목적 : 작업치료(학)과 학생들의 일반적 현황과 전공선택 요인들에 대해 살펴보고, 일반적 현황에 따른 전공선택 요인, 작업치료(학)과 학생들의 관심 분야, 관심 취업영역, 국시불안 및 진로 확신에 대하여 알아보고자 하였다. 연구방법 : 작업치료(학)과가 개설된 4년제 대학 9개 학교, 3년제 대학 10개 학교의 총 4,500명의 재학생을 모집단으로 구조화된 설문을 실시하였으며, 1,329명의 응답을 최종분석에 사용하였다. 결과 : 학과 선택시 작업치료(학)과 이외의 학과에 진학을 희망했던 응답자가 831명(62.5%), 입학 후에 소속변경 등 전공 변경을 희망한 응답자는 588명(44.2%)이였다. 학과를 선택하게 된 계기는 추천에 의한 선택이 675명(50.8%), 스스로 선택이 654명(49.2%)였고, 추천에 의한 경우는 부모님, 학교 선생님이 가장 많았으며, 추천 이유는 취업, 전문직이기 때문으로 나타났다. 스스로 선택한 경우에 주로 정보를 얻은 방법은 인터넷이 419명(64.0%)로 나타났다. 응답자들의 현재 관심 취업영역과 10년 후 의망 취업영은 의료기관 취업으로 동일하게 조사 되었다. 현재 작업치료(학)과 학부생들은 5점 만점에 평균 3.54점으로 보통 이상의 국시불안감을 느끼고 있었고, 이는 남자 학부생들에게서 더 높았다. 또한 진학확신은 입학 전보다 현재가 더 낮았으며, 1학년의 진학확신이 가장 낮았고, 학년이 올라갈수록 점점 높게 나타났다. 결론 : 본 연구는 작업치료(학)과에 대한 확신과 진로 결정에 대한 만족도를 높이고 추후 작업치료(학)과의 교육 개선을 위한 기초자료를 마련했다는데 의미를 부여할 수 있다.
Objective : The purpose of this study was to examine (1) the general characteristics and factors related to choosing occupational therapy as their academic major in a nationwide sample of college students and (2) ifferences in major selection factors, interested area of occupational therapy, and preferences in career field across main student characteristics such as gender and year in college, in addition to anxiety related to the national licensure examination and career confidence level. Methods : A survey was provided to 4,500 students from nine 4-year colleges and ten 3-year colleges. A total of 1,329 surveys were analyzed in the final analysis. Results : A total of 831(62.5%) students responded that they had considered other majors before choosing occupational therapy, 588(44.2%) contemplated changing their major after entering college. 675(50.8%) chose occupational therapy major secondary to recommendation from others, and 654(49.2%) self-selected the major. Most of the recommendations were found to be made by parents and teachers, and the primary reasons for such recommendations were related to the high employment potential and the prospect of working as a professional specialist. Among students who picked their major on their own, 419(64.0%) students obtained information through the internet. Respondents’current and 10-year post-graduation preferred area of employment to work in a medical setting as an occupational therapist. The students’current level of anxiety pertaining to the licensure examination was found to be 3.5 on a 5-point scale, with male students showing a higher anxiety level. It was also found that the current degree of confidence regarding their career had decreased since entering college. Freshmen undergraduates reported the lowest career confidence level, with their confidence increasing with year in college. Conclusions : The results of the present study indicate potential ways in which departments in occupational therapy may promote their academic majors, in addition to contributing to our knowledge regarding ways to provide better academic as well as career counseling and guidance to students in occupational therapy.