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        검색결과 66

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pyroprocessing technology has emerged as a viable alternative for the treatment of metal/oxide used fuel within the nuclear fuel cycle. This innovative approach involves an oxide reduction process wherein spent fuel in oxide form is placed within a cathode basket immersed in a molten LiCl-Li2O salt operating at 923 K. The chemical reduction of these oxide materials into their metallic counterparts occurs through a reaction with Li metal, which is electrochemically deposited onto the cathode. However, during process, the generation of Li2O within the fuel basket is inevitable, and due to the limited reduction efficiency, a significant portion of rare earth oxides (REOx) remains in their oxide state. The presence of these impurities, specifically Li2O and REOx, necessitates their transfer into the electrorefining system, leading to several challenges. Both Li2O and REOx exhibit reactivity with UCl3, the primary electrolyte within the electrorefining system, causing a continuous reduction in UCl3 concentration throughout the process. Furthermore, the formation of fine UO2 powder within the salt system, resulting from chemical reactions, poses a potential long-term operational and safety concern within the electrorefining process.Various techniques have been developed to address the issue of UO2 fine particle removal from the salt, utilizing both chemical and mechanical methods. However, it is crucial that these methods do not interfere with the core pyroprocessing procedure. This study aims to investigate the impact of Li2O and REOx introduced from the electrolytic reduction process on the electrorefining system. Additionally, we propose a method to effectively eliminate the generated UO2 fine powder, thereby enhancing the long-term operational stability of the electrorefining process. The efficiency of this proposed solution in removing oxidized powder has been confirmed through laboratory-scale testing, and we will provide a comprehensive discussion of the detailed results.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear safety, security, and safeguards (nuclear 3S) are essential components for establishing robust nuclear environments. Nuclear safety is to protect public and environments from radioactive contamination, which can be caused in accidents. Nuclear security is to protect nuclear facilities from terrorism or sabotage, which related to physical a ttacks or insider threats. And nuclear safeguards is to protect nuclear materials from extortion by a state with a purpose of weaponizing activities. When a new nuclear facility is introduced, it is possible to save abundant amount of resources by considering nuclear 3S in an early stage (design phases). Initially, the international atomic energy agency (IAEA) recommended safeguards-by-design (SBD) approach. The concept of SBD gradually expands to nuclear 3S-by-design (3SBD). Though there are differences in purpose and target subject, each nuclear ‘S’ is closely related with others. When introducing a certain technology or equipment in order to enhance one ‘S’, another ‘S’ also get affected. The effect can be synergies or conflicts. For instance, confidential information in nuclear security is required for a safeguards activity. On the contrary, inspection equipment for safeguards can be used for security. Pyroprocessing is a technology for managing used nuclear fuels. As pyroprocessing is a backend fuel cycle technology, a sensitive nuclear technology, safeguards has taken a large portion of nuclear 3S research in an effort to achieve international credibility and nuclear transparency. As mentioned, there are both synergies and conflicts in integrating nuclear 3S. In this study, we investigate potential challenges in applying nuclear 3S integration to pyroprocessing by addressing synergies and conflicts. This approach will suggest required supplementary methods to build the reliable pyroprocessing environment.
        2023.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Since 1997, the Republic of Korea (ROK) has been developing pyro-processing (Pyro) technology to reduce the disposal burden of high-level radioactive waste by recycling spent nuclear fuel (SNF). Compared to plutonium and uranium extraction process, Korean Pyro technology has relatively excellent proliferation resistance that cannot separate pure plutonium owing to its intrinsic characteristics. Regarding Pyro technology development of ROK, the Bush administration considered that Pyro is not reprocessing under the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, whereas the Obama administration considered that Pyro is subject to reprocessing. However, the Bush and Obama administrations did not allow ROK to conduct full Pyro activities using SNF, even though ROK had faithfully complied with international nonproliferation obligations. This is because the US nuclear nonproliferation policy to prevent the spread of sensitive technologies, such as enrichment and reprocessing, has a strong effect on ROK, unlike Japan, on a bilateral level beyond the NPT regime for non-proliferation of nuclear weapons.
        2023.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pyroprocessing is a promising technique for the treatment of damaged fuel debris (corium) generated by severe nuclear accidents. The debris typically consists of (U, Zr)O2 originating from the UO2 fuel and Zr alloy-based cladding. By converting the corium to a metallic form, the principal components of the fuel can be recovered through subsequent electrorefining, allowing for long-term storage or final disposal. A study investigated the reduction of zirconium oxide compounds by Li metal as a reductant in molten LiCl salt. This research explored the feasibility of treating damaged nuclear fuel debris, which mainly consists of (U, Zr)O2. The results showed that ZrO2 was successfully reduced to Zr metal by Li metal in LiCl salt at 650C without the formation of Li2ZrO3. In particular, Zr metal was produced without the formation of Li2ZrO3 when LiCl salt containing a high concentration of Li metal was used. However, Zr metal was produced with Li2ZrO3 when LiCl salt containing both Li metal and Li2O was added. This suggests that the concentration of Li metal in the LiCl salt is an important factor in determining the formation of Li2ZrO3. The study also demonstrated that Li2ZrO3 was partially reduced to Zr metal by Li metal in LiCl salt. This finding suggests that Li metal may be effective in reducing other oxide compounds in molten LiCl salt, which could be useful in the treatment of corium. Overall, the research provides valuable insights into the feasibility of using pyroprocessing for the treatment of corium. The ability to recover and store the principal components of the fuel through electrorefining could have important implications for the long-term management of nuclear waste.
        2022.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pyroprocessing is a promising technology for managing spent nuclear fuel. The nuclear material accounting of feed material is a challenging issue in safeguarding pyroprocessing facilities. The input material in pyroprocessing is in a solid-state, unlike the solution state in an input accountability tank used in conventional wet-type reprocessing. To reduce the uncertainty of the input material accounting, a double-stage homogenization process is proposed in considering the process throughput, remote controllability, and remote maintenance of an engineering-scale pyroprocessing facility. This study tests two types of mixing equipment in the proposed double-stage homogenization process using surrogate materials. The expected heterogeneity and accounting uncertainty of Pu are calculated based on the surrogate test results. The heterogeneity of Pu was 0.584% obtained from Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) spent fuel of 59 WGd/tU when the relative standard deviation of the mass ratio, tested from the surrogate powder, is 1%. The uncertainty of the Pu accounting can be lower than 1% when the uncertainty of the spent fuel mass charged into the first mixers is 2%, and the uncertainty of the first sampling mass is 5%.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Solid-state mechanochemical reduction combined with subsequent melting consolidation was suggested as a technical option for the oxide reduction in pyroprocessing. Ni ingot was produced from NiO as a starting material through this technique while Li metal was used as a reducing agent. To determine the technical feasibility of this approach for pyroprocessing, which handles spent nuclear fuels, thermodynamic calculations of the phase stabilities of various metal oxides of U and other fission elements were made when several alkaline and alkali-earth metals were used as reducing agents. This technique is expected to be beneficial, not only for oxide reduction but also for other unit processes involved in pyroprocessing.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        An options study was performed for the treatment of residual elemental sodium in driver plenums following the chopping operation during the pyroprocessing of used nuclear fuel. Given the pending availability of a multi-function furnace for distillation and consolidation operations in the Fuel Conditioning Facility, the furnace was considered for the processing of driver plenums. Although two options (oxidation and distillation) could be performed in the multi-function furnace, neither option has been developed sufficiently to date to warrant the use of the furnace for treatment operations. Thus, it was decided to defer the treatment of elemental sodium from driver plenums in the multi-function furnace until more developed technologies and/or furnaces become available. In the interim, storage of the plenums and characterization efforts are recommended.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        사용후핵연료의 효율적 관리를 위하여 한국원자력연구원에서 수행 중인 파이로 공정으로부터 발생되는 폐기물 처리기술에 대한 최근 연구동향을 종합적으로 고찰하였다. 파이로 폐기물 처리기술은 처분 대상 폐기물의 감용 및 포장, 저장과 최종 처분에 적합한 고화체 제조를 목표로 하고 있다. 한국원자력연구원에서 수행 중인 파이로 폐기물 처리 기술개발 접근 방향은 공정 흐름으로부터 발생한 폐기물내 주요 핵종들을 분리하고 회수한 물질 등을 재사용함으로서 폐기물 발생량을 최소로 하며 동시에 분리한 핵종을 별도로 고화처리하는 것이다. 폐기물 처리 주요 기술 특성은 먼저 전해환원용 원료물질 제조를 위하여 전처리 고온 열처리 공정을 사용하며, LiCl 과 LiCl-KCl 염으로부터 핵종을 분리하고 회수염의 재사용 및 핵종 함유량을 증대시킨 최종 고화체 제조 기술을 개발하는 것이다. 따라서 실험실 규모 실험 결과를 토대로 최근에는 공정 용량 증대를 위한 자료 확보를 목적으로 공학규모 시험을 수행 중에 있다.
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