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곡류와 두류의 침지 및 건조 특성 KCI 등재 SCOPUS

Soaking and Drying Characteristics of Grains and Legumes

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/41286
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한국식품저장유통학회 (The Korean Society of Food Preservation)

혼합곡의 식미를 높이고 쌀과 함께 취반이 용이하게 하고자 찹쌀, 현미, 현미찹쌀, 찰보리, 서리태, 흑태, 팥 7가지 곡류와 두류를 대상으로 침지와 건조 전처리 조건을 검토하였다. 각 곡류와 두류의 수분흡수량은 서리태와 흑태가 가장 높게 나타났고, 보리, 찹쌀, 멥쌀, 현미찹쌀, 현미, 팥 순서를 보였다. 침지온도별 수분흡수량은 온도가 높을수록 수분흡수량이 증가하였고 수분흡수평형에 도달하는 시간이 단축되었다. 두류의 분쇄별 수분흡수량은 분쇄가 많

Soaking and drying were studied for seven grains and legumes including glutinous rice, brown rice, glutinous brown rice, glutinous barley, Seoritae, Heuktae and red bean to improve taste of cooked mixed grams and make easy to cook then Seoritae and Heuktae showed the highest water absorption and the rest were in the order of glutinous barley, glutinous rice, milled rice, brown glutinous rice, brown rice, and red bean. In regards with water absorption index by soaking temperature, the higher the temperature showed, the more water absorption and the shorter time to reach the water absorption balance, the more grinding legumes. showed the more water absorption and the shorter time to reach to the water absorption balance. The soaked samples were dried at mom temperature , and microwave 300 W, 700 W and 1000 W power. As a result 700 W drying method br microwave can dry samples in the shortest time without damage to the samples. Therefore, it was considered as the best pretreatment conditions for mixed stains to dry with 700 W microwave after one-hour soaking at .

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