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        검색결과 7

        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mobile banking has been continuously increasing worldwide. A number of studies have been examined on the mobile banking adoption intention (Kim et al., 2007; Sripalawat et al., 2010; Bhatiasevi, 2015; Baptista, 2015). However, most of those studies have been confined to Western countries and the developed Asian countries such as China (Ball et al, 2004; Chitty, 2012), Thus, there were only few of researches on continuance usage intention towards mobile banking in Thailand. Then, an investigation of the factors affecting users’ continuance intention should be studied to fulfill this gap. It is interesting to examine users’ continuance intention towards mobile banking and identify factors that would affect them. In addition, the adoption rate of mobile banking in Thailand is still underused than expected (Sripalawat et al., 2010). Hence, users’ continuance usage is a critical for long-term improvement of mobile banking. Consequently, continuance intention has become an essential topic of study in the mobile banking research area. The purpose is to study the impact of risk and trust on continuance intention towards mobile banking in Thailand and generate a meaningful understanding of the users’ continuance intention towards mobile banking. Mobile Banking is in a form of electronic banking, which describes all financial transactions through mobile communication technology (Weber and Darbellay, 2010; Chen, 2008; Mallat et al., 2004). Based on Ball et al., (2004) an extend European Customer Satisfaction Index model has been investigated on continuance intention. In this paper, the perceived risk is added for a better explanation of the impact of perceived risk and trust in continuance intention on Thai mobile banking consumers. Continuance intention can be defined as a customer’s intention for repurchasing from the same organization (Edvardsson et al., 2000). Repurchasing products and services from the same organization is a result of value received from one seller is more than other alternatives (Hallowell, 1996). Company can reduce cost and increase profit from customer loyalty. It is because company need to spend five times more than the cost of retaining an existing customer to acquire a new customer (Yap et al., 2012). It is a key factor in order to achieve company success and sustainability over time (Flavian et al., 2006; Keating et al., 2003). Expectations, both of experience and non-experience users can have an “expectation”. Non-experience users can have an “expectations” prior consumption experience from other sources such as advertising, promotion, pricing and word-of-mouth. Patterson et al. (1997) mentioned that expectation has an influence on disconfirmation and associate on satisfaction. Perceived quality is received customization and reliability from product or service. The level that products or services meet customer’s requirements is customization and the level of firm’s providing standard products without deficiencies is reliability. Parasuraman et al., (1988) claimed that a distinctive product quality contributes the differentiation of products and services to overcome competitors. The perceived quality significantly influences on satisfaction (Parasuraman et al., 1996; Kim et al., 2008). In addition, perceived quality is expected to have a positive effect on customer satisfaction (Fornell et al., 1996). Perceived value of a service is the benefits from service quality that customers receive relative to the costs paid by customers (Turkyilmaz et al., 2013). Perceived value is expected positively impact on satisfaction in the ECSI model (Turkyilmaz and Ozkan, 2007). Trust is the belief that a company will complete its commitments without taking benefits from customers (Ranaweera et al., 2005). Mukherjee and Nath (2003) found trust is an antecedent of commitment in online banking. Moreover, Morgan and Hunt (1994) supported trust is a key to successful relationship marketing. Aydin and Ozer (2005) mentioned that building trust is not only perceive good outcomes but also believe that good results will continue. Trust in service providers has a significant impact on continuance intention. It is an antecedent in models concerning to relationships that include loyalty as dependent variables (Schaupp and Be ́langer, 2005; Verhagen et al., 2006). Lack of trust can influence the way in which consumers see banks and financial institutions and in particular consumers’ attitudes to new forms of service delivery via the internet (Zhao et al., 2010). Perceived risk has changed as people have engaged online transactions. In the past, perceived risk was mainly related to fraud or product quality, but presently perceived risk is linked to financial, psychological, physical, or social risks in online transactions (Forsythe and Shi, 2003; Im et al., 2008). There are different types of risks were explored in the previous research about mobile banking and other banking technologies. Firstly, privacy and security were concerned regarding mobile banking among some consumers (Luarn and Lin, 2005). A PIN codes has been used to increase the security. Personal details and financial information became the main concern for mobile banking (Brown et al., 2003), especially among mature consumers (Laukkanen et al., 2007). When customers perceive an uncertainty, they tend to limit their usage or purchase intention Lin (2008). In addition, Wu and Wang (2005) support that risk has a statistically significant effect on intention to use mobile commerce in Taiwan. Satisfaction can be defined as how much customers are satisfied with the products or services of a company, and how well their expectations are met Oliver (1999). Customer satisfaction has been also explained as an overall evaluation of a firm’s post-purchase performance or utilization of a service (Fornell, 1992). Customer satisfaction is generally viewed based on evaluations and expressed some time during the purchase-consumption process. Loyalty and satisfaction are considered in several conceptual. There are a relationship between loyalty and satisfaction (Oliver, 1999). For the methodology, the questionnaire was administered through online included questions measuring the variables based on the extended European Customer Satisfaction Index (ECSI) model. Both males and females mobile banking consumers aged more than 18 years old living or working in Thailand are focused on this paper. The questions were rated on a 5-point Likert scale and developed from previous mobile banking studies (Parasuraman et al.,1988; Bhattacherjee, 2001, Ball et al., 2003; Chen, 2012; Kang et al., 2012; Kursunluoglu, 2014; Baptista, 2015). The partial least squares path modelling was used to investigate data from questionnaire to test hypotheses and determine the consistency, reliability and construct validity, as well as the relationships among constructs. 403 valid samples were collected after eliminating 153 invalid samples. The majority of respondent uses mobile banking more than 4 times a month as 36 percent. A percentage of 30 of respondents use mobile banking 1-2 times a month. Respondents using mobile banking 3-4 times a month and less than once a month follow with 19.1 percent and 14.6 percent respectively. The results from partial least squares path modelling have shown that the expectation has a significant impact on customer satisfaction. Thai consumers who set expectation on their mind by using their previous experience or word of mouth from their friends will compare the mobile banking service performance to their expectation. They would satisfy the mobile banking if the services meet their expectation. Perceived quality has a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. Providing good performances with accuracy, unfreezing system contributes customer satisfaction on Thai mobile banking users. Perceived value affects on customer satisfaction. After Thai consumers use the mobile banking service, they would evaluate the benefits receiving from the service relative to the costs paid by customers. If service received was worth with the money paid, Thai consumers would satisfy services. Perceived risk does not have a negative impact on customer satisfaction but it has a significant negative effect on continuance intention. Thais’ satisfaction would not be reduced by perceived risk, whereas Thai users would stop using mobile banking if they feel unsafe and perceive risk. Trust has a significant direct impact on continuance intention towards mobile banking consumers in Thailand. This shows that Thai consumers would keep using mobile banking service since they trust on the mobile banking service providers. The satisfaction is a dominant in continuance intention. Satisfaction has a significant impact on continuance intention. Once users satisfy the mobile banking service, they would like to continue use mobile banking and introduce mobile banking to their friends. In conclusion, satisfaction, trust and perceived risk have an impact on continuance intention towards mobile banking in Thailand. Expectations, perceived quality, perceived value have an indirect impact on continuance intention in using mobile banking for Thai consumers through satisfaction. The satisfaction is a dominant factor of continuance intention usage (Bhattacherjee, 2001a, 2001b; Chen et al., 2012; Lam et al., 2004). Satisfaction on mobile banking can be generated by good quality service, value, and responding customers’ requirement to meet their expectations. Surprisingly, perceived risk has no a negative impact on customer satisfaction, but it has an impact on continuance intention. Trust also leads Thai consumers continue use mobile banking. This study contributes mobile banking service providers to know the impact of risk and trust on continuance intention towards mobile banking in Thailand and generate a meaningful understanding of the users’ continuance intention towards mobile banking. The result can improve the volume and value of mobile banking transaction, and satisfaction. Moreover, mobile banking providers can reduce the challenge and generating a better decision on the future marketing campaign to motivate mobile banking consumer keeps using the services.
        2014.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The objective of this study is to test how five theory-driven adoption barriers and three key consumer demographics influence consumer adoption versus rejection decisions in two seemingly similar service innovations. The earlier literature on innovation diffusion recognizes two streams of research: one focusing on innovation adoption and acceptance of innovations, and the other stream, though less traveled, calling attention to innovation resistance. All innovations face a certain degree of resistance among consumers depending on consumer characteristics and the innovation itself. The literature argues that consumers can simultaneously express views that are both favorable and unfavorable towards the innovations (Ferreira, da Rocha, & da Silva, 2014) and thus both resistance and adoption can coexist during the lifetime of an innovation (Ram, 1987). Thus it is reasonable to explore how innovation resistance influences consumer decisions in different service innovations. Initially scholars explained resistance to innovations through two constructs, habit or satisfaction with an existing behavior and perceived risks associated with innovation adoption (Sheth, 1981). Ram and Sheth (1989) provide a more comprehensive view to the phenomenon by explaining consumer resistance through functional and psychological barriers that they further divide into five distinct barriers, namely usage, value, risk, tradition and image. This study tests how these five adoption barriers as well as three consumer demographics, gender, age, and income, influence consumer adoption versus rejection decisions in Internet and mobile banking. An effective total sample size of 1,736 consumer responses were collected from Finland. Logistic regression analysis finds that the value barrier is the strongest inhibitor of Internet and mobile banking adoption. In addition, while the image barrier slows down mobile banking adoption, the tradition barrier explains the rejection of Internet banking. In addition, age greatly explains this behavior and the results show that younger segments have a significantly greater likelihood of Internet banking adoption than their older counterparts. Contrary to Internet banking, it appears that gender significantly contributes to mobile banking adoption and the intention to use it. The results predict that males have nearly two times greater likelihood towards adoption compared to females.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
          The purpose of this study is to find out the factors of customer satisfaction as the critical success factors of mobile banking. Based on previous exploratory work and a review of the literature of customer satisfaction, nine key factors are identified:
        2005.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mobile technologies and services have become one of the inevitable parts of people's lives and mobile businesses have also been widespread. Nevertheless, there have been no such studies of mobile services in the industry and most of the studies have been concentrated on mobile Internet services. therefore, the goals of this study is to find out corporate key parts for popularizing mobile banking services by clarifying the activate method of mobile banking services and to get some tips for service providers and users. The results are following; First, Service Quality, Personal Innovativeness, Social Influence, don't influence users' Perceived Usefulness, which means that when people use mobile banking services, whether people around them use the services doesn't have a significant effect on them. Considerably, that's because mobile banking services are different from games and entertainment contents provided through cell phones that many can easily use and be affected by people around them and reference groups. Second, people use mobile banking services; when they experience the convenience and familiarity; when the service would help them work efficiently. Much of the preceding researches have dealt with service provider only and have focused on mobile Internet. In this regard, when it comes to a viewpoint that regards the mobile banking sector as a new sector of mobile businesses, this study is significant.
        2020.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The purpose of this paper is to (1) evaluate a proposed conceptual model based on integrated Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR); (2) compare the differences between Vietnam and South Korea regarding the effects of consumer perception of CSR activities and technology acceptance on intention to adopt mobile banking. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was conducted to analyze the data collected from the field survey questionnaires administered to a convenience sample of Vietnamese and Korean banking customers. The results showed that there is a difference between South Korea and Vietnam with regard to intention to use mobile banking services. While the effects of social responsibility and environmental responsibility on trust, trust on perceived usefulness, perceived risk on intention to use, perceived usefulness on intention to use were significant in the context of Vietnam but those effects were not significant in South Korea. Therefore, this study has attempted to fill this gap by empirically examining some of the important factors influencing the adoption of m-banking from the Vietnamese and Korean customers’ perspectives. Finally, practical and theoretical implications for both banks and researchers in the m- banking context are also discussed in the concluding section.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The study investigates the causal factors affecting mobile banking services acceptance by customers in Thailand. This study employs quantitative research methodology and non-probability sampling to draw 400 mobile banking users from the population who are the mobile banking users of commercial banks in Thailand. The online questionnaires were used as a research tool to collect data with the Cronbach’s alpha coefficient as 0.931. By using the structural equation model to analyze data, the results have shown that service quality, perceived usefulness, perceived ease-of-use, safety in use, and social factors influenced mobile banking services acceptance by customers in Thailand.By checking the harmony with the statistics χ2 = 108.618, df. = 86, χ2/df. = 1.263, p-value = .050, CMIN/DF =1.263, GFI = .989, AGFI=.962, TLI= .962, CFI = .976, RMSEA = .037,along with testing the weight factor. In conclusion, the research model was found to be harmonious with the empirical data at the significance level 0.05. The findings of this study suggest that the commercial banks should apply this research to understand the acceptance behavior of mobile banking users, also to determining marketing strategies, identifying opportunities and creating a competitive advantage for their services in the future.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The article aims to identify the main factors affecting customers' decision to use mobile banking service in Vietnam, a case study in Thanh Hoa province. Based on theoretical frameworks of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT), the study has been conducted with 370 questionnaires to consumers who have not yet used and are currently using mobile banking in Thanh Hoa province. The research results indicates that several factors have been evaluated to be more important than others, of which, the social influence is the strongest, the second is the compatibility and some others factors such as perceived ease of use, perceived trust, etc., all affecting the intention to use mobile banking in Thanh Hoa. Based on these important results, the article propose a number of recommendations: (i) Exploiting the advantages of social influence on the increase of intention to use; (ii) Increasing compatibility and minimizing costs for customers when they use Mobile Banking; (iii) Developing a strategy to increase the users’ perceived ease of using banking services; (iv) Issuing a policy on increasing the security of Mobile Banking system to meet customers’ needs; and (v) Developing an individual customer management system to improve service quality.