방글이' 품종은 2000년에 교잡계통중 노란색인 97-38계통을 모본으로, 역시 노란색인 97-110계통을 부본으로 교배하여 선발된 00-26-1 개체를 2003년부터 2008년까지 증식 및 양구를 하면서 생육 및 개화특성을 검정하여 품종출원 하였으며 최종적으로 화색 및 초형이 우수하여 '방글이'라는 품종으로 품종보호권이 등록되었다. '방글이'는 꽃봉오리에 솜털이 없으며 화색이 노란색인데 중심부에 진노란색 (YO17A)에서 밖으로 점점 연한 노란색 (Y
A new cultivar of Lilium Asiatic hybrid, 'Banggry' was derived from a cross between a 'No. 97-38' line and a 'No. 97-110' line made in 2000. Selection and screening for flower characteristics was performed from 2001 to 2008 in plastic and glass greenhouses of the Highland Agriculture Research Center, NICS, RDA. Flowering date was July 11. The flower of yellow (YO 17A/Y-4A) petals has no fragrance and no spot, and flower width was 11.7 cm. Its plant height is 62.3 cm and the number of flowers is 5.6 per cut flower. A bulb weight of 'Banggry' is about 17.8 g and its bulb circumference is about 10.5 cm.