This study was conducted to investigate quality characteristics of red bean gochujang prepared with different ratios of meju for eight weeks. We determined quality characteristics such as pH, moisture content, total microbial flora counts, amino-type nitrogen content, total polypenol content, and antioxidant activity. The pH decreased by fermentation period, whereas total acidity was 0.36~0.39% in the early stage of fermentation, 0.63~1.16% at four weeks of fermentation, and decreased to 0.43~0.65% after the eighth week of fermentation. Moisture content of the control (no red bean, no rice) decreased 62.13% to 50.93%, but in case of the treatment, it slightly decreased. Total cell counts revealed similar tendency at the beginning of fermentation, and at eight weeks of fermentation. In case of lactic acid bacteria, all samples except RB-1.5 (gochujang added meju made of mixing ratio of rice:soybean:red bean (1:2:1.5) slightly increased. Amino nitrogen and total polyphenol of all samples increased in the fermentation period, especially RB-1.5 sample had the highest levels than other samples. By increasing the amount of red bean, DPPH radical scavenging activities increased. In taste sensing analysis, all treat samples except RB-1.5 revealed lower sourness than the control. Also, in case of bitterness, all samples revealed low content than the control. So, by adding red bean, it can enhance taste and function of gochujang.