팔레놉시스 "Yellow Dream"은 국립원예특작과학원에서 2005년도에 육성한 신품종이다. 이 품종은 1995년에 적색설판이 있는 황색계열의 Phal. '031'을 모본으로, 꽃이 작고 밝은 황색 소형품종의 "Golden Emperor"를 부본으로 하여 교배를 실시하여 양성된 계통 중 선발되었다. 2000~2004년에 2회의 특성검정과 계통평가회를 거쳐 "Yellow Dream"이라 명명하였다. "Yellow Dream"은 노랑색 꽃잎에 오렌지색 계
Phalaenopsis (Phal.) "Yellow Dream" was developed by the National Institute of Horticultural & Herbal Science (NIHHS), Rural Development Administration (RDA) in 2005. This hybrid came from the progenies of a cross between Phal. "3031" which has yellow colored petals and small plant size, and Phal. "Golden Emperor" which has yellow colored petals with red spots and small plant size in 1995. "Yellow Dream" was finally selected in 2005 after the investigation of the growth and flower characteristics from 2000 to 2004. "Yellow Dream" had a yellow (Y4D) base color and light orange stripe petals (ORN34A) with a red lip (R42D). The average leaf length and flower width of "Yellow Dream" were 21cm and 6.8cm, respectively. It has a half erect leaf form and is a fast growing cultivar. This hybrid is relatively easy to make clones.