
국제교육협력연구지 Journal of International Collaboration in Education

이 간행물 논문 검색


제6권 제2호 (2013년 12월) 3

2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The purpose of the study is to design the evaluation model that centered on the cases as to the study on Empowerment Evaluation for participants developing capacity and continuously improving the evaluation itself when conducting the evaluation for PBL activities. As increasing of the importance to the evaluation in the aspect of securing justification of education and managing the quality, the evaluation model is required to be continuously reviewing for satisfying the participant’ various viewpoints, and achieving the educational goals they have set.
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
There is an increasing amount of discussion toward ODA as national status of Korea has greatly been increasing. Developing countries, especially, are highly appraising Korean case studies where education plays significant role as fundamental basis of economic development which, in turn, increases the scale and demand of cooperation with Korea. Despite growing international interest and scale of education ODA, there is not only limitation in domestic professional manpower engaged in development but also lack of plans to nurture experts and to proliferate participation of aid in education field . Thus, based on‘Competency’that has high feasibility, this study aims to theoretically examine overall capacity, talents, skills, and values etc, that are required for education development cooperation experts. Approaching ways deduced from the following study would be of support to establish‘Competency’based nurturing system for the government, universities that are already practicing for promotion of the experts in international education development cooperation, nationally and internationally.
2013.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
The aims of this study are to examine the lifetime and educational thought of Dasan Jeong Yak-Yong and to find the significance of meeting and Dasan's educational spirit. Dasan was born on June 16, 1762 and died on February 22, 1836. In general, his lifetime is divided into four periods : ①learning stage(1-28age), ②public service stage(28-39age), ③exile stage(40-57age), ④emancipation stage(57-75age). He systematized the philosophical foundation of practical science of the late Joseon Dynasty. An ideal image of a man to Dasan is a shepherd, who not only keeps his duties of magistrate but also is well qualified as a governor with learning and virtue, and as a teacher to lead people. Therefore, a shepherd is a practician having the whole personality of self-control first and then govern others. The spirit of governor based on practice of the self-control first and then govern others should not be looked down on as the old, and its spirit and lesson should not be overlooked in modern education. Dasan emphasized here and now and service to humanity. His aim was to educate a person to be a good father, mother, son, daughter, friend, and citizen. He believed that every person should strive for the continual development of self until excellence is achieved. The seven principles of teaching and learning which Dasan executed are as follows : ①step by step, ② major, ③fitting, ④practice, ⑤discussion, ⑥collaboration, and ⑦creative activity. It is sincerely hoped that this study on Dasan's Educational Thought will be contributed as a stepping stone of some help to those scholars and students who are interested in new teacher-education of the 21st century.