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        검색결과 9,685

        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Rock discontinuities in underground rock behave as weak planes and affect the safety of underground structures, such as high-level radioactive waste disposal and underground research facilities. In particular, rock discontinuities can be a main flow path of groundwater and induce large deformation caused by stress disturbance or earthquakes. Therefore, it is essential to investigate the characteristics of rock discontinuities considering in-situ conditions when constructing highlevel radioactive waste disposal, which needs to assure the long-term safety of the structure. We prepared Hwang-Deung granite rock block specimens, including a saw-cut rock surface, to perform multi-stage direct shear tests as a preliminary study. In the multi-stage direct shear tests, we can exclude possible errors induced by different specimens for obtaining a full failure envelope by using an identical specimen. We applied the initial normal stress of 3 MPa on the specimen and increased the normal stress to 5 and 10 MPa step by step after peak shear stress observation. We obtained the mechanical properties of saw-cut rock surfaces from the experiments, including friction coefficient and cohesion. Additionally, we investigated the effect of filling material between rock discontinuities, assuming the erosion and piping phenomenon in the buffer material of the engineering barrier system. When the filling material existed in the rock surfaces, the shear characteristics deteriorated, and the effect of bentonite was dominant on the shear behavior.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The engineered barrier system (EBS), composed of spent nuclear fuel, canister, buffer and backfill material, and near-field rock, plays a crucial role in the deep geological repository for high-level radioactive waste. Understanding the interactions between components in a thermo-hydro-mechanical -chemical (THMC) environment is necessary for ensuring the long-term performance of a disposal facility. Alongside the research project at KAERI, a comprehensive experimental facility has been established to elucidate the comprehensive performance of EBS components. The EBS performance demonstration laboratory, which installed in a 1,000 m2, consists of nine experimental modules pertaining to rock mechanics, gas migration, THMC characteristics, buffer-rock interaction, buffer & backfill development, canister corrosion, canister welding, canister performance, and structure monitoring & diagnostics. This facility is still conducting research on the engineering properties and complex interactions of EBS components under coupled THMC condition. It is expected to serve as an important laboratory for the development of the key technologies for assessing the long-term stability of engineered barriers
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to ensure the long-term safety of a deep geological repository, the performance assessment of the Engineered Barrier System (EBS) considering a thermal process should be performed. The maximum temperature at the side wall of a disposal canister for the technical design requirement should not exceed 100°C. In this study, the thermal modelling was conducted to analyze the effects of the thermal process from a disposal canister to the surrounding near-field host rock using the PFLOTRAN code. The mesh was generated using the LaGriT code and the material properties were assigned by applying the FracMan code. Initial conditions were set as the average geothermal gradient (25.7°C/km) and an average surface temperature (14.7°C) in Korea. The highest temperature was observed at the middle of the canister side wall. The temperature of the buffer was lower than that of the canister, and the temperature increase of the deposition tunnel and the host rock was insignificant due to the lower effect of the heat source. The result of the thermal evolution of the EBS represented the highest thermal effects in the vicinity of the canister. In addition, the thermal effects were largely decreased after 10 years of the entire simulation period. It demonstrated that the model took 3 years to heat up the buffer around the canister. The temperature at the canister side wall increased until 3 years and then decreased after that time. This is because that the radioactive decay heat from the heat source was emitted enough to raise the overall temperature of the EBS by 3 years. However, the decay heat rate of the canister decreased exponentially with the disposal time and then its decay heat was not emitted enough after 3 years. In conclusion, the peak temperature results of the EBS were lower than 70°C to meet the technical design requirement.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Due to the necessity of isolating spent nuclear fuel (SNF) from the human life zone for a minimum of 106 years, deep geological disposal (DGD) has emerged as a prominent solution for SNF management in numerous countries. Consequently, the resilience of disposal canisters to corrosion over such an extended storage period becomes paramount. While copper exhibits a relatively low corrosion rate, typically measured in millimeters per million years, in geological environment, special attention must be directed towards verifying the corrosion resistance of copper canister welds. This validation becomes inevitable during the sealing of the disposal canister once SNFs are loaded, primarily because the weld zone presents a discontinuous microstructure, which can accelerate both uniform and localized corrosion processes. In this research, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the microstructural characteristics of copper welds manufactured by TIG-based wire are additive manufacturing, which is ideal for welding relatively large structures such as a disposal canister. To simulate the welds of copper canister, a 12 mm thick oxygen-free plate was prepared and Y and V grooves were applied to perform overlay welding. Both copper welding zones were very uniform, with negligible defects (i.e., void and cracks), and contained relatively large grains with columnar structure regardless of groove types. For improving microstructures at welds with better corrosion resistance, the effect of preheat temperature also investigated up to 600°C.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        APro, a process-based total system performance assessment (TSPA) tool for a geological disposal system, has a framework for simulating the radionuclide transport affected by thermal, hydraulic, mechanical or geochemical changes occurred in the disposal system. APro aims to be applied for the TSPA to long-term (> 100,000) evolution scenarios in real-world repository having more than 10,000 boreholes. In this large-scale TSPA, it is important not only to develop a high-performance numerical approach, but also to apply an efficient post-processing approach to massive spatiotemporal data. The post-processing refers to validating numerical analysis results, analyzing and evaluating target systems through data processing or visualization. Since APro uses COMSOL interface, the postprocessing function in COMSOL can be used. However, when the data size increases due to largescale numerical analysis, the time for the COMSOL post-processing increases, resulting in a problem that the analysis and evaluation are not performed effectively. In this case, it is possible to extract necessary data using the COMSOL exporting function and importing it into an external postprocessing program for the analysis and evaluation. In this study, the efficiency of external post-processing with extracted data from COMSOL was reviewed. And, we derived a proper data extraction approach (format and structure) that can increase efficiency of external post-processing.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Barcelona Basic Model (BBM) is an elasto-plastic model used to describe the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical behaviors of unsaturated soil. BBM is frequently adopted to model the unique swelling behavior of bentonite, which is generally considered as the buffer material between the host rock and the canister containing high-level radioactive waste in deep geological repositories, under the changing thermal, hydraulic, mechanical and chemical conditions during the lifetime of repository. Therefore, a variety of the continuum-based numerical methods tried to add the BBM for modelling the multi barrier systems of geological repository and succeeded to describe the elasto-plastic deformation of bentonite. However, to demonstrate the entire barrier systems the host rock should be modelled simultaneously with the buffer materials, and the continuum-based methods may be limited in their ability to reflect the fracture networks in the host rock which could be the major flow channels of groundwater. This research applies BBM in 3DEC, a three-dimensional block-based discrete element method, and validates the model by comparing the change of specific volume and mean effective stress during three numerical test cases. Discontinuum-based numerical methods with BBM can be extended to describe the coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical processes of multi-barrier systems in geological repositories, with a focus on the interaction between the host rock and bentonite.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The natural barrier system surrounding the geological repository for high-level radioactive waste plays a crucial role in preventing or delaying the leakage of radionuclides. Therefore, the natural barrier should ensure low permeability to prevent groundwater flow into the engineered barrier system throughout the repository’s lifetime. Crystalline rock, considered as the host rock for the geological repository in Korea, exhibits low intact rock permeability, but the crystalline rock often contains the multiple discontinuities due to its high brittleness that can allow the unexpected fluid flow. Therefore, the long-term hydraulic behavior of the discontinuity should be characterized while considering additional thermal, mechanical, and chemical effects. In comparison to thermal, hydraulic, and mechanical processes, the chemical processes on the discontinuities progress relatively slowly, resulting in limited researches to include these chemical processes. This research introduces mechanisms the involving coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanicalchemical processes focusing on the rough fracture surfaces and asperities. The chemically-induced changes in mechanical and hydraulic properties are described based on pressure solution and precipitation concepts. A comprehensive review of laboratory tests, field tests, and numerical simulations is conducted related to the chemically-induced coupled processes in fractured rock. Laboratory tests, in particular, concentrate on microscopic changes in fracture asperities induced by pressure solution to analyze chemically-induced aperture changes. The TOUGHREACT, an integral finite difference method program for thermal-hydraulic-chemical simulations, is generally employed to model the chemical response of pressure solution and precipitation on fracture surfaces. The TOUGHREACT includes a module to describe effective porosity and permeability changes based on the modified cubic law, so the real-time change of the fracture permeability can be reflected during the flow simulation. Considering the coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanicalchemical processes of discontinuity, it becomes evident that the chemical processes under repository conditions (long-term, high temperature, and high pressure) can disturb the hydraulic performance of the natural barrier, so further research is required to characterize the chemically-induced coupled processes for assessing the long-term performance of the natural barrier system.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The compacted bentonite buffer is a key component of the engineered barrier system in deep geological repositories for high-level radioactive waste disposal. Groundwater infiltration into the deep geological repository leads to the saturation of the bentonite buffer. Bentonite saturation results in bentonite swelling, gelation and intrusion into the nearby rock discontinuities within the excavation damaged zone of the adjacent rock mass. Groundwater flow can result in the erosion and transport of bentonite colloids, resulting in bentonite mass loss which can negatively impact the long-term integrity and safety of the overall engineered barrier system. The hydro -mechanicalchemical interactions between the buffer, surrounding host rock and groundwater influence the erosion characteristics of the bentonite buffer. Hence, assessing the critical hydro-mechanicalchemical factors that negatively affect bentonite erosion is crucial for the safety design of the deep geological repository. In this study, the effects of initial bentonite density, aperture, discontinuity angle and groundwater chemistry on the erosion characteristics of Bentonil WRK are investigated via bentonite extrusion and artificial fracture experiments. Both experiments examine bentonite swelling and intrusion into simulated rock discontinuities; cylindrical holes for bentonite extrusion experiments and plane surfaces for artificial fracture experiments. Compacted bentonite blocks and bentonite pellets are manufactured using a compaction press and granulation compactor respectively and installed in the transparent extrusion cells and artificial fracture cells. The reference test condition is set to be 1.6 g/cm3 dry density and saturation using distilled water. After distilled water or solution injection, the axial and radial expansion of the bentonite specimens into the simulated rock discontinuities are monitored for one month under free swelling conditions with no groundwater flow. Subsequent flow tests are conducted using the artificial fracture cell to determine the critical flow rate for bentonite erosion. The intrusion and erosion characteristics are modelled using a modified hydro-mechanicalchemical coupled dynamic bentonite diffusion model and a fluid-based hydro-mechanical penetration model.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Buffer materials play an important role in preventing the leakage of radionuclides from the residue. The mineralogical properties of these buffer materials are critical in repository design. This study presents the fundamental properties of Na-type MX80 and a novel Ca-type Bentonil- WRK. The CaO to MgO ratio in Bentonil-WRK was approximately 1:1, and the CaO to Na2O ratio was approximately 2.8:1. These results suggest that Bentonil-WRK demonstrates a lower swelling index compared to Gyeongju bentonite due to its CaO-to-MgO ratio’s proximity to 1:1, despite having a higher montmorillonite content than Gyeongju bentonite. The results of this research can provide useful foundational data for the evaluation of the thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical behavior of buffer materials.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Buffer materials are one of the engineering barrier components in high-level radioactive waste disposal facilities. Compacted bentonite has been known as the most suitable buffer material so far, and research is being conducted worldwide to determine the characteristics of suitable bentonite blocks in each country. Therefore, this study aims to compare and analyze various properties of different buffer material candidates, including thermal, hydraulic, and mechanical properties. Buffer material candidates for Korea disposal system, Kyungju Bentonite (KJ-I, KJ-II), and Bentonil- WRK were compared. The properties were compared and analyzed based on experimental and literature data. The data obtained from this report can be used to understand the behavior of buffer materials and assess whether they meet various criteria, such as temperature and saturation, and ultimately serve as an essential input variable database for safety evaluations of disposal systems.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The presence of technological voids in deep geological repositories for high-level radioactive nuclear waste can have negative effects on the hydro-mechanical properties of the engineered barrier system when groundwater infiltrates from the surrounding rock. This study conducted hydration tests along with image acquisition and X-ray CT analysis on compacted Korean bentonite samples, which simulated technological voids filling to investigate the behavior of fracturing (piping erosion) and cracking deterioration. We utilized a dual syringe pump to inject water into a cell consisting of a bentonite block and technological voids at a consistent flow rate. The results showed that water inflow to fill technological voids led to partial hydration and self-sealing, followed by the formation of an erosional piping channel along the wetting front. After the piping channel generated, the cyclic filling-piping stage is characterized by the repetitive accumulation and drop of water pressure, accompanied by the opening and closing of piping channels. The stoppage of water inflow leads to the formation of macro- and micro cracks in bentonite due to moisture migration caused by high suction pressure. These cracks create preferential flow paths that promote longterm groundwater infiltration. The experimental test and analysis are currently ongoing. Further experiments will be conducted to investigate the effects of different dry density in bentonite, flow rate, and chemical composition of injected water.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, a third metal layer with a higher corrosion potential than copper was introduced between the copper and cast iron layer to strengthen the corrosion resistance of the copper layer which is considered as a corrosion resistant barrier in the disposal container for spent nuclear fuel. Three types of corrosion-resistant metals, silver, nickel, and titanium, were selected as the intermediate insertion layer, and the galvanic specimens of two bonded metals were exposed to KURT (KAERI Underground Research Tunnel) groundwater and a high voltage of 1.0 V was applied to corrode the specimens at electrochemically accelerated condition. Corrosion of copper part was confirmed in Cu-Ti, Cu-Ni, and Cu-Ag galvanic specimens, but copper part was not corroded in Cu-Fe galvanic specimen. If the corrosion-resistant intermediate layer proposed in this study works properly, the local corrosion problem of copper disposal canister is expected to be some degree solved, which can apply to a welding part or a stress concentrated part.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI) has been operating the Post Irradiation Examination Facility (PIEF). The facility has many PIE equipment and one of them is a hydrogen analyzer for measuring hydrogen contents in Zr cladding of spent fuel. The cladding tube of fuel is oxidized in the core environment of high temperature and pressure and absorbs some of the hydrogen generated during the oxidation. The hydrogen content increases with the increase of burn-up, and causes hydriding of the material, which degrades the mechanical properties. Therefore, hydrogen content analysis of the cladding tube is required for the performance and integrity evaluation of spent fuel. In PIEF, the hydrogen analyzer extracts hydrogen gas from Zr cladding by the hot extraction method. The hydrogen gas flows with inert gas and oxidizes to H2O through a CuO reagent. Finally, an IR detector measures the hydrogen amount from the absorbed IR intensity at a specific wavelength. Because the equipment is in the glove box and has some consumable parts, the maintenance work was performed as a radiation work.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Nuclear fuel assemblies are exposed to high temperature and high pressure environments underwater for long periods of time in a reactor, leading to deterioration of the assembly structure. These assembly consists of fuel rods, grids, a top nozzle, a bottom nozzle and guide tubes. In particular, the integrity of the guide tube made of Zircaloy-4 is a very important part in handling the assembly. In the Post Irradiation Examination Facility (PIEF), there are 14×14 Westinghouse STD assemblies that have lost their handleability due to the top nozzle being removed for damaged fuel rod test. To handle these assemblies, it is reasonable to use cut guide tubes whenever possible. Therefore, it is necessary to determine the irradiation embrittlement state of the guide tube before designing or manufacturing parts that can connect the top nozzle and the guide tubes. Therefore, in this paper, the location for installing the top nozzle-guide tube connection parts was selected in the height range of 3,460 to 3,713 mm, and guide tube specimens were made within that range. Offset strain was derived from the load-displacement curve obtained through compression testing to confirm whether the ductility of guide tubes was maintained. As a result, there was no significant difference in strength and ductility of the guide tube within the above length range. In addition, it was confirmed that the ductility was maintained enough to install the top nozzle-guide tube connection parts. Therefore, it is judged that there will be no problem even if the top nozzle-guide tube connection parts are installed in the guide tube to restore the handleability of the assemblies.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        For efficient design and manufacture of PWR spent fuel burnup detector, data simulated with various condition of spent fuel in the NPP storage pool is required. In this paper, to derive performance requirements of spent fuel burnup detector for neutron flux and dose rates were evaluated at various distances from CE16 and WH17 types of fuel, representatively. The evaluation was performed by the following steps. First, the specifications of the spent fuel, such as enrichment, burnup, cooling time, and fuel type, were analyzed to find the conditions that emit maximum radioactivity. Second, gamma and neutron source terms of spent fuel were analyzed. The gamma source terms by actinides and fission products and neutron source terms by spontaneous and (α, n) reactions were calculated by SCALE6 ORIGAMI module. Third, simulation input data and model were applied to the evaluation. The material composition and dose conversion factor were referred as PNNL-15870 and ICRP-74 data, respectively and dose rates were displayed with the MCNP output data. It was assumed that there was only one fuel modeled by MCNP 6.2 code in pool. The evaluation positions for each distance were selected as 5 cm, 10 cm, 25 cm, 50 cm, and 1 m apart from the side of fuel, respectively. Fourth, neutron flux and dose rates were evaluated at distance from each fuel type by MCNP 6.2 code. For WH 17 types with a 50 GWd/MTU burnup from 5 cm distance close to fuel, the maximum neutron flux, gamma dose rates and neutron dose rates are evaluated as 1.01×105 neutrons/sec, 1.41×105 mSv/hr and 1.61×101 mSv/hr, respectively. The flux and dose rate of WH type were evaluated to be larger than those of CE type by difference in number of fuel rods. The relative error for result was less than 3~7% on average secured the reliability. It is expected that the simulated data in this paper could contribute to accumulate the basic data required to derive performance requirements of spent fuel burnup detector.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        During PIV (Physical Inventory Verification), the IAEA has been inspecting the CANDU-Type spent fuels using an optical fiber-based scintillation detector. KINAC has developed a new verification instrument to deal with problems of the existing one such as low sensitivity, heavy and large dimension, and inconvenience-in-use. Our previous studies focused on how to develop the new instrument and had not included its performance tests. Field tests were carried out recently at Wolsung unit 4 to evaluate performance of the existing and new instruments. The objective of this paper is to discuss background noise produced in the optical fiber signal cable itself. The verification equipment for the CANDU-type Heavy Water Reactor spent fuels uses a scintillation detector to bond a scintillation material to the end of an optical signal cable. At this time, the radiation signal obtained by a data acquisition system is the signal generated from the scintillator (p-terphenyl organic scintillator) and the optical signal cable ; The signal produced in the optical cable itself is background noise to degrade the spent fuel verification equipment. To characterize the background radiation noise, the spent fuel bundles at Wolsung Unit 4 were measured using the optical fiber cable without the radiation scintillator. This signal is generated by reaction of the optical cable and the radiation emitted from the spent fuel. From experimental results, it was observed that the background noise signal of the optical cable increased as the optical cable went down in the downward direction, because the cable length irradiated by the radiation increased with the optical cable area in the spent fuel storage pool. Difference in the background noise signal was dependent on the location of the vertical direction and the signal of the new optical cable was up to about 5 times higher than that of the existing cable. While, the new cable has the cross-section area about 3.2 times larger than the old cable. Our past studies showed that total signal amplitude – sum of signals generated from the scintillator and optical fiber - of the new verification instrument was at least about 15 times greater than that of the existing one. Considering the total signal and background noise signal, from this measured results, it was confirmed that the scintillator characteristics – in particular, light output and decay time – has a dominant impact on the signal sensitivity of the newly developed instrument. More details will be discussed at the conference.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        After the Fukushima disaster, overseas nuclear power plants have established conditions for issuing a red alert in the event of fuel damage within the spent fuel pool and they have already implemented conditions for issuing a blue alert when fuel is exposed above the water surface. In South Korean nuclear power plants, a real-time monitoring system is in place to oversee the exposure of spent fuel to the surface within the spent fuel pool. To achieve this, a water level indicator gauge is installed within the spent fuel pool, allowing for continuous real-time monitoring. This paper conducted a comparative assessment of radiation levels from water level monitoring system in two units’ spent fuel pools based on the low water levels (1 feet from the storage rack), utilizing the radiation analysis code (MCNP).
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        EU taxonomy requires to solve problems for safe management of radioactive waste and disposal of spent fuel, which is a precondition for growing demand for nuclear power plant. Currently, Korea manages about 18,000 tons of high-level radioactive waste at temporary storage facilities in nuclear power plant sites, but such temporary storage facilities are expected to become saturated sequentially from 2031. Therefore, it is necessary to secure a permanent disposal facility to safely treat high-level radioactive waste. In accordance with the second basic plan for high-level radioactive waste management in 2021, it is necessary to establish requirements for regulatory compliance for the site selection and site acquisition, investigation and evaluation, and construction for the establishment of a deep geological disposal facility. In this study, we analyzed the regulatory policies and cases of leading foreign countries related to deep geological disposal facilities for high-level radioactive waste disposal waste such as IAEA, USA, Sweden, and Finland using data analysis methodology. To analyze a large amount of textbased document data, text mining is applied as a major technology and a verification standard that secures validity and safety based on the regulatory laws described so far is developed to establish a regulatory base suitable for domestic deep geological disposal status. Based on the collected data, preprocessing and analysis with Python were performed. Keywords and their frequency were extracted from the data through keyword analysis. Through the measured frequency values, the contents of the objects and elements to be regulated in the statutory items were grasped. And through the frequency values of words co-occurring among different sections through the analysis of related words, the association was obtained, and the overall interpretation of the data was performed. The results of analyzing regulations of major foreign countries using text mining are visualized in charts and graphs. Word cloud can intuitively grasp the contents by extracting the main keywords of the contents of the regulations. Through the network connection graph, the relationship between related words can be visually structured to interpret data and identify the causal relationship between words. Based on the result data, it is possible to compare and analyze the factors to be supplemented by analyzing domestic nuclear safety case and regulations.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Due to the saturation of spent fuel pool of nuclear power plant in Korea, temporary storage for spent fuel will be installed, and spent fuel will be stored and managed in dry cask for a considerable period of time. Since spent nuclear fuel must withstand continuous decay heat, radiation and high internal pressure of the fuel rod in the cask, behavior of spent nuclear fuel is needed to be reviewed. Spent nuclear fuel used in Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) in Korea is stored in a wet storage currently, but it is going to store a temporary dry-storage facility on Kori site. Therefore, it is very important and meaningful to evaluate the behavior of nuclear fuel with realistic modeling. Also, domestic PWR nuclear fuel has various burn-up. In the past, the burn-up of nuclear fuel in light water reactors was low, but in order to increase power generation efficiency, the concentration of uranium was increased and the number of new fuel was increased. Therefore, a large amount of nuclear fuel with burn-up of 45,000 MWD/MTU or higher, generally called high burn-up, is also stored in the spent fuel pool (SFP). Therefore, it is necessary to evaluate by dividing three different burn-up such as, low, medium, and high burn-up. Thus, this study will review the behavior of nuclear fuel at different burn-up during the temporary storage period with FALCON (EPRI), computational code and analyze the factors affecting the integrity of nuclear fuel, including when the temporary storage is extended its additional lifetime. And this evaluation will contribute developing the spent fuel management plan in Korea.
        2023.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        On a global scale, the storage of spent nuclear fuel (SNF) within nuclear power plants (NPP) has become an important research topic due to limited space caused by approaching capacity saturation. SNF have e been collected over decades of NPP operation, coming up to capacity limitation. In case of Korea, every reactor except Saeul 1 and 2 has reached a SNF storage saturation rate of over 75%. One of the most studied methods for enhancing storage capacity efficiency involves increasing storage density using racks with neutron absorbers. Neutron absorbers like borated stainless steel (BSS) are utilized to manage the reactivity of densely stored SNF. However, major challenges of applying BSS are manufacturing hardness from heterogenous microstructure and mechanical property degradation from helium bubble formation. This study suggests that innovative fabrication methods of 3D printing can be good candidate for easier fabrication and better structural integrity of BSS. Directed energy deposition (DED), one of the 3D printing methods have become major candidate method for various alloys. It deposits alloy powder on base melt surface by high intensity laser, similar with welding process. Powder manufacturing is already demonstrated superior performance compared to casting in ASTM-A887, such as increased mechanical properties, owing to its well distributed chemistry of alloy. Moreover, as its original microstructural property, the formation of micro-pores through DED could lead to long-term performance improvements by capturing helium generated from the neutron absorption of boron. The potential for fabricating complex structure is also among the advantages of DED-produced neutron absorbers. Expected challenge on DED application on BSS is lack of printing condition data, because the 3D printing process have to be kept very careful variables of thermal intensity, powder flux and etc. These processes may get through much of trial & error for initial condition approaching. Nonetheless, as a recommendation of improved neutron absorber for efficient SNF pool storage, the concept of 3D printed BSS stands out as an intriguing avenue for research.