PURPOSES : This study mechanically analyzed the performance of road substructures with focus on infiltration trenches of pavement substructures. METHODS: Water contents and response times for precipitation of pavement substructures were investigated via sensors buried near the infiltration trench to measure water contents. RESULTS : The results of the water contents of pavement systems constructed with an infiltration trench yield levels that were slightly increased by approximately 2% compared to those measured from general pavement systems. This water content difference of 2% resulted in a decrease in service life of less than two years. CONCLUSIONS: Service life reduction due to an infiltration trench is minimal, particularly when the trench is installed with proper caution.
The purpose of this study is to analyze the structural stability of pavement due to water infiltration at the road with infiltration trench as using the FEM(finite element analysis). Five cases for FEM is divided considering the amount of rainfall and rain duration time. The results of FEM show that the more rainfall in a short period time is faster the change of moisture content. Also, it is the proportional relationship between and changing area of moisture content of more than 40% due to rainfall. Case 3 and 4 are necessary to check the installation of infiltration trench because of moisture content of more than 40%, recovery time of initial moisture content, and changing area of more than 40%. Case 1,2, and 5 have no a significant effect on road pavement structure due to lower moisture content and shorter duration time of higher moisture content.
Recently, Low Impact Development (LID) technology has been developed and used to collect, infiltrate, filter and confine runoff in order to enhance the storm water quality and to preserve the natural water cycle. In this study, two technologies were employed in order to treat runoff from an impervious surface such as a paved road and a parking lot. The infiltration trench which was constructed to manage stormwater runoff from a paved road abates and temporarily holds stormwater runoff and removes sediments and attached pollutants within the sub-surface structure prior to infiltration into the subsoils. On the other hand, the tree box filter which incorporates trees and other gardening plants to regulate and treat runoff drains the stormwater from a parking lot. The infiltration trench and tree box filter represent only 1% of the catchment area that they drain. This research was conducted to evaluate the hydrologic and water quality effects of the infiltration trench and tree box filter after LID. Storm event monitoring was conducted for the infiltration trench from May 2009 to August 2014 with a total of 38 storm events and 24 storm events in the tree box filter from July 2010 to July 2014. Hydrologic (i.e., total rainfall, antecedent dry day (ADD), runoff volume, etc.) and water quality (i.e. particulates, nutrients, organics, and heavy metals) parameters were analyzed before and after LID. The major findings of this study are as follows: The runoff before LID was discharged directly to the sewers and could lead to local flooding of transport systems and pollution to receiving waters during intense storm events. But, after LID the runoff was partially reduced for atleast 50% on the two (2) urban landuses. Furthermore, the pollutant concentration before LID was observed to be at high concentrations. However, it was reduced to an approximate of 60% after LID. With the combined processes of infiltration, filtration, retention and evapotranspiration that were provided by the infiltration trench and tree box filter, the runoff was partially reduced and a significant decrease in pollutant concentration has been observed. The results and findings of this study will help facilitate the LID for further application.
최근 LID 개념을 이용한 비점오염 저감시설이 관심을 받고 있다. 본 연구에서는 다양한 LID 시설들 중 침투도랑에 관한 수질처리용량 결정을 위한 기법이 제안된다. 수확체감법칙을 이용한 수질처리용량은 해당 지역의 강수패턴, 유역의 불투수율과 같은 물리적인 특성, 침투도랑의 배수시간 등에 직접적으로 영향을 받고 있음을 살펴볼 수 있다.
급격한 도시화로 인한 도심지 내 불투수율의 증가는 도시 유역의 급격한 물순화 체계의 변화를 가져왔다. 이와 같은 도시 유역 내 물 순환 체개의 개선을 위해 저영향 개발(Low Impact Development, 이하 LID)의 개발 및 적용이 시행되고 있다. LID는 대상지역의 자연을 이용하여 우수유출수 및 비점오염원을 발생원에서 관리하는 토지이용 계획기법을 의미한다. 이러한 LID에는 다양한 요소기술이 존재하며, 본 연구에서는 도시화 및 산업화로 인한 별도의 부지확보가 어려운 도심지에서 적용이 용의한 침투트렌치에 대한 우수유출수 저감효과를 분석하였다. 침투트렌치는 대표적인 침투형 LID 요소기술로서 대상지역에서 발생된 우수유출수를 저류 및 침투시켜 지하수자원 확보와 원활한 통수능으로 우수관거의 대체시설로 활용이 가능하다. 본 연구에서 침투트렌치의 성능 분석은 SWMM 모형을 이용하였으며, 대상유역은 서울시의 대표적인 공업도시인 가산 1 빗물펌프장 유역을 대상으로 수행하였다. 대상유역 내 침투트렌치 적용면적은 전체면적의 5, 10, 15%를 적용하여 분석을 수행하였다. SWMM 모의 결과 침투트렌치를 미적용 시 총유출량은 4.03m³, 첨두유출량은 0.39m³/sec로 산정 되었으며, 전체면적의 5%면적에 침투트렌치를 적용 시 총유출량은 2.13m³으로 미적용 시보다 47.2%의 저감효율을 보이며, 첨두유출량은 0.21m³/sec으로 46.2%의 저감효율로 분석되었다. 전체면적의 10%면적에 적용 시 총유출량은 1.71m³으로 미적용 시보다 56.4%의 저감효율을 보이며, 첨두유출량은 0.17m³/sec으로 57.6%의 저감효율로 분석되었다. 마지막으로 전체면적의 15%면적에 적용 시 총유출량은 1.52m³으로 미적용 시보다 61.9%의 저감효율을 보이며, 첨두유출량은 0.15m³/sec으로 62.3%의 저감효율로 분석되었다.