백호'는 흰가루병 및 보리호위축병 저항성 품종을 육성하기 위하여 'Azuma Golden'과 'Nishinochikara'를 인공교배 하여 육성하였다. 익산 137호로 명명되어 지역적응 시험을 수행한 후 2008년 농촌진흥청 농작물 직무육성 신품종 선정 위원회에서 흰가루병 및 보리호위축병 저항성 맥주보리 신품종 '백호'로 명명되었다. '백호'의 출수기 및 성숙기는 4월 21일과 5월 28일로 대비인 '호품' 보리에 비해 약 2-3일 늦었다. 또한 간장은
A new malting barley variety, 'Baegho' was developed from a cross between Azuma Golden and Nishinochikara in 1998. An elite line, YMB2139-2B-1-10-2, was selected in 2005 and designated as Milyang137. It showed good agronomic performance in the regional adaptation yield trials (RYT) from 2006 to 2008 and was released with the name of 'Baegho'having high yielding and BaYMV and powdery mildew resistance. The average heading and maturing dates of 'Baegho'were April 21 and May 28, which were 3 and 2 day later than those of Hopum, check variety, at the RYT, respectively. 'Baegho'has shoter culm length (78 cm), more spikes (1,062 per ㎡) and heavier 1,000 grain weight (40.7 g) than those of Hopum, respectively. 'Baegho'is resistant to domestic BaYMV strains I, III and IV and powdery mildew at Iksan. In growth habit, 'Baegho'is close to type (IV) that is distinguished from other Korean malting barley cultivars, which could tolerant to premature heading damage that is major concern for the practice of the malting barley cropping. The yield potential of 'Baegho'in the RYT was about 5.57 MT/ha, which is about 13% higher than those of Hopum. This variety has good malting quality in grain and malting analysis showed better 1,000 grain weight, husk rate, diastatic power than those of Hopum. 'Baegho'applied for protection of new varieties of plant in 2009.