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千定煥 명예교수의 교정간호사 복식론 KCI 등재

Chun Jung Hwan Emeritus Professor’s Correctional Nurse Costume Theory in Korea

  • 언어KOR
  • URLhttps://db.koreascholar.com/Article/Detail/436853
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矯正硏究 (교정연구)
한국교정학회 (Korean Society For Correction Service)

저자는“교정간호사의 복장(복식)”을 실물적 복장과 이념적 복장으로 나누며 여기서 복식은 간호사의 실물 복식과 교정레짐의 이념적 복식이란 중의적 양가성(重義的 兩價 性)을 의미한다. 간호사는 공무원으로 교정레짐의 대리자이기 때문이다. 논문에서는 실물복식을 논하며 결론에서 중의적 의미를 논한다. 복식에는 휘장,문양,견장도 포함 되며 이들도 이데올르기적 언어로 제복착용자를 규격화,동질화,의식화시키며 상대방 과 제3자는 굴복할 수 밖에 없는 심리적 권력으로 작용한다. 복식(服飾)은 집단 정체성을 표현하는 시각적 언어이면서 정치사회적, 문화적, 심리 적 의미를 표상하는 부언어(副言語)이다. 계급질서복식은 가시적 거시권력 표상이나 착용자와 상대방에게는 미시권력이 여러 강도로 작용하는 제복효과도 발생한다. 복식 (服飾)과 인간관계는 문장학(紋章學, heraldry), 이데올르기, 의류학, 정치사회학 등에 서 접근되어 왔고 경찰복식 문헌연구도 있으나 교정간호사복식에 관한 선행연구는 세 계적으로 전무하다. 한국은 과거에는 사복교정간호사제도였으나 2012년부터 제복간호사인 교정직간호 사특채도 생겨 순환보직케하나 이는 간호정체성을 침해하는 제도폭력이다. 교도관과 똑같은 제복간호사 복장에는 계급장과 호전적 권력성의 상징인 해동청 문양이 있다. 높이 달린 계급견장과 해동청 문양은 파놉티콘이란 비인간적인-불철주야로 행동과 인 간의 (무)의식까지 감시하는_ 원형감시망의 메타포우((隱喩)이다. 제복화는 수용자와 착용자에는 미시권력으로 제3자에겐 대리학습적인 자기검열을 하게 하는 위하(威嚇)) 효과가 발생한다. 이는 군사주의 잔재로 수용자와 간호사 사이에 놓인 철문보다 강한 심리적 벽으로 사회유사화원칙과 간호이념과 교정이념에 위배되며 형집행법 목적에 반하는 문화지체 적인 패션파시즘이다. 수용자들은 제복간호사에 대해 간호사와 클라이언트의 관계가 아닌 “ 위계 관료적”인 교도관과 수용자의 관계로 이미지화될 수 있어 수평적 치료동 맹을 저해하며 필자가 개념화시킨 “의료적 재사회화”에도 저해가 된다. 정치사회학적으로는 일제시대의 응보적인 행형이 깊이 웅크린 잔존속에 군사정권과 권위주의 정권하에서 진행된 “교정의 경찰화”와 “교정의 군사화”의 배경에서 보안가 외성(加外性:redundacy)이 정밀하게 확대재생산되어 오다가 2009년 경찰국가시대에 와서 역사속에서 고이 잠들고 있는“해동청”을 갑자기 소환해 교화 상징으로 활물화 ((活物化)하고 빅브라더(big brother)로 절대권력화시킨 복식정책은 상징폭력이다. 잔 인성과 호전성과 제국주의적 권력성의 상징인“매”는 교화나 간호의 이념적 상징이 될 수 없다. 교정에서 보안은 중요하나 이는 수단이념이며 목적이념인 교화나 간호에 우 선할 수 없다는 점에 착안해 “매”가 부착된 제복교정간호사 복식의 문제점과 개선안을 제시했으며 이념적 복장으로서의 교정간호사복식의 중의적 의미도 언급하였다. 연구 방법은 복식(服飾)사회심리학 등의 학제적 관점이며 범위는 경찰국가시대에 나온 제복 간호사의 복식에 한정하였다. 다만 설문조사에 의한 과학화가 부족한 것이 본 논문의 한계이다.

I divide Correctional nurse’s costume into physical and ideological costume.Correctional nurse’s costume means the dress of the correctional nurse and the dress of the Korean correctional regime.I discuss the costume of the correctional nurse first and discuss the ambiguous meaning of the correctional nurse costume in the conclusion. Costume also includes insignia, patterns, and straps, which also standardize and homogenize the wearer in an ideological language and act as a psychological power that can not be surrendered to the other party and the third party. Costume is a visual symbolic language that expresses the identity of a group and a palalanguage that represents political, social, cultural, and psychological meanings. The class order costume is a representation of visible macro power, but there is also a uniform effect in which the inner micro power acts in various ways and strengths for the wearer and the other party. But, uniforms contrary to the identity of the work can undermine the ideology of organizational purposes. The relationship between costume and human beings has been studied in various aspects such as heraldry, ideology, clothing, political sociology, design. The literature on police uniforms and nurses’ uniforms is presented in various aspects. But, There are no studies on correctional nurses’ costumes. The purpose of the organization is represented by the costume representation, so the correctional nurse costume should symbolize the correctional nursing welfare ideology. To this end. In the aspect of costume, it is necessary to represent correctional nursing-friendly costume because fashion and insignia have a psychological effect on the inmate in an ideological language. Until 2012, nurses in plain clothes were employed in correctional facilities. But, since 2012, the recruitment method of correctional nurses has been dualized and the establishment of a special recruitment system for correctional nurses armed with the same uniformed nurse as the security guard since 2012 to rotate them to general prison officers is institutional violence that violates the identity of nurse. Furthermore, The uniform nurse’s uniform, which is the same as the security guards, has a thawing pattern symbolizing the rank and warlike power. The high-rung rank pad and thawing blue patterns are metaphor of an inhumane circular surveillance network-monitors human consciousness as well as behavior day and night-called panopticon. This uniformization allows self-censorship by micro-power to the wearer as well as the patient, and psychologically frightening power over the third party by proxy learning. This is a remnant of militarism, which is a stronger psychological barrier than the iron gate placed between the prisoner and the nurse, and violates the principle of social similarity, nursing ideology and correctional ideology. It shows a fashion fascist cultural retardation against the purpose of the criminal Execution Act, which stipulates the resocialization of citizenship. The prisoners can be imaged not as the relationship between the nurse and the client but as the relationship between the bureaucratic guards and the prisoners, which hinders the horizontal therapeutic alliance and medical socialization conceptualized by the author. Politically and sociologically, in the remnants of the deeply crouched retributive correction of the Japanese imperial era, security has precisely been expanded and reproduced in the background of the policeization of correction and the militarization of correction under the authoritarian regime and military regime. and In the era of the police state(2009), the correctional costume policy that suddenly summons a sleeping hawk(thawing blue ) in history and activates and empowers as big brother it as a symbol of correction is symbolic violence. The hawk, which symbolizes cruelty, militancy and imperial power, can never be an ideological symbol of correction or correctional nursing. The uniform should show the symbol of the purpose ideology, and the purpose ideology should be more emphasized when the instrumental ideology is expressed as ambivalent ambivalence. But there is a problem that only instrumental ideology is highlighted in nurse uniforms. Based on the fact that security is an important ideology, but it is a instrumental ideology and can never take precedence over correction or nursing, which is a purposive ideology, I pointed out the problems of uniformed correctional nurses and suggested improvement measures and also mentioned the ambiguous meaning of correctional nurses’ costumes. Since there is no previous study on the correctional nurses’ costume, this thesis is described from a completely original and from an interdisciplinary point of view, such as costume social psychology and a comparative approach. The scope of this study was limited to the study of uniformed correctional nurses’ costumes that appeared in the era of authoritarian police state ideology in 2012.However, the limitation of this paper is the lack of scientificization by surveys.

Ⅰ. 서론
Ⅱ. 교정간호론
    1. 교정간호의 개념
    2. 교정간호의 실태
    3. 한국에서의 교정간호의 중요성
Ⅲ. 한국교정간호사 복식론
    1. 교정간호사복식의 실태
    2. 제복의 심리사회적 효과
    3. 교정간호사 복식의 긍정적인 심리 기능
    4. 제복간호사복식의 부정적인 심리적 효과
    5. 제복의 의료교정복지적 문제점
Ⅳ. 외국교정간호복식과의 비교
Ⅴ. 한국교정간호사복식의 개선방향
Ⅵ. 결론(교정간호사복식의 중의적 의미)
  • 천정환(동서대학교 경찰학과 명예교수) | Chun Junghwan (Emeritus Professor, Department of Police Public Administration, Dongseo University)