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귀리 수용성 추출물의 성분과 점도특성 KCI 등재

Characteristics of Viscosity and Components of Soluble Extract in Oats

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/286438
구독 기관 인증 시 무료 이용이 가능합니다. 4,000원
산업식품공학 (Food Engineering Progress)
한국산업식품공학회 (Korean Society for Food Engineering)

To examine the utilization of the soluble proteoglucan in oats as a nutraceutical ingredient, soluble components were extracted from Oat Bran Concentrate (OBC) by varying the experiment factors such as temperature (4060oC), ethyl alcohol concentration (0~20%), and pH (5~9), and then analyzed for their compositions and viscosity. The total yield of oat soluble extracts ranged between 6.4~17.9 and the contents of β-glucan, protein, lipid, and ash in oat extracts were 21.4~38.3%, 23.2~29.0%, 8.3~11.8%, and 5.9~7.9%, respectively. The extraction yield increased with the extraction temperature, but decreased with the alcohol concentration and pH. The β-glucan and protein contents increased with increasing temperature and decreasing ethanol concentration. However, the pH level did not influenced those contents. The viscosity of 2% oat extract solution ranged between 8.6~83.1 cp at different share rates, showing the pseudo-plastic flow properties. Results suggested that extraction condition could be controlled the purity of β-glucan and protein and applied commercially to the large-scale process.

  • 정헌상(충북과학대학 식품생명과학과) | Heon-Sang Jeong Corresponding author
  • 강태수(충북과학대학 식품생명과학과) | Tae-Su Kang
  • 박희정(충북대학교 식품공학과) | Hee-Joeng Park
  • 정익수((주)보락) | Ick-Soo Jung
  • 이항영(농촌진흥청 작물시험장) | Hang-young Lee