
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2008.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper begins with an assumption that the performer's interpretation could be influenced by his or her diverse analyses. Among the various elements that can have an effect on the analyse, the decision of a structural harmony and the rhythmic issue that originater from a conflict between tonal and durational rhythms are the primary concern of the paper. The paper tackles the issue of which dominant will be selected as a more structural one in an analytic situation, in which a half cadence is followed by the other half cadence. After discussing strengths and drawbacks of the readings, I cautiously propose performance suggestions that can be derived from each reading. I interpret the meter and measure by considering rhythmic aspects of a piece and finally suggest rebarring a passage to a better understanding. I also discuss how a decision of a long-range structural harmony that governs subsequent harmonic succession can influence the interpretation and performance of a performer.
        2015.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study revisits prosodic phrasing in North Kyungsang Korean (NK), focusing on intonational phrase (I-phrase). Based on the observation in Kim (1988) that a boundary low tone appears at the right edge of I-phrase, the present study shows in a constraint-based framework that I-phrasing is recursive and that the interaction of markedness and faithfulness constraints leads to a better description of I-phrasing in NK. Match Clause constraints (Selkirk 2011), faithfulness constraints, are employed to show the direct relation between surface syntactic clause edges and I-phrase edges. Even though it defies Non-Recursivity of the Strict Layer Hypothesis (Selkirk 1984, 1966), Equal Sisters constraint (Myrberg 2013), a markedness constraint, is shown to resolve the mismatch between syntactic and prosodic constituent edges by demanding the same prosodic category among prosodic sisters. Also shown here is that recursive I-phrasing is due to the ranking of Equal Sisters above Match Clause constraints. We provide one more piece of evidence for recursive prosodic phrasing by showing how I-phrases are formed in NK.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Chung Jung-Seung & Kim No-Ju. A Constraint against Identical Maximal Pronections in Phrasing. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 11: 133-141. In the phrasing of sentences without focus, a multi-word prosodic phrase (henceforth P-phrase) is preferred to a one-word P-phrase due to the constraint Phrase Minimality which prohibits a one-word P-phrase in North Kyungsang Korean (hereafter NK Korean) (N.-J. Kim 1997). However, a one-word (unary branching) P-phrase is forced to be formed due to the two inviolable constraints C-command and No Identical Maximal Projections (`IMPS). The aim of this paper is to demonstrate a role played by the constraint IMPs in mapping syntactic phrases to prosodic phrases. The constraint IMPs prohibits any identical maximal projections from being organized into the same P-phrase. For a role done by the constraint C-command, readers might refer to J.-S. Chung & N.-J. Kim (1997).