제주도와 남부지방에서는 콩잎을 채소용으로 이용하여 고기와 생선을 쌈사서 먹는데 이용해 왔으며, 주로 지역의 재래종이나 일본에서 도입된 ‘단파흑두’를 재배해왔다. 그러나, 이들은 잎 크기가 균일하지 않아 상품성에 문제가 있었다. 그러므로, 쌈용 콩잎의 채소용 품종개발이 필요하다. 콩잎의 채소용 ‘청엽1호’ 품종이 2009년 식량원에서 개발되었다. ‘청엽1호’는 내도복 다수성 품종인 ‘일품검정콩’과 대립이며 잎이 큰 ‘대황콩’을 교배한 품종이다. ‘청엽1호’는 꽃색이 백색, 검정색 종피, 황색 자엽, 구형의 종자모양, 100립중이 35.8g인 대립종이다. 또한, 콩잎의 채소용 적성으로 개화기가 늦어 채엽기간이 길고 잎이 크고 둥근 난형, 잎색이 연한 녹색, 내도복성, 마디의 수가 많으며, 줄기의 두께가 두꺼워 채엽시 잘 부러지지 않는 특성을 가진다. ‘청엽1호’의 비가림재배시 잎 수량은 헥터당 18.44톤으로 대비품종인 ‘단파흑두’보다 6% 높았다. 콩잎의 기능성 성분으로 이소플라본 함량이 잎 g당 809 ㎍으로 대비품종보다 63% 높았다. 이상과 같이 ‘청엽1호’는 콩잎을 채소용으로 이용하기에 매우 적합한 품종이다.
Leaf of a soybean landrace and introduced variety from Japan, ‘Danpaheug’, have been extensively used as a vegetable
for wrapping with fish and meat in Jeju province and southern part of the Korea but it had poor leaf quality because of ununiform
size of leaves. Therefore, development of soybean cultivars for vegetable leaf is required. A new soybean cultivar for vegetable
leaf with black seed coat, ‘Cheongyeob 1’ was developed at the National Institute of Crop Science (NICS), Milyang, in 2009.
The ‘Cheongyeob 1’ was selected from the cross between ‘Ilpumgeomjeong’, yellow seed coat, lodging tolerance, and high yield,
and ‘Daehwang’, large seed size and leaves. It had white flower, black seed coat, yellow cotyledon, spherical flattened seed
shape, oval leaf shape and large seed size (35.8 grams per 100 seeds). It also had the special features for vegetable use of the
soybean leaves such as late flowering large and round shape of light green leaf, lodging tolerance, many stem nodes, and thick
stem diameter. The soybean leaf yield of the ‘Cheongyeob 1’ cultivated at the green house recorded 18.44 ton per hectare which
was 6% higher than that of the control ‘Danpaheug’. The farmer’s leaf income of ‘Cheongyeob 1’ was also high with 81.68
million won per hectare which was 93% higher than the control landrace. In addition, the soybean leaf had high isoflavone
contents with 809 μg/g which was 63% higher than that of the control ‘Danpaheug’. This result indicates that the new black
seed coat soybean cultivar, ‘Cheongyeob 1’ is a suitable for a vegetable use of leaves.