목적 : 본 연구는 발달성협응장애 아동에게 그룹 Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) 중재를 적용하여 작업수행 및 사회적 상호작용기술에 미치는 효과에 대해 알아보고자 하였다.
연구방법 : 본 연구에서는 작업수행과 사회적 상호작용에 어려움을 보이는 아동 3명을 대상자로 선정하였으며, 연구 설계는 개별대상연구(single subject experimental design) 중 ABA설계를 사용하였다. 연구 과정은 총 16회기로 진행되었으며 기초선 기간 3회기, 중재기간 10회기, 재기초선 기간 3회기였다. 독립변수인 그룹 CO-OP 중재는 주 2회, 60분간 진행하였다. 그룹중재를 위한 공통목표활동 두 가지와 CO-OP 중재의 일반화 효과를 확인하기 위한 훈련하지 않은 개별목표활동 한 가지를 선정하여 중재를 실시하였다. 작업수행의 변화를 측정하기 위해 캐나다작업수행측정(Canadian Occupational Performance Measure; COPM)을 사용 하였고, 브로닉스-오세레츠스크 운동 능력 검사(Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency-2; BOT-2)로 운동기능의 변화를 확인하였다. 또한, 사회적 상호작용 평가(Evaluation of Social Interaction; ESI)를 통해 사회적 상호작용기술을 측정하였다. 그리고 매 회기 수행의 질 평가 척도(Performance Quality Rating Scale; PQRS)를 사용하여 공통목표활동과 개별목표활동에 대한 수행의 질을 평가하였다.
결과 : 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 그룹 CO-OP 중재를 받은 대상자 모두 COPM 수행도 및 만족도가 향상되었고 PQRS 역시 유의미한 변화를 나타내었다. 둘째, 대상자 모두에게서 BOT-2 점수가 향상되었고 특히, 양측협응 영역에서 많은 변화가 있었다. 셋째, ESI 평가에서 대상자 모두 점수가 향상되었다.
결론 : 그룹 CO-OP 중재가 발달성협응장애 아동의 작업수행과 사회적 상호작용기술향상에 효과적이라는 것을 확인하였다. 또한 본 연구의 결과를 통해 그룹 CO-OP 중재의 근거를 제시하고 작업기반의 중재가 작업수행을 향상시키는데 효과적이라는 것을 확인한 점에서 의의가 있다.
The current study examined the influence of individual trait such as Need-For-Touch level (NFT; high vs. low) and swiping orientation (vertical vs. horizontal) on product evaluation and preference when using touch-screen interface like a smart phone and a tablet. Swiping is one of the most common interaction techniques for changing pages or searching some aligned pictures on touch-screen interface and it can be used in vertical and horizontal orientations. The experiment revealed a significant interaction between swiping orientation and NFT on preference, however the interaction on change-in-price of given products was only marginally significant. To be specific, high NFT participants reported higher preference for horizontal-swipe than vertical-swipe products, but such difference did not occur with low NFT participants. The current study illustrates the influence of swiping orientation and NFT on product preference and it provides a new perspective of design principles especially for online shopping websites.
Businesses today are looking for new ways to acquire and retain customers, by delivering innovative products and services, which serve each customer's individual demands. Fo- cusing on individual customer needs and addressing each request individually with a ser- vice or product that is perceived as being customized has become the focal point of Inter- action Orientation (IO), a firm-level strategic orientation developed by Ramani and Kumar (2008). Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) is also a firm-level strategic construct, which reflects the "processes, practices, and decision-making activities" that firms use to identify and exploit new business opportunities (Lumpkin & Dess, 1996, p.136). As op- posed to IO, EO is a well-established concept, being one of the most examined topics in entrepreneurship research. However, most studies have focused on cross-sectional de- signs to assess the relationship to firm performance, leading to numerous research calls focusing on the need for more dynamic investigations (Saeed, Yousafzai, & Engelen, 2014).
Based on our analysis including 247 S&P500 firms from a variety of industries over a period of three years, this longitudinal study is one of the first to assess the short-term and long-term effects of IO and EO. To establish the firm's levels of IO and EO, we ana- lyze the content of Letters to Shareholders (LtS), as LtS have been widely used to assess different strategic orientations - Market Orientation, Learning Orientation - including EO (Noble et al., 2002; Short, Broberg, Cogliser, & Brigham, 2010; Zachary, McKenny, Short, & Payne, 2011). We relied on multisource secondary data for performance indica- tors and included several control variables: past performance of the firm, firm age, firm size, as well as industry specific effects.
Our results confirm that each orientation has a positive impact on the firm's financial suc- cess in the long-term but a combined IO-EO strategy reveals a negative effect on firm performance in the long-term. This study investigates the synergies between IO and EO in a longitudinal setting and using objective financial performance indicators, establish- ing the advantages and disadvantages of implementing a single or combined strategy.
Interaction Orientation (IO), a firm-level strategic orientation developed by Ramani and Kumar (2008), consists of four dimensions: (1) Customer concept - a firm-wide belief that sees the individual customer level as the examination unit and starting point of all company’s activities; (2) Interaction response capacity - the firm’s competency to respond to different customers using multiple means in a timely manner; (3) Customer empowerment - the extent to which a firm encourages customers to share information with the firm or with other customers; and (4) Customer value management - the capacity to keep an overview of how much revenue each customer generates, facilitating an efficient resource allocation. Current research states that IO represents a source of competitive advantage and leads to higher financial and non-financial performance. Past studies have only focused on cross-sectional data. However, a strategic orientation is a deeply embedded and gradually progressing organizational characteristic and, in order to establish a cause-effect relationship with performance, a longitudinal design is needed (Noble, Sinha, & Kumar, 2002). This study is the first to analyze the effects of IO longitudinally, including 247 S&P 500 firms from a variety of industries over a period of three years. To establish the firm's level of IO, we analyze the content of Letters to Shareholders (LtS). LtS are widely used to assess different strategic orientations, such as Entrepreneurial Orientation, Market Orientation or Learning Orientation (Noble et al., 2002; Short, Broberg, Cogliser, & Brigham, 2010; Zachary, McKenny, Short, & Payne, 2011). A sentence-by-sentence coding procedure was implemented (Keusch, Bollen, & Hassink, 2012;), where each sentence was examined for evidence of the four IO dimensions. We relied on multisource secondary data for performance indicators and on the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ASCI) for measuring customer satisfaction. We included the effects of competitive intensity and market turbulence, as well as several control variables: past performance of the firm, firm age, firm size, as well as industry specific effects. The results confirm the short and long term benefits of implementing IO, including higher financial performance and increased customer satisfaction, especially in a turbulent market. This study lays the foundation of a new approach for measuring IO in a longitudinal setting and using objective financial performance indicators.