
한국동물생명공학회 학술대회논문집

이 간행물 논문 검색


2002년도 국제심포지엄 (2002년 11월) 58

2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Mercaptoethanol(-ME)은 일반적으로 황화합물(thiol compounds)의 일종으로, 배양액 중에서 이황화결합(disulfide bonds)을 분해하여 일정한 물질의 산화.환원반응에 관여하며, 특히 cysteine이 cystine으로 산화되는 것을 차단함으로서 cysteine의 이용능력을 증대시키고, GSH의 합성을 촉진 및 증대시키는 것으로 알려져 있고, 각종 활성산소로부터 세포를 보호하는 역할을 수행하는 것으로 보고되었다. 특히, 돼지수정란의 체외배양체계에 유의적인 영향을 미치는 것으로 보고되었다(Abebydeera 등, Theriogenol., 50:747-756, 1998). 따라서 본 실험에서는 돼지난포란의 체외성숙시 -ME의 첨가배양이 체외수정과 배발달에 미치는 영향에 관하여 조사하였다. 돼지난포란을 10% PFF, 0.1mg/ml cysteine, 10IU/m1 PMSG, 10IU/m1 hCG 및 10ng/m1 EGF가 첨가된 NCSU23 배양액에 -ME를 각각 0, 25, 50 및 100uM을 처리하여 22시간 동안 배양을 실시하고, 성선자극호르몬이 배제된 배양액에서 추가로 22시간을 배양하여 체외성숙을 유도하였다. 체외성숙이 유기된 난자는 난구세포를 제거하고, 2.5mM caffeine과 0.1% BSA가 첨가된 mTBM배양액에 정자를 1.25 cells/ml의 농도로 5-6시간 동안 공동배양을 실시하여 체외수정을 유도하였다. 체외수정후 일부의 수정란은 12시간에 난자 급속 염색방법으로 염색하여 다정자침입률 및 자.웅전핵형성률 등을 확인하였다. 그리고 나머지1-세포기의 수정란은 0.4mg/ml BSA가 함유된 NCSU23 배양액에 30 embryos/50ul 소적으로하여 38.8, 5% 의 탄산가스 배양기에서 각각 7일간 배양을 실시하였다. 조사된 결과는 SAS/STAT를 이용하여 통계분석을 실시하였다. 체외수정 12시간 후에 난자 급속 염색법으로 염색을 실시한 결과, 모든 처리구에서 핵성숙률(76.4~95.2%), 정자침투율(51.1~66.9%), 웅성전핵형성률(95.2~100%), 다정자침입률(18.2~25.6%) 및 평균침입정자수(1.2~l.4개)에서 유의적인 차이가 인정되지 않았다. 체외배양 48시간 난할률을 조사한 결과, 처리구별 차이(53.9~67.9%)는 인정되지 않았으나, 배양 7일째 배반포형성률은 각각 14.5, 25.4, 17.3 및 12.4%로서 25uM의 -ME처리구가 유의적(P<0.05)으로 높은 배발달률을 나타내었고, 총세포수에 있어서는 대조구와 처리구간 유의적인 차이가 인정되지 않았다. 따라서 돼지 난포란을 성숙배양할 때, 25uM -ME를 첨가배양하는 것이 양질의 돼지체외수정란을 생산하는 하나의 방법으로 조사되었다.다.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Catalase(CAT)는 주요한 활성산소(ROS)의 일종인 과산화수소()가 Hydroxyl 유리기 생성에 관여하지 못하도록 를 및 로 대사시켜 주는 효소계 항산화제의 한 종류이다. 따라서 본 실험에서는 CAT가 5% 및 20% 조건하에서 1-세포기 돼지체외수정란의 배발달에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 돼지난포란을 10% PFF, 0.1mg/ml cysteine, 10IU/m1 PMSG, 10IU/m1 hCG 및 10ng/m1 EGF가 첨가된 NCSU23 배양액에서 22시간 동안 배양을 실시하고, 성선자극호르몬이 배제된 배양액에서 추가로 22시간을 배양하여 체외성숙을 유도하였다. 체외성숙이 유기된 난자는 난구세포를 제거하고, 2.5mM caffeine과 0.1% BSA가 첨가된 mTBM 배양액에 정자를 1.25 cells/ml의 농도로 5-6시 동안 공동배양을 실시하여 체외수정을 유도하였다. 체외수정후 1-세포기의 수정란을 0.4mg/ml BSA가 첨가된 NCSU23 배양액에 CAT를 각각 0, 100, 500 및1,000uni1 첨가하여 30 embryos/ 50u1 소적으로하여 38.8, 5% 및 5%, 5% 90% 조건하의 배양기에서 각각 7일간 배양을 실시하였다. 조사된 결과는 SAS/STAT 6.03 Package를 이용하여 통계분석을 실시하였다. 체외배양 48시간에 난할률을 조사하였을 때, 대조구와 처리구간 차이가 인정되지 않았으나, 배양 7일째 배반포형성률에 있어서는 각각 22.72.7, 22.13.9, 18.74.9, 및 15.12.5%로서 처리구가 대조구보다 유의적으로 낮은 결과를 나타냈다. 그리고 산소농도에 따른 배반포형성률은 5% 조건(22.12.4%)이 20% 조건(17.22%)보다 유의적(P<0.05)으로 높은 것으로 나타났다. 총세포수에 있어서는 각각 44.44.0, 43.336, 25.42.4 및 13.41.5로서 처리구가 대조구보다 세포수가 적은 것으로 나타났으며, 산소농도에 따른 차이는 인정되지 않았다. 따라서, 체외생산된 돼지초기수정란을 배양할 때, CAT의 첨가는 효과가 없는 것으로 나타났다.다.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The purpose of this study was to investigate the warming temperature and exposed time on the post-thaw survival rate and viability of bovine blastocyst cryopreserved by GMP vitrification. Groups of three bovine IVP blastocysts were sequentially placed into vitrification solution before being loaded into the GMP straws and immersed into LNwithin 20 to 25 sec. The warming rate was increased 2 times of warming temperature for improvement of post-thaw survival rates. The frozen embryos were warmed either at 35 or 70 for 1 or 2 sec and then diluted in sucrose solution. Post-thaw blastocysts were serially washed in 0.25 and 0.15 M sucrose in holding medium (HM: TCM199 supplemented with 10% FCS) and TCM-199 for each 5 min, respectively, and then cultured in TCM199 for 24 h. The rate of re-expanded blastocyst was significantly different fer 35 and 70 warming temporature (76.4 vs. 89.3%; P<0.05). The rate of re-expanded blastocyst at 70 for 1 sec was significantly higher than that for 2 sec (91.1 vs. 70.9%; P<0.05). The number of nuclei counted were significantly different among control, 35 and 70 (1218.5 vs. 10411.7 vs. 11410.3; P<0.05). These results indicated that the increasing of warming rate can provide high survival rates of bovine IVP blastocysts. Especially, the best viability of post-thaw blastocyst could be thaw at 70 for 1 sec. The warming temperature and exposed time far warming was considered to be limiting factors to the viability of bovine IVP embryos. he purpose of this study was to investigate the warming temperature and expose.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The advantages of the OPS techniques(Vajta G et al, Mol Reprod Dev 51: 53-58,1998) give 1) high survival rates of various types of eggs, 2) quick and simple process, 3) inexpensive equipment and reduced chilling injury. The efficiency of IVM/IVF technique in the porcine species is relatively lower than that obtained in other species such as ruminants. Two experiments were designed to investigate the effects of in-vitro fertilization of porcine oocytes matures using different OPS protocol for chilling and warming of vitrification. Porcine oocytes from ovaries collected at abattoir were matured for 44 hours in TCM199 Earle's salt supplemental with pyruvate, pff, L-cysteine, hormones and gentamycin. Oocytes were denuded and fertilized with frozen boar semen by common method. Porcine embryos produced routinely by in-vitro culture system of NCSU23 medium. The vitrification and the warming were conducted by OPS method with the glass micropipette instead of straw vessels and modified the protocol of G.Vajta(1999). In Exp 1, Chilling/Warming:Holding Medium(HM)+EG+DMSO/HM +sucrose Medium(SM) at 39 warm stage. In Exp 2, : PBS+CS+EG+Ficoll+ Trehalose/PBS+Trehalose at 25 stage. Filling, freezing, packing, thawing out and further culturing were performed to follow the basic protocol of G Vajta. During IVM-lVC and post-warming, fertilization parameter and developmental potential were compared to and statistically analysed. It was not significantly different from Exp 1 and Exp 2 but 25 of stage was slightly higher on the morula/blastocyst forming rate and better atmosphere for worker than that at 39 stage.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Pregnancy block by male pheromones in mice differs in incidence depending on the combination of strains. Female mice of BALB/cA strain mated with BALB/cA males show a 100% pregnancy block when exposed to males of inbred strain DDK shortly after copulation (Chung et al., Biol Reprod 1997). In the present study, BALB/cA females mated with the males of other strains (CBA/J, C3H/HeN, C57BL/6Cr, and IXBL) showed higher pregnancy rates (66.6-87.5%) even when they were exposed to DDK males. In the pharmacological induction of pregnancy block with dopamine agonist (Bromocriptine, 4mg/kg BW), BALB/cA females mated with BALB/cA males showed a 100% pregnancy block. In contrast, BALB/cA females mated with CBA/J, C3H/HeN, and C57BL/6Cr males showed higher pregnancy rates (40-70%). These results suggest that the better pregnancy rate of BALB/cA females mated with alien males may be due to the stronger viability of F 1 embryos. This interpretation was confirmed by an embryo transfer experiment in which a higher implantation rate was observed when BALB/cA embryos grown in BALB/cA females exposed to BALB/cA males were transferred into recipient BALB/cA females exposed to DDK males. These results suggest that the embryonic genotype or viability of the embryo is one factor contributing to the occurrence of pregnancy block by male pheromones in mice.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
면양과 염소가 최근 수십년동안 세계여러 나라에서 번식생리의 연구를 위한 모델로 사용되어 왔는데, 체내수정란의 생산에 관한 영역도 유럽을 중심으로 활발하게 연구되어왔다. 수정란생산을 위한 발정동기화방법, 과배란처리 및 수정란회수방법 기술은 현재 상당히 많은 기술진척이 이루어진 상태이나, 우리나라 고유의 재래유전자원인 흑염소에는 이를 위한 기술이 미진한 실정이므로 본 실험에서는 흑염소의 체내수정란생산기술을 확립하여 재래가축 유전자원보존을 위한 기초기술을 마련하고자 한다. 축산기술연구소 남원지소에서 사육하고 있는 체중 20kg 이상의 건강한 흑염소를 이용하여 발정동기화를 위해 controlled intravaginal drug release(CIDR)를 질내에 14일 동안 삽입하고, 과배란처리는 FSH를 CIDR 삽입 12, 13, 14일째에 12시간 간격으로 점감법으로 총20mg을 투여하였으며, PGFa를 13일째 FSH와 함께 투여하였다. CIDR는 14일째의 아침에 제거하였다. 수컷과의 교미는 CIDR제거 24시간후에 GnRH를 투여와 동시에 실시하였으며, 채란은 교미후 3일째에 외과적인 방법으로 실시하였다. CIDR처리경과에 따른 progesterone농도는 CIDR 주입시 바로 수치가 상승하여 제거전까지 6~12ng/m1의 농도를 유지하였으며, 제거즉시 2ng/ml 이하로 떨어졌다. 채란시 평균 배란점은 16.5개, 미배란난포 9.8개였으며, 회수수정란은 6.0개를 나타내어 채란율은 36.4%를 나타내었다. 회수된 수정란의 발달단계는 4-cell 78.9%, 2-cell 5.3%, fragmentation 15.8%를 나타내었다. 이와 같은 체내수정란생산방법을 기반으로 하여 이후 수정란의 동결 및 수정란이식기법에 관한 연구를 수행한다면 우리나라의 재래가축인 흑염소의 유전자원 장기보존과 생산성향상에 기여할 것으로 사료된다.배양액에 30 embryos/50ul 소적으로하여 38.8, 5% 의 탄산가스 배양기에서 각각 7일간 배양을 실시하였다. 조사된 결과는 SAS/STAT를 이용하여 통계분석을 실시하였다. 체외수정 12시간 후에 난자 급속 염색법으로 염색을 실시한 결과, 모든 처리구에서 핵성숙률(76.4~95.2%), 정자침투율(51.1~66.9%), 웅성전핵형성률(95.2~100%), 다정자침입률(18.2~25.6%) 및 평균침입정자수(1.2~l.4개)에서 유의적인 차이가 인정되지 않았다. 체외배양 48시간 난할률을 조사한 결과, 처리구별 차이(53.9~67.9%)는 인정되지 않았으나, 배양 7일째 배반포형성률은 각각 14.5, 25.4, 17.3 및 12.4%로서 25uM의 -ME처리구가 유의적(P<0.05)으로 높은 배발달률을 나타내었고, 총세포수에 있어서는 대조구와 처리구간 유의적인 차이가 인정되지 않았다. 따라서 돼지 난포란을 성숙배양할 때, 25uM -ME를 첨가배양하는 것이 양질의 돼지체외수정란을 생산하는 하나의 방법으로 조사되었다.다.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
초음파기기를 이용한 난포란의 채란 기술은 유전적으로 우수한 수정란의 다량확보가 가능함으로써 가축개량에 널리 응용할 수 있다. 그러나 초음파유도 난포란의 채란은 무엇보다도 회수율과 회수한 난포란의 질적 등급의 개선이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 본 연구는 등지방층두께, 일당증체량, 근내지방도 및 배최장근 단면적에 연관된 DNA marker가 검정된 한우로부터 FSH(FOLLTROPIN-V, Vetrepharm, Canada)를 투여하여 FSH 투여전.후의 포의 발달율과 등급별 회수율을 조사하였다. 공시동물의 발정주기에 관계없이 매주 무처리와 채란 12시간 전에 FSH를 각각 l00mg 과 200mg을 근육 주사하여 난포란의 채취를 유토하였다. 난소내 난포란의 채란은 SONOACE-600형 (Medison CO., 한국) 초음파기기를 사용하여 모니터 상에 검게 나타나는 난포를 17-gauge needle (Cook, Australia) 로써 70mmHg로 유지된 regulated vacuum pump를 이용하여 모두 채란하였으며, 소난포는 손가락 촉지를 이용하여 채란하였다. 난포의 크기는(large : 6mm, medium : 2-6mm, small 2mm) 무처리구에서 small(56.6%), medium(33.0%), large follicles(10.4%) 순으로 나타났으며, 전체 난포수는 106(8.23.6개) 였다. FSH 200mg 투여구에서는 medium(47.5%), small(32.5%), large follicles(20.0%) 순으로 나타났으며, 전체난포수는 40(10.02.2개) 였다. FSH l00mg 투여구에서는 medium(45.6%), small(43.5%), large follicles (10.9%) 순으로 나타났으며, 전체 난포는 92(7.72.5개) 였다. FSH 투여전 초음파 image 상으로 관찰한 난포수와 FSH 투여 후 초음파기기와 손가락 촉지를 이용하여 난포의 발달 및 난포란의 채란율은 200mg 투여 구에서는 투여 전에 4.30.6개였으나 투여 후에는 9.32.1개로 증가하였으며, 채란율은 75.0% 였다. l00mg 투여구에서도 투여 전후에 각각 5.31.2개 및 8.22.3개였으며, 채란율은 81.6%였다. 난포란의 채란율은 무처리구에서 88.7%(7.23.9개)로 나타났으며, 회수한 난포란의 등급은 각각 0.0%(GI), 5.3%(GII), 28.T%(GIII), 66.0%(GIV)로 나타났다. FSH 200mg 투여구의 채란율은 87.5%(8.82.6개)로 나타났으며, 등급별회수율은 GI(2.8%), GII(8.6%), GIII(34.3%), GIV(54.3%)으로 나타났다. 뿐만 아니라 FSH 100mg 투여구에서도 회수율은 89.1%(6.85.2개)였으며, 등급별 회수율은 각각 GI(8.5%), GII(13.4%), GIII(43.9%), GIV(34.2%)로 나타났다.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
인공수정 및 수정란기술의 활성화에 따라 소에 있어서 인공수정은 90%이상이 실시되고 있으나, 수정란이식은 수정란의 생산이 안정적이지 않아 활성화에 많은 지장을 초래하고 있다. 이의 원인은 수정란이식에 의한 수태율의 저하가 가장 크며, 수태율 향상을 위하여 수란우에 progesterone, hCG 등의 주사가 실시되고 있다. 그러나 이는 수정란의 착상에 있어서 자궁의 환경을 개선한다고 하나, 착상의 정확한 기전의 구명은 미미한 상태이다. 한편 비장유래 macrophage가 황체를 자극하고 TGF-의 생산을 유도하는 것으로 보고되고 있으며, IL-I 와 에 따라 TGF- 생산에 있어서 약간의 차이를 보이는 것으로 보고되고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 비장유래 macrophage가 TGF-의 생산시 임신관련 Cytokine인 IL-I와의 관계를 조사하기 위하여 실시하였다. 임신 및 비임신 도축 암소의 비장을 채취하여 얼음에 채워 실험실로 운반한 후 비장의 표면을 70%의 알콜로 세척하고, 표피를 벗겨 비장조직을 세절하여 10% FBS+DMEM에 넣어 조직을 눌러 짜면서 조직속의 세포를 분리하였다. 세척한 배양액은 4-5를 100mm 유리 petri dish에 넣고 39, 5% , 95% 공기인 배양기에서 2시간이상 배양하였으며, 배양 후 냉장된 buffer A 용액으로 세척하여 유리 petri dish의 바닥에 부착된 macrophage만을 cell scraper로 분리하였다. 분리한 macrophage는 0.5-1 cells/가 되게 조정하여, IL-I 을 0.001, 0.01, 0.1 또한 1 ng/를 첨가하여 농도에 따른 효과를 조사하였고, 각각 24, 48, 72, 96 또한 120시간을 배양하여 시간에 의한 효과도 실시하였다. 각 배치구에서 얻어진 배양액은 TGF-를 조사하기 전까지 -2에 동결 보존하였다. TGF-의 측정은 TGF- kit(promega, USA)를 이용하여 실시하였으며, 통계학적 분석은 Anova test를 Statview program을 이용하여 분석하였다. 시험의 결과 대조구에 비해 IL-I 첨가구는 2-3배의 TGF-생산을 보였으며, 배양시간에 따른 생산은 시간이 지남에 따라 약간 상승하는 경향을 보였으나, 유의적인 차이를 보이지는 않았다. 또한 IL-I의 농도에 따른 생산의 변화는 IL-I의 농도에 따라 약간의 차이를 보였고 유의적인 차이는 인정되지 않았다. 임신 및 비임신의 경우 임신우의 비장 macrophage가 비임신보다는 약간 상승하는 거스로 나타났다. 이상의 결과로 볼 때 IL-I 는subunit 보다 TGF- 생산에 있어서 서로 다른 양상을 보일 것으로 추정되며, IL-I은 macrophage의 직접적인 영향을 주기보다는 황체세포를 매개로 한 자궁에 TGF-의 생산을 유도하는 것으로 사료되며, 임신관련 cytokine에 대한 다양한 연구가 요구되고 있다.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
2001년도 국내에서 실시된 가축의 수정란이식 현황을 파악하기 위하여 전국의 수의·축산분야의 대학, 국·공립 축산관련 연구소, 농업기술센터, 가축 인공수정소 및 동물병원 등의 108개 관련기관에 2001년 1월 1일부터 12월 31 일까지 소, 돼지 및 기타 동물의 수정란 생산, 이식 및 임신진단 결과에 대하여 설문서를 통하여 조사하였으며, 설문서를 작성하여 제출한 51개 기관의 자료를 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 가축의 수정란이식을 실시하고 있는 기관은 국림기관 4개소, 지방자치단체 10개소, 대학 11개소, 생산자단체 2개소, 개인 시술소 25개소로 전체 51개소였다. 한우 및 젖소 228두를 과배란 처리하여 회수된 난자수는 1,536개였으며, 그 중 이식가능 수정란 수는 995개로 두 당 평균 4.4개였다. 체외수정의 생산은 OPU유래 244개, 도축난소 유래 20,957개, 복제수정란 8,154개로 29,355개의 이식가능 체외수정란을 생산하였다. 한우에서 수정란이식은 체내수정란 359개, 체외수정란 2,686개, 복제수정란 713개 등 3,758개가 이식되었고, 젖소에는 체내수정란 U개, 체외수정란 120개, 복제수정란 106개 둥 294개가 이식되었다. 이식된 수정란의 상태별로는 신선수정란이 61.7%(2,500개), 동결수정란이 38.3%(1,552개) 이식되었고, 수란우의 품종별로는 한우 수정란을 한우 수란우에 1,471개, 젖소 수란우에 2,287개가 이식되었고, 젖소 수정란을 젖소 수란우 236개, 한우 수란우에 58개가 이식되었다. 수정란이식 수란우의 수태율은 임신진단이 이루어진 체내수정란이식(368 두)은 32.3%, 체외수정란이식(968두)은 40.4%, 복제수정란이식(536두)은 9.3%였다. 기타동물의 체내수정란 생산은 돼지 105두에서 1,623개, 염소 2,662두에서 1,720개, 기타 39두에서 228개의 수정란을 회순 하였으며, 돼지에서 체내수정란 695개, 체외수정란 1,200개, 복제수정란 67,750개 이식되었고, 기타동물에서 58,950개가 이식되었다.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of kind and combination of sugars on the viability and acrosome damage of post-thaw spermatozoa in canine. The extender used was Tris-citric acid extender (Tris-buffer) supplemented with 20% Egg-yolk, 8% glycerol, 1% Equex STM paste, and 70 mM sugars such as monosaccharide (fructose and xylose) and disaccharide(trehalose). To evaluate of sugar combination, the sugars supplemented in Tris-buffer were combined such as single (fructose, xylose, trehalose), two combinations (Fruc+Tre, Fruc+xyl, Tre+xyl) and three combinations (Fruc+Tre+Xyl). The concentration of sperm collected were adjusted of 50106/ per straw for freezing. The frozen spermatozoa were thawed at 37 for 1 min and then analysis for CASA program in Livestock Improvement Main Center, NACF. The motility of post-thaw spermatozoa in Fruc+Tre was higher than those in fructose, trehalose, xylose, Fru+xyl, Tre+xyl and Fru+Tre+Xyl (79% vs. 63, 66, 70, 71, 74 and 75%). The progressive motility after CASA analysis in Fuc+Tre group was also higher than those in fructose, trehalose, xylose, Fru+xyl, Tre+xyl and Fru+Tre+Xyl (67% vs. 53, 57, 60, 61, 62 and 64%). The acrosome damage of post-thaw spermatozoa stained was not significantly different among treatment groups such as fructose, trehalose, xylose, Fru+Tre, Fru+xyl, Tre+xyl and Freu+tre+xyl (17.7, 18.3, 28.0, 17.0, 19.7, 20.0 and 19.0%). The results indicated that the motility and progressive motility of post-thaw spermatozoa in Fru+Tre group was better, and acrosome normality was not different among all groups. The use of Tris-buffer supplemented with Fru+Tre as sugar for frezing of canine spermatosoa could be better and apply to semen banking and artificial insemination.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Considerable attention has been focused on the cryopreservation of semen and estrus induction in dog, as consequence of poor productivity caused by long anestrus period, in order to enhance the productivity of youngs and to preserve the breeds. The objectives of this study were to develop a treatment protocol for estrus induction. Fifty infertilie dogs (age 2∼3 years) were selected for the study and divided into three different estrus induction treatment groups. Group 1: dogs (n=15) were given clomifane (0.1 mg/kg) orally for five days at 12 hr intervals. Group 2: dogs (n=15) were given bromocriptine (50 /kg) orally for five days at 12 hr intervals, followed by single injection intravenously of 500 IU GnRH (Group 3, n=20) when pro-estrus occurred. After being treated, the dogs were evaluated for the rates of estrus induction and time interval lapses from treatment to beginning of the pro-estrus. The estrus induction rates were significantly (P<0.05) higher in both group 2 (9/15, 73.3%) and group 3 (16/20, 80.0%) than that of group 1 (9/15, 60.0%), but did not differ in the groups 2 and 3. No differences were observed in the time interval lapses from treatment to beginning of the pro-estrus in group 2 (7.7 1.2 days) and group 3 (6.9 2.0 days), but significantly (P<0.05) shorter than that of group 1 (9.5 2.1 days). In conclusion, the estrus induction rate of dogs treated with a combination of GnRH and bromocriptine was more effective than use of clomifene or bromocriptine only.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Considerable attention has been focused on the cryopreservation of semen and estrus induction in dog, as consequence of poor productivity caused by long anestrus period, in order to enhance the productivity of youngs and to preserve the breeds. The objectives of this study were to evaluate semen quality after cryopreservation and to evaluate the Pregnancy rate after insemination (AI). Fifty infertilie dogs (age 2∼3 years) were selected for the study and divided into three different estrus induction treatment groups. Group 1: dogs (n=15) were given clomifene (0.1 mg/kg) orally for five days at 12 hr intervals. Group 2: dogs (n=15) were given bromocriptine (50 /kg) orally for five days at 12 hr intervals, followed by single injection intravenously of 500 IU GnRH (Group 3, n=20) when pro-estrus occurred. The rates of pregnancy in estrus inducted dogs mated naturally compared to those inseminated artificially with ejaculated fresh semen and frozen-thawed semen. Estrus detection was performed using the method of vaginal smear and confirmed by the plasma progesterone assay. The ejaculated semen to freeze was exposed to a mixture of Tris extender with cryoprotectant (Trisma, 81 mM: TES, 209 mM: citric acid, 6 mM; glucose, 5 mM; glycerol, 8%) and cryopreserved gradually by slow-cooling at 17 cm above the surface of liquid nitrogen (LN) for 23 min. The motility of frozen-thawed spermatozoa was assessed by phase-contrast microscopy. To assess their viability and acrosome content, spermatozoa were stained with a vital stain and Fluorescence conjugated lectin Pisum Savitum Agglutinin (FITC/PAS), respectively. Pregnancy was confirmed by ultrasonograpy on day 25, 35 and 55 post insemination. The use of fresh semen, the pregnancy rates were observed 66.6, 66.6, 75.0 and 83.3% in natural estrus, clomifene induced, bromocriptine induced and a combination of GnRH and bromocriptine, respectively. The use of frozen-thawed semen, the pregnancy rates were observed 66.6, 33.3, 50.0 and 60.0% in natural estrus, clomifene induced, bromocriptine induced and a combination of GnRH and bromocriptine, respectively. No difference was observed in the number of offspring produced among natural estrus and treated groups inseminated with fresh or frozen-thawed semen. In conclusion, the pregnancy rate of dogs treated with a combination of GnRH and bromocriptine was more effective than use of clomifene or bromocriptine only. In addition, frozen-thawed semen can be used successfully far artificial insemination in dog.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
싸움소(투우)는 1999년 문화관광부지정‘한국의 10대 지역문화 관광축제’로 선정되어, 청도군 투우대회가 한국을 대표하는 축제가 되었고, 상설투우장의 건설로 새로운 레져 산업으로 부상하고 있다. 그러나 싸움소 생산에 소요되는 유전인자 보존 및 생산기반은 전무한 실증이며, 본 연구는 청도군내 우수 종모우을 선별하여 정액채취 및 동결정액을 생산하여 군내 한우번식 농가에서 인공수정을 실시하고 계절별 수태율과 송아지의 성비를 조사하였다. 종모우 번개(나이6세, 체중850kg, 97, 98년 우승)와 사자(나이6세, 체중870kg 98, 99년 준우승) 2두로부터 일반적인 방법으로 인공질을 이용하여 1999년 10월에 정액을 채취하였다. 채취된 정액은 35에서 3~5배정도로 희석하여 정자농도와 활력을 평가하였다. 희석정액은 90분간에 걸처 5 까지 냉각하면서 글리세롤을 첨가한 난황구염산나트륨액으로 여러번 나누어 희석하여 정자의 충격을 피하였다. 글리세롤평형 2시간 후 0.5스트로에 정자수가 3500만/스트로의 분주.봉인하여, 정액의 동결은 액체질소상에서 4~5cm 위에 스트로를 평행으로 놓아 액체질소 가스로 10~15분간 예비동결한 다음, -8의 초저온 냉장고에서 케니스터에 넣어 -196 액체질소에 보관하였다. 인공수정을 실시하고 40일 전후에 직장검사를 통해 임신율과 수태율을 조사하고 분만한 송아지의 성비를 기록하였다. 채취한 싸움소의 정액량은 번개와 사자가 각각 평균 4.6와 3.8이고, 동결전의 정자의 활력은 번개와 사자의 정액이 각각 70.3 vs 75.3%, 동결후의 활력은 37.3 vs 40.3%로 유의한 차이는 없었다. 번개와 사자의 동결정액으로 각각 44두와 127두를 인공 수정하였고, 40일 전후의 임신율은 26두 vs 80두(59.1 vs 63.0% )였으며, 수태율은 26두 vs 66두(59.1 vs 52.0% )로 이들간의 유의한 차이는 없었다. 번개와 사자의 수송아지의 성비는 각각 65.3 vs 42.4%로 유의한 차이가 있었다. 싸움소 정액 동결보존과 인공수정으로 싸움소 혈통을 가진 송아지가 생산되었다. 그러나 생산된 송아지가 싸움소의 능력을 가진 것을 선별하여 혈통을 고정시키고, 훈련으로 싸움소의 제질을 발굴하는 것이 앞으로의 연구과제이다.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Lactadherin (formerly known as BA46), a major glycoprotein of the human milk fat globule membrane, is abundant in human breast milk and breast carcinomas and may prevent symptomatic rotavirus infections. In this study, under the control of mouse whey acidic protein (WAP) promoter, the expression pattern of lactadherin (Ltd) in lactogenic hormone-dependent mouse mammary epithelial cell line HC11 were tested. pLNWLtd construct containing 2.4 kilobases of the WAP promoter and 1.5 kilobases of human lactadherin gene was stably transfered into HC11 cells using retroviral vector system. Integration and expression level of the transgene was estimated using PCR and RT-PCR, respectively. Prominent induction of Ltd gene under the WAS promoter was accomplished in the presence of insulin, hydrocortisone and prolactin, while induction with insulin alone resulted in lower expression. Our results demonstrate that the expression of the transgene is increased by synergistic effect of several lactogenic hormones, including insulin, hydrocortisone, and prolactin.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Human embryonic stem (hES) cells can be induced to differentiate into tyrosine hydroxylase expressing (TH+) cells that may serve as an alternative for cell replacement therapy for Parkinson's disease (PD). To examine in vitro differentiation of hES (MB03, registered in NIH) cells into TH+ cells, hES cells were induced to differentiate according to the 4-/4+ protocol using retinoic acid (RA), ascorbic acid (AA), and/or lithium chloride (LiCl) followed by culture in N2 medium for 14 days, during which time the differentiation occurs. Immunocytochemical stainings of the cells revealed that approximately 21.1% of cells treated with RA plus AA expressed TH protein that is higher than the ratio of TH+ cells seen in any other treatment groups (RA, RA+LiCl or RA+AA+LiCl). In order to see the differentiation pattern in vivo and the ability of in vitro differentiation-induced cells in easing symptomatic motor function of PD animal model, cells (2 10 cells/2) undergone 4-/4+ protocol using RA plus AA without any further treatment were transplanted into unilateral striatum of MPTP-lesioned PD animal model (C57BL/6). Following the surgery, motor behavior of the animals was examined by measuring the retention time on an accelerating rotar-rod far next 10 weeks. No significant differences in retention time of the animals were noticed until 2 weeks post-graft; however, it increased markedly at 6 weeks and 10 weeks time point after the surgery. Immunohistochemical studies confirmed that a reasonable number of TH+ cells were found at the graft site as well as other remote sites, showing the migrating nature of embryonic stem cells. These results suggest that in viかo differentiated hES cells relieve symptomatic motor behavior of PD animal model and should be considered as a promising alternative for the treatment of PD.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
We examined the role of SR 144528 (N-[-(1S-endo-1,3,,3-trimethyl-bicycle[2, 2, 1 ] heptan-2-y1]-5-(-4-chloro-3-mothyl-phenyl)-(4-methylbenzyl)-pyrazole-3- carboxamide) in the modulation of certain AC isoforms in transiently transfected COS-7 cells. We found that CB2 in COS cells has a constitutive activity, and thus leading to inhibition of AC-V activity even in the absence of agonist. In addition, this constitutive modulation of AC is reversed by SR144528. It is now well established that several G protein-coupled receptors can signal without agonist stimulation(constitutive receptors). Inverse agonists have been shown to inhibit the activity of such constitutive G protein-coupled receptor signaling. Agonist activation of the Gi/o/-coupled peripheral cannabinoid receptor CB2 normally inhibits adenylyl cyclase type V and stimulates adenylyl cyclase type II. Using transfected COS cells, we show here that application of SR144528, an inverse agonist of CB2, leads to a reverse action (stimulation of adenylyl cyclase V and inhibition of adenylyl cyclase II). This inverse agonism of SR144528 is dependent on the temperature, as well as on the concentration of the cDNA of CB2 transfected. Pertussis toxin blocked the regulation of adenylyl cyclase activity by SR 144528.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Human eryhropoietin (EPO) is acidic glycoprotein hormone that plays key role in hematopoiesis by facilitating differentiation of erythrocyte and formation of hemoglobin (Hb) and is used for the treatment of anemia. Human EPO is consist of 166 amino acids which is modified by three N-glycosylations (24, 38, 83) and single O-glycosylation (126). N-glycosylation is reported to be related to the cellular secretion and activity of EPO. In this study, we examined effects of mutagenesis in glycosylation site of recombinat hEPO for the cellular secretion during production from cultured CHO cell. We produced rhEpo which was cloned by PCR from human liver cDNA (TaKaRa) in cultured CHO cell. Using supernatant of the culture, ELISA assay and western analysis were performed. To estimate biological activity, 20IU of rhuEpo was subcutaneously injected into four ICR mice. After 8 days, HCT level was increased average 13 per cent, RBC was increased ca. 2106//. In disease model Rat (anemia c-kit, WSRC-WS/WS), HCT was increased ca. 12%, RBC was increased ca. 1.6106//. These results suggests that rhEpo we produced has biological activity. To remove glycosylation site by substituting 24, 38, 83, and 126th asparagine (or serine) with glutamic acid, overlapping -extension site-directed mutagenesis was performed. To add novel glycosylation sites, 69, 105th leucine was mutated to asparagine. Mutant EPO construct was transfected into CHO cell. Supernatant of the cell culture was analyzed using ELISA assay with monoclonal anti-EPO antibody (Medac, Germany). Since, several reports for mutagenesis of glycosylation sites showed case-by-case results, we examined both transient expression and stable expression. Addition of novel glycosylation sites resulted no secretion while deletion mutants had little effect except some double deletion mutants (24/83 and 38/83) and triple mutant. We suggest that not single but combination of glycosyl group affect secretion of EPO.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
Recruitment of primordial follicles(PMF) is crucial for female fertility. however, factors and mechanisms that regulate this process is poorly understood. The present study was conducted to obtain an inclusive view of the gene expression and to identify novel factors and their pathways of regulating PMF arrest and/or growth initiation. Ovaries from one-day neonatal(consists of oocyte and PMF) and five-day old(consists of PMF and primary follicles, PRIF) mice were collected, either total RNA or mRNA was isolated, and suppression subtractive hybridization(SSH) was used to isolate and clone genes that differentially expressed in day 1 and day 5 ovaries. Confirmation that some of these genes are differentially expressed in PMF and/or in PRIF was accomplished by using laser captured microdissection(LCM), RT-PCR. in situ hybridization(ISH) and/or immunohistochemistry(IHC). In toto, 357 clones were sequenced and analyzed by BLAST and RIKEN program. Sequences of 330 clones significantly matched database entries while 27 clones were novel. Forty-two and 47 different genes were identified as differentially expressed in day 1 and day 5 ovaries, respectively, while 7 genes were expressed in both stages of ovaries. Day 5-subtracted library included several genes known as markers far growing follicles, such as ZP2, MATER, and fetuin. Among the genes with assigned functions, 23.8% was associated with cell cycle/apoptosis regulation, 7.1% with cellular structure, 11.9% with metabolism, 26.2% with signal transduction, and 31.0% with gene/protein expression in day 1; while 10.6%, 17.0%, 23.5%, 25.5%, and 23.4% in day 5, respectively. Genes such as GDF-8, Lats2, Septin2, and Weel were the highly expressed genes in PMF, while HSP84, Laminin2, MATER, MTi7, PTP, and Wrn were highly expressed genes in PRIF. We have successfully discovered list of genes expressed in day 1 and day 5 ovaries and confirmed that some of them are differentially expressed in PMF and/or PRIF. Gene expression profile from the present study would provide insight for the future study on the mechanism(s) involved in primordial-primary follicular transition. This work was Supported by Korean Health 21 RND Project, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Korea (01-PJ10-PG6-01GN13-0002).
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
The hormone resistin is associated with typeII diabetes mellitus in rodent model. Resistin impairs glucose tolerance and insulin action. A new class of anti-diabetic drugs were called thiazolidinediones (TZDs) downregulates a resistin which is induced during adipocyte differentiation. But the connection between increased adiposity and resistin remains unknown. The objectives of this study was to clone a mouse resistin cDNA and to generate transgenic mice overexpressing mouse resistin gene. The 555 bp of mouse resistin was amplified from mob cDNAS by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and cloned into pCR(R)/ 2.1 TOPO T-vector. Mouse resistin mRNA on the basis of Genbank sequence (acession no. AF323080). Then, the PCR product was cloned into pTargeTTM/ mammalian expression vector that has pCMV promoter and chimeric intron. Restriction enzyme analysis with BamH I and Not I was carried out to determine an orientation of the insert in the vector. The pCMV-mus/resistin gene was prepared from previous recombinant pTargeTTM/-mus/resistin by digestion of Bgl II, and has used for microinjection into pronuclei of one cell embryos. The microinjected embryos were transfered to pseudopregnant foster-mother. Mouse resistin expression was detected in transgenic F1 mice by Reverse Transcriptase- Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-PCR). Resistin gene expression mouse has heavier body weight which was measured higher level of plasma glucose than that of normal mouse. And in diet-induced experiments, the abdominal fat pads were isolated from each 24h starvation and re-feeding after fasting group mice that were assessed by RT-PCR analysis. In fasting group mice, resistin expression was higher than that of re-feeding group mice. This result suggests that the resistin gene overexpressing mice may be became to obesity and be useful as an animal disease model to be diabetes mellitus caused by insulin resistance of resistin.
2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
As an preliminary experiment for making transgenic animals producing human follicle stimulating hormone (hFSH), we tried to express recombinant hFSH gene in vitro. hFSH is a heterodimeric glycoprotein hormone produced in the anterior pituitary gland. The hormone is essential in the regulation of reproductive processes, such as follicular development and ovulation. Genes encoding the common gonadotrophin alpha subunit and FSH-specific beta subunit were inserted into retroviral vectors under the control of the rat beta actin promoter. Gene transfer to the Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells was done by infection of the retroviruses harvested from PT67 packaging cells transfected with recombinant retrovirus vector DNA. After selection with G4l8, PCR and RT-PCR analyses of the G4l8-resistant CHO cells showed successful transfer and expression of both and fragments of the FSH gene.
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