Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activities of Natural Composite Extracts Developed as Substitutes for Nitrite, and Quality Characteristics on Sausage Applications
본 연구는 합성 아질산염 대체 천연보존료로 개발하고자 천연물 유래 복합추출물(NP-NAP, NP-NAMR)의 성분 특성 과 소시지에의 적용 시 품질 특성을 규명하였다. NP-NAP 와 NP-NAMR 0.5-1.0% (w/v)는 90.1-100%의 ABTS 라디 칼 저해능과 10 mg/mL에서 각각 811 μM 및 770 μM trolox 상당의 FRAP 활성을 보였다. NP-NAP와 NP-NAMR은 S. aureus와 L. monocytogenes, E. coli 및 S. Typhimurium에 대 해 0.1% (w/v)에서 99.99-100%의 감소율을 보였고 C. perfringens에 대해 1%와 2% (w/v)에서 각각 89.0-91.4%와 84.7-100% 이상의 감소율을 보였다. 천연 복합추출물 첨가 소시지 시제품의 냉장 중 품질 특성에서 4주 차 pH (6.43- 6.57)와 NP-NAMR 첨가 시 높은 a 값(23.54% 및 28.81)을 확인하였다. Springiness와 cohesiveness는 NP-NAP 1%가 높 았으나 다른 모든 시험구는 양성 대조구와 유의적 차이가 없었다(P<0.05). 냉장 중 평균 MDA (0.87-1.183 μM)는 양 성 대조구(0.93-0.96 μM)와 유사하였으며(P<0.05) 총 증가 균수(log CFU)는 1% 첨가(1.10-1.32) 시 nitrite pickling salt (NPS) 0.08% (1.31)과 유사하였고 2% 첨가 시(0.17-0.49)는 commercial product from Spain (CPS) 1% (0.53)보다 적었 다. 종합적 기호도는 NP-NAMR 2% 제외한 모든 시험구는 통계적 유의차가 없었다. 이상의 결과, 과채 추출물 유래 NP-NAP와 NP-NAMR은 항산화, 항균 활성과 안정적인 적 색도와 함께 식약처 고시 소시지류의 기준 및 규격을 만족 하여 합성 아질산염과 시판 수입품을 대체하는, 유효한 소 재가 될 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
To develop a natural preservative as an alternative to synthetic nitrites, we investigated antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of natural composite extracts (NP-NAP and NP-NAMR) and the quality characteristics on sausage applications. ABTS radical-scavenging activities ranged from 90.1 to 100% for NP-NAP and NP-NAMR at 0.5 to 1.0% (w/v), while FRAP values at 10 mg/mL were 811 and 770 μM trolox equivalents, respectively. Antimicrobial activities (99.99 to 100%) against Staphylococcus aureus, Listeria monocytogenes, Escherichia coli and Salmonella - were observed for NP-NAP and NP-NAMR at 0.1% (w/v). Additionally, 89.0-91.4% and 84.7-100% efficacy against Clostridium perfringens were observed at 1-2% (w/v), respectively. Regarding sausage quality, the test groups had pH values ranging from 6.41 to 6.57 and exhibited high Hunter’s a-values (23.5 and 28.8) when NPNAMR was added (P<0.05). Cohesiveness were high in NP-NAP 1%, but all other test groups except NP-NAMR 2% showed no significant difference from positive controls (P<0.05). The mean malondialdehyde levels (0.87±0.13 to 1.183±0.39 μM) were similar to those of positive controls (0.93±0.23 to 0.96±0.29 μM). Additionally, microbial counts (1.10 to 1.32 log CFU) at 1% addition were similar to that of 1.31 for nitrite pickling salt (NPS) at 0.08%, while counts (0.17 to 0.49) at 2% addition were lower than that of 0.53 for commercial product from Spain (CPS) at 1%. There were no significant differences in overall palatability among the test groups, except for NP-NAMR at 2% (P<0.05). In conclusion, natural composite extracts (NP-NAP and NP-NAMR) are considered effective alternatives to synthetic nitrites and commercial preservatives by meeting food code standards with antioxidant, antimicrobial activities and stable red color.