청미래덩굴 뿌리(Smilacis rhizoma)로부터 칼슘과 결합하는 물질을 분리하고자 열수로 추출한 추출물을 ion exchange, normal-phase HPLC 및 gel filtration chromatogarphy를 이용하여 칼슘 결합 물질을 순차적으로 분리하였다. 그 결과 ion exchange chromatography에서 7개의 major peaks를 얻었으며, 이 중 F6 fraction이 0.083 mM로 칼슘과 가장 높은 결
We isolated a calcium-binding substance from Smilacis rhizoma hot-water extract using ion exchange, normal phase HPLC, and gel filtration chromatography; fractions were analyzed for calcium-binding activity. Fractions (F6) with the highest calcium-binding activity from the resource Q coulmn were pooled and further purified on an column. Two major peaks were separated and the fraction (F61) with the higher calcium-binding activity was then loaded onto a column. A single peak (F611) with calcium-binding activity was finally obtained. These results suggest that the isolated calcium-binding fraction could be used as a functional food additive, similar to a calcium supplement, in the food industry.