This work describes the facile synthesis of silver nanoparticle-decorated zinc oxide nanocomposite through a simple glycol reduction method. The silver nanoparticle-decorated zinc oxide nanocomposite-based pencil graphite electrode has been validated as a perceptive electrochemical sensing podium towards nitrite. The morphology of the prepared nanocomposite has been characterized via specific spectroscopic and electrochemical techniques. The sensor exhibits a notable enhancement in the cyclic voltammetric response to nitrite oxidation at an ideal peak potential of 0.76 V in pH 6.0 acetate buffer. Under optimum conditions of nitrite directly expanded with their concentration in the range from 30 to 1400 μM with a detection limit of 14 μM.
This study investigates Ag coated Cu2O nanoparticles that are produced with a changing molar ratio of Ag and Cu2O. The results of XRD analysis reveal that each nanoparticle has a diffraction pattern peculiar to Ag and Cu2O determination, and SEM image analysis confirms that Ag is partially coated on the surface of Cu2O nanoparticles. The conductive paste with Ag coated Cu2O nanoparticles approaches the specific resistance of 6.4 Ω·cm for silver paste(SP) as (Ag) /(Cu2O) the molar ratio increases. The paste(containing 70 % content and average a 100 nm particle size for the silver nanoparticles) for commercial use for mounting with a fine line width of 100 μm or less has a surface resistance of 5 to 20 μΩ·cm, while in this research an Ag coated Cu2O paste has a larger surface resistance, which is disadvantageous. Its performance deteriorates as a material required for application of a fine line width electrode for a touch panel. A touch panel module that utilizes a nano imprinting technique of 10 μm or less is expected to be used as an electrode material for electric and electronic parts where large precision(mounting with fine line width) is not required.
An imprinted potentiometric sensor was developed for direct and selective determination of gabapentin. Sensor is based on carbon paste electrode adapted by graphene oxide that is decorated with silver nanoparticles and mixed with molecularly imprinted polymers nanoparticles using gabapentin as a template molecule. The synthesized nanoparticles were characterized by Fourier transmission infrared spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Under optimal experimental conditions, the studied sensor exhibited high selectivity and sensitivity with LOD of 4.8×10–11 mol L–1. It provided a wide linearity range from 1×10–10 to 1×10–3 mol L–1and high stability for more than 3 mo. The sensor was effectively used for the determination of gabapentin in pharmaceutical tablets and spiked plasma samples.
고분자막이 가진 수투과능 한계와 비가역적 막오염에 의한 효율 저하는 막기반 수처리공정의 추가적인 경쟁력 확보를 위해 해결해야 하는 문제이다. 본 연구에서는 초고속 물투과 특성과 뛰어난 선택성을 지닌 Graphene oxide (GO)막 에 뛰어난 항균성을 가진 은나노(nAg)가 코팅된 막을 제작, 평가하였다. GO막 은 막오염 저감에 효과적일 수 있는 높은 친수성과 음표면전하와 같은 특성과 막오염에 취약할 수 있는 높은 비표면적과 뛰어난 흡착능력과 같은 특성을 동 시에 가진다. 따라서, 논란의 부분이 있는 GO막의 막오염에 대한 저항성의 확실한 향상을 위해 nAg를 적용하였다.
기존의 올레핀 운반체로 알려진 은 나노입자는 입자 표면에서 프로필렌 기체와 상호작용을 하여 올레핀 촉진수송 이 이루어진다고 알려졌다. 그러나 은 나노입자가 공기 중에 쉽게 산화되어 표면에 생성된 산화은(AgO 또는 Ag2O)의 효과일 것으로 예상되었다. 산화은의 효과를 규명하기 위해, 고분자 PVP에 AgO 또는 Ag2O를 5 wt%로 넣고 분산시킨 후 전자수용 체 TCNQ 또는 p-BQ를 0.005~0.02%까지 넣어 분리막을 제조하였다. 전자수용체가 첨가되면 산화은의 표면에 양극성화도 분산 정도가 향상될 것으로 기대하였고, 이는 기체투과 성능과 XPS 그리고 TEM에 의해 분리막의 특성이 확인되었다.