This paper presents the resizing method of columns and beams that considers column-to-beam strength ratios to simultaneously control the initial stiffness and ductility of steel moment frames. The proposed method minimizes the top-floor displacement of a structure while satisfying the constraint conditions with respect to the total structural weight and column-to-beam strength ratios. The design variable considered in this method is the sectional area of structural members, and the sequential quadratic programming(SQP) technique is used to obtain optimal results from the problem formulation. The unit load method is applied to determine the displacement participation factor of each member for the top floor lateral displacement; based on this, the sectional area of each member undergoes a resizing process to minimize the top-floor lateral displacement. Resizing members by using the displacement participation factor of each member leads to increasing the initial stiffness of the structure. Additionally, the proposed method enables the ductility control of a structure by adjusting the column-to-beam strength ratio. The applicability of the proposed optimal drift design method is validated by applying it to the steel moment frame example. As a result, it is confirmed that the initial stiffness and ductility could be controlled by the proposed method without the repetitive structural analysis and the increment of structural weights.
Fiber reinforced polymeric plastic (FRP) materials have many advantages over conventional structural materials, i.e., high specific strength and stiffness, high corrosion resistance, right weight, etc. Among the various manufacturing methods, pultrusion process is one of the best choices for the mass production of structural plastic members. Since the major reinforcing fibers are placed along the axial direction of the member, this material is usually considered as an orthotropic material. However, pultruded FRP (PFRP) structural members have low modulus of elasticity and are composed of orthotropic thin plate components the members are prone to buckle. Therefore, stability is an important issue in the design of the pultruded FRP structural members. Many researchers have conducted related studies to publish the design method of FRP structures and recently, referred to the previous researches, pre-standard for LRFD of pultruded FRP structures is presented. In this paper, the accuracy and suitability of design equation for the local buckling strength of pultruded FRP I-shape compression members presented by ASCE are estimated. In the estimation, we compared the results obtained by design equation, closed-form solution, and experiments conducted by previous researches.
This study was conducted to compensate for the decrease in intensity due to the decrease in temperature and proposed temperature correction strength T28, using the Fractional function model.
Box-Wilson 실험계획법은 보통 중심합성계획법으로 알려져 있으며, 변동성이 존재하는 정보를 실험 계획적 방법으로 수집하는 설계 기법이다. 이 방법은 최소의 설계비용으로 가능한 많은 정보를 얻는 목적으로 고안되었다. 본 연구에서는 60 MPa급 고강도 자기충전형 콘크리트(HSSCC)를 대상으로 다양한 성능에 대한 여러 배합인자들의 효과를 효율적으로 파악하고 최적배합을 찾는 과정에 이 방법을 적용하였다. HSSCC의 배합인자(요인)와 물리적 성능(반응) 사이의 비선형적 관계는 2차 다항식으로 반응표면을 근사화 모델링하였으며, 요인점=25=32개, 축점=2k=10개, 중심점은 각 축에서 2번 씩 10개, 총 52개의 실험점에서 물시멘트비, 단위시멘트량, 잔골재비, 단위플라이애쉬량, 단위고성능감수량의 총 5개의 인자에 따른 압축강도, 통과능력, 재료분리저항성, 제조비용, 밀도 등의 총 5개의 반응을 파악하기 위한 실험이 실시되었다. 연구의 결과 Box-Wilson 실험계획법은 배합인자와 반응 사이의 관계를 과학적인 방법으로 계획하고 객관적으로 해석하는 데 매우 효과적이었으며, 수치해석적인 방법으로 최적배합을 계산할 수 있었다.