한라봉의 생육과정과 수확 후에 온도처리에 따른 품질변화를 검토하였다. 한라봉은 12월 초순까지 지속적으로 당도()가 증가하였다. 한라봉 변이품종인 M16A에서는 10월 이후에 산 함량이 감소가 두드러져 1% 수준을 유지하였다. 그러나 한라봉에서는 산 함량의 감소가 지속적으로 일어나, 1월 중순 이후에도 산 함량이 높아 후숙처리가 필요함을 알 수 있었다. 과일의 경도는 11월까지 서서히 감소하여 1,000 g-force 수준을 유지하였다. 가용성고
Changes in the quality of Hallabong tangor during growth stage and with temperature pre-treatment after harvest were investigated. Soluble solids of Hallabong increased continuously until early December. The acid content of M16A, a variant species of Hallabong, decreased by 1% after October and continued to decrease until the middle of January. After ripening, treatment to reduce the acid content was required. Fruit firmness decreased gradually until November and was maintained at 1000 g-force after this time. Soluble solids and acid content were and . Soluble solids increased in temperature-treated Hallabong with prolonged storage, but acid content did not decrease. Fruit firmness also decreased with storage period, regardless of temperature pre-treatment. Therefore, water management during cultivation, temperature treatment above after harvest, and checking of the acid content and soluble solids with prolonged storage are recommended in achieving high quality Hallabong.