
Current Research on Agriculture and Life Sciences 경북대농학지

이 간행물 논문 검색


Vol. 1 (1983년 12월) 24

1983.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
우백혈청(牛白血病)virus에 대한 혈청항체의 측정(測定)을 위한 간접효소면역법(間接酵素免疫法)(ELISA)의 확립(確立) 및 ELISA법(法)의 감도(感度)를 알기 위하여 한천(寒天) gel 면역확산법(免疫擴散法)(ID)과 비교검토(比較檢討)하였으며 한우(韓牛), 유우(乳牛) 및 육우(肉牛)등 264두(頭)의 혈청(血淸)을 공시(供試)하였다. 혈청(血淸)을 가(加)하지 않은 공(孔)의 흡광치(吸光値)(C)로서 혈청치(血淸値)를 제(除)한 후, 표준(標準)BLV항체흡성혈청치(N)로서 피검혈청치(被檢血淸値)(T)를 나눈치(値)(T-C/N-C)가 1.5이상(以上)인 것을 BLV항체 양성(陽性)으로 하였을 때 gp-ID의 성적(成績)과 98.5%(259/263)가 일치(一致)되었다. gp-ID 향성혈청(陽性血淸) 145예(例)중 144예(例)가 ELISA 양성(陽性)으로 99.6%, gp-ID 음성혈청(陰性血淸) 118예(例)중 115예(例)가 ELISA음성(陰性)으로 97.5%가 일치(一致)되었다. 이상에서와 같이 gp-ID용(用)의 BLV 항원(抗原)을 사용한 ELISA법(法)을 gp-ID와 동등(同等) 또는 더 감도(感度)가 우수한 BLV의 혈청항체측정법 임이 입증되었으며 실용성(實用性)이 충분(充分)하다고 사료(思料)된다.
1983.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
Aspirin이 위점막(胃粘膜)에 손상(損傷)을 일으키는 기전(機轉)을 해명(解明)하고 침해(侵害)받는 세포(細胞)의 종류(種類) 및 형태(形態)를 구명(究明)하고자 rat에 체중(體重) 1kg당(當) 60mg을 경구(經口) 및 피하(皮下)로 투여(投與)한 후(後) 경시적(經時的)으로 임상소견(臨床所見)을 관찰(觀察)함과 동시(同時)에 위점막세포(胃粘膜細胞)의 형태적변화(形態的變化)를 광학(光學) 및 전자현미경적(電子顯微鏡的)으로 관찰(觀察)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. aspirin의 경구(經口) 및 피하투여(皮下投與)에 의(衣)하여 특별(特別)한 임상소견(臨床所見)이나 위점막(胃粘膜)의 육안적(肉眼的) 및 광학현미경적(光學顯微鏡的) 소견(所見)은 인정(認定)되지 않았으나 미세형태학적(微細形態學的)으로는 투여경로(投與經路)에 관계(關係)없이 명백(明白)한 변화(變化)를 인정(認定)할 수 있었다. 즉(卽) 위점막세포중(胃粘膜細胞中) 가장 심하게 손상(損傷)받는 세포(細胞)는 벽세포(壁細胞)와 주세포(主細胞)로서 벽세포(壁細胞)에서는 SER과 intracellular canaliculi의 증식(增殖)이, 그리고 주세포(主細胞)에서는 RER의 단열(斷裂), 확장(擴張) 및 효소원과립(酵素原顆粒)의 수적감소(數的減少)와 구조적이상(構造的異常)과 같은 가역적(可逆的) 변성변화(變性變化)가 인정(認定)되었으며 점액세포(粘液細胞), 점액경세포(粘液頸細胞), 기저과립세포(基底顆粒細胞)는 비교적(比較的) 경(經)한 변화(變化)를 보였다. 경구투여군(經口投與群)보다는 경미(輕微)하지만 피하주입군(皮下注入群)에서도 경구투여군(經口投與群)에 상응(相應)하는 변화(變化)를 나타낸 점(点)은 aspirin에 의한 위점막(胃粘膜) 손상(損傷)이 aspirin의 직접적영향외(直接的影響外)에 혈중(血中) aspirin 농도(濃度)에 의(依)한 간접적손상(間接的損傷)도 가미(加味)된다는 것을 시사(示唆)하는 형태적소견(形態的所見)이라고 생각(生覺)되었다.
1983.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The study was conducted to indentify systematically current marketing structure and markeiing efficiency of major cash crops such as red peppers and garlics. That various data and information have been used to analyze the problems related, some of them have come from secondary sources, but major parts of real circum stances were primarily obtained from the scheduled field survey. Some of valuable facts and consequences stemmed from the research can be summarized as fellows: First of all, the commercial rates of peppers and garlics produced by sample farms were 87.5 percent and 69 percent, respectively. On the other hand, annual handling volumes per marketing firm of those two crops were on the average estimated into 51,000 kyun(about 600gr) for peppers and 20,000 hundred bulbs of garlic. As seen physical losses over the entire marketing channels of each crop, it was approximately calculated in 14.7 percent of peppers and 21.1 percent of garlic, respectively. Secondarily, it was found that marketing chanells of these crops are very diversified and complex. However, the five-staged chanell is typical: i.e., from producers to local consigners, to local carry-out merchants, to consigner-wholesales, and finally to retailers. Thirdly, it was also estimated that gross marketing margin, marketing cost and profit based on average grade of peppers were 56.1 percent, 22.6 and 33.5 percent, respectively, having 43.8 percent of farmer's share, and those of garlic 38.9, 17.1, 21.8 and 61.1 percent, separately. To the end, it seems that current collective bargaining power of farmers' cooperatives is virtually weak compared to free individual marketing firms in terms of bssiness volumes and quantity handled over the year.
1983.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
This study attempted to introduce Fei-Ranis's agricultural development theory and discuss its problem for the rural development of less developed world. Fei-Ranis systematized the development process of Western European economy on the ground of dualism. They divided the process into 4 stages by the concept of 'mode of operation'. Paticularly, they consider agrarian mercantilism as take-off stage and its development were achieved by the increase of trade margin and labor productivity. Especially, they thought that only agricultural revolution through the diffusion of internal exchange economy and construction of tree-star system can accomplish favorable transition to industrial capitalism. In order to promote this agricultural development, less developed world must abolish short-run agricultural policy and propel 'learning by the contact' strategy through 'tree-star system' and 'parellel development.' In reality, it was problematic that the contemporary less developed world is trying, in the course of a few decades, to imitate Western European experience with development over the last four centuries. But Fei-Ranis ignored qualitative aspects of agricultural development by tree-star system and also it is criticized that they considered agricultural development process of less developed world follows only that of Western European classical process.
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