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율무 종자소독과 침종시간이 발아율 및 병발생에 미치는 영향 KCI 등재

Effects of Seed Disinfectant and Soaking Time on Germination and Disease Occurrence of Adlay, Coix lacryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen Stapf

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/254734
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한국약용작물학회지 (Korean Journal of Medical Crop Science)
한국약용작물학회 (The Korean Society of Medicinal Crop Science)

본 연구는 율무 종자소독제인 Fludioxonail 10% 종자처리 액상수화제의 침종기간이 발아율 및 병발생에 미치는 효과를 구명하기 위해 수행된 결과를 요약하면 아래와 같다. 시내 실험에 있어 율무종자를 3일간 종자소독 후 3일 침종처리시 발아율이 93.8%로 기타 처리구에 비해 높았으며, 부패율은 침종기간이 길수록 높아지는 경향이었다. 폿트 및 포장시험에서 율무종자를 3일간 종자소독 후 3일 침종처리시 출현율이 기타 처리구에 비해 높았으며, 입고병은 침종기간이 길수록 심해지는 경향 이었다. 포장재배에서 생육상황은 약제처리간 큰 차이가 없었으며, 10a당 조곡 수량은 무처리 194kg에 비해 3일간 종자소독 후 3일 침종처리구와 6일 종자소독구에서 26%~27% 증수하였다. 이상의 실험결과를 종합하여 볼 때 율무의 출현율향상 및 병발생을 줄이기 위해서는 3일간 종자소독 후 3알 침종처리 또는 6일 종자소독이 적당하다고 여겨진다.

This study was carried out to investigate the effect of soaking time of seed disinfectant, Fludioxonil on the germination and disease occurrence of adlay (Coix lacryma-jobi L. var. ma-yuen Stapf). The germination rate was higher in the seed disinfectant treatment for 3 days followed by seed soaking for 3 days than that of other treatments under controlled condition of low temperature. The value of two experiments were 90.8%, 96.7%, repectively. And, the time of seed soaking was longer, the more seed rot was proportionly decreased. In the pot and field experiment, germination rates were somewhat low compared to that of petri dish experiment as 88.3%, 84.3%, and occurence of seedling blight showed similar results that of petri dish experiments. There was not significantly different in the yield components among treatments in the field. However, as compared with untreated plot (194kg/10a), unhulled grain yield was increased about 26% on that treatment. Based on these results, it has been thought that improvement of the germonation rate and decrease of disease occurrence of adlay were accompanied with the seed disinfectant during 3 days followed by seed soaking during 3 days before sowing.

  • 장석원 | Chang, Seog-Won
  • 전대훈 | Jeon, Dae-Hoon
  • 김희동 | Kim, Hee-Dong
  • 이은섭 | Yi, Eun-Sup
  • 박기준 | Park, Ki-Jun