영작문 피드백으로서의 모델글과 주목 유도 활동 Model writings and noticing-triggering activities as feedback to English composition

제선미, 손태호, 조윤경
  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttp://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/283032
제21권 제3호 (2014.09)
한국외국어교육학회 (The Korea Association Of Foreign Languages Education)

Recognizing the importance of output and noticing in the second language acquisition, the present study investigated whether model writings and noticing-triggering activities can serve as one form of written feedback to learners’ writing. Particularly, it was interested in whether two different noticing-triggering activities would have different effects on learners’ noticing and incorporation in immediate and delayed revisions. To this end, 93 university students in three English composition classes in Busan were asked to take part in four-staged picture-cued narrative writing task (i.e., drafting, comparison, immediate revision, and delayed revision). The three classes engaged in different activities (i.e., note-taking, underlining, or reading) while they were comparing their own writing and the given models. The results indicated that models as written feedback have led learners to notice linguistic forms that they have previously found problematic or have not thought of as problematic. Furthermore, the note-taking activity in the comparison stage seemed to help learners better incorporate the linguistic forms included in the subsequent input.

 I. 서론  II. 이론적 배경   1. 출력의 주목 유도 기능   2. 작문 피드백으로서의 모델글   3. 주목 유도 장치로서의 노트필기 및 밑줄긋기  III. 연구방법   1. 연구 과제   2. 연구 참여자   3. 실험 절차   4. 자료 분석  Ⅳ. 결과 및 논의   1. 작문시 학습자가 느끼는 어려움   2. 모델글과의 비교 활동이 작문 수정에 미치는 영향  V. 결론  참고문헌  부록 1  부록 2
  • 제선미(부경대학교) | Jae, Sunmi
  • 손태호( 금정고등학교) | 손태호
  • 조윤경( 부경대학교) | 조윤경