practice to another to smooth their contractual obligations. However, there are still many doubts around using this document in the practice. This article aims to research the awareness of Vietnamese shipping firms while using this tool. A survey of Vietnamese shipping companies was conducted, then the collected data was analyzed related problems while applying LOI. The findings will not only enrich knowledge but also support Vietnamese shipping firms when using this useful shipping document in the international shipping.
화재는 영국해상보험법 제3조에서 해상위험의 하나로 규정하고 있을 뿐만 아니라, 협회적하보험약관(Institute Cargo Clause) (B), (C)와 협회선박기간보험 약관(Institute Time Clauses-Hulls)에서 보험자의 담보위험의 하나로 규정하고 있다. 특히 선박에서의 화재는 육상에서의 화재와 달리 즉시 소방차를 출동시 켜 소화를 할 수 없으며, 결국에는 선박 내의 승조원의 손으로 선내의 소화설 비를 이용하여 화재를 진압할 수밖에 없다. 또한 선박은 가연성 화물, 연료, 페 인트, 목재 등이 많기 때문에 일단 화재가 발생하면 바람에 의해 화력이 증가 되며, 게다가 선내가 좁기 때문에 소화활동에도 제약을 받을 수밖에 없다. 결국 선박에서의 화재는 해상과 선박이라는 특수성으로 인하여 육상의 전문소방대 의 도움을 신속하게 받을 수 없는 상황이기 때문에 육상에서의 화재와 비교하 여 화재로 인한 손해의 확대가 매우 크다고 볼 수 있다. 일단 선박에서 화재발 생시 초기 진화에 성공하지 못하면, 엄청난 재산상의 피해와 인명의 사상사고 를 발생시키게 된다. 선박화재에 대한 대책의 근간은 선박화재로 인한 피해를 미연에 방지하는 것이 당연한 것이지만, 불행하게도 선박화재로 인한 피해사례는 매년 증가하고 있는 추세이며, 선박화재로 인하여 발생할 수 있는 피해의 형태는 (1) 화물에 대한 손해로써 운송 중인 화물이 선박화재로 인하여 멸실 또는 훼손되는 경우, (2) 선박에 대한 손해로써 화재가 원인이 되어 선박의 전부 또는 일부가 파손 되는 경우, 일정기간 선박이 불가동되는 경우, (3) 선원에 대한 손해로써 선박 화재로 인하여 선원이 부상당하거나 사망하거나 행방불명되는 경우, 선원의 소 지품이 유실되는 경우로 분류할 수 있다. 그러나 이러한 피해에 대한 사후적인 대비책으로써 어떠한 방법과 근거에 의하여 보상되어지는지 여부에 대하여 현재 검토가 명확하게 이루어지고 있지 않은 상황이다. 따라서 이 논문에서는 선박화재로 인한 피해의 사후적인 대비 책으로써 우선 선박화재로 인하여 발생할 수 있는 피해를 형태별로 분류하고, 이에 대한 보험보상근거와 보상여부를 검토하고자 한다.
In 1986, the People's Insurance Company of China(hereinafter called PICC) Hull Insurance Clauses, which were amended on the basis of the version 1972, were put into effect. Since PICC is the biggest state-owned insurance company in China, its hull insurance clauses have been used nationwide. In the clauses are included the following contents: scope of cover, exclusions, period of insurance, automatical termination of insurance, duty of assured, claim and indemnity, treatment of disputes and so on. However, this study is only limited to the legal interpretation of the most important clauses relating to indemnity of the insurer. The writers attempt to supply some basic materials necessary for the establishment and enforcement of the Korean hull insurance clauses.
Sea casualties may happen in ship, cargo and the others concerned with sea transportation. : the shipo-wer, marine insurer and salvage company have been endeavored to compensate salvage award with some rule and regulation such as Marine Insurance Act, York Antwerp Rules and Average adjustment rules. Once sea casualties happened, the salvage contract is established between the owners, marine insurance and salvage company, the contract are divided into so many kinds of them. In this paper, we have an analysis on the character of the salvage contract whether the characteristic contents of them are in benefit to any party or not. In this connection with these positive or negative character of the contract, it is worthwhile to compare the actual salvage expenses contract with no cure no pay contract. LOF 1990 has been revised recently, which is based on no cure no pay, expecially, the special compensation, safety net clause of LOF 1990 could be understood in the view of the prevention of sea pollution and the preservation of sea circumstances in the world. Salvage has the complicated and quality, because the adjustment of almost salvage charges have been treated through the other sea casualties which is accompanied by and mixed with. Besides of the importance of salvage contracts, we are in need to understand that what the diversified character of salvage charges are. Furthermore the owners should carefully select the insured conditions on Hull Insurance according to the type of his company, operating ocean route, loading cargo and etc. In this paper, we would try to analyze the character of the salvage award such as General Average, Sue and Labour Charges and Particular charges. We would like to propose that the uniformed system of the salvage award. Compensation should be built up for the effective and efficient salvage operation and for reducing the claims and conflicts from the concerned parties. To this end, we could expect that the uniformed system for salvage award compensation will come to be the benefit of all owners, insurers, salvage company.